1. I sent the coin to the stock exchange, they are not enrolled, why?Each coin has a number of confirmation from the network.
For example, for 3 Bitcoin necessary confirmation from the network for the transfer of coins on a stock exchange.
https://www.livecoin.net/finance/indexFor viewing your transaction confirmations, go to: coinmarket and find blockchain coins (example: Bitcoin).
http://coinmarketcap.com/Go to the blockchain :
Where to get TX ID transaction?
Enter your address or TX ID transaction or in your wallet (my example: Electrum wallet)
Either the here:
amount of confirmations in blockchain:
If the confirmation is much larger, and the coin did not enrolled in the balance, please contact customer support:
https://www.livecoin.net/chat/supportAt the same time, be sure to specify the:
2.Data and time of the transaction.
3. TX ID