Being new to this, I may have misunderstood an element of the infrastructure of bitcoins, so with that disclaimer, here is my query.
I assume that all coins appear on the blockchain at least once when they have been mined, so, would it be possible to highlight coins which have not been used for a long time or even more than once?
Is this possible?
If not, I would love someone to link me to a tutorial explaining the blockchain in a way that I may understand!
Quick answer before everyone flips out:
No, they are not forever lost. They still live where ever they were sent and it is "theoretically" possible to retrieve them but borders impossible.
No, there will never be a way to force move "inactive" coins as they maybe stored there on purpose as savings, ect Plus, do you really want people to have to power to forcibly steal your bitcoins? This has been discussed ad nauseum, so if you'd like to know more about this do a few searches on this forum.