Hello everyone, within the team we have reached a decision on the final numbers for Janus tokens after this current and last distribution is sold out.This was something we have intended to occur and will set a fixed amount for those who participate in our project and avoid massive inflation of the profit sharing we have all come to enjoy.
After the tokens from C-Cex exchange:
https://c-cex.com/?p=jns-btc and the NXT AE:
https://mynxt.info/asset/4348103880042995903 are sold.
We will reduce total Janus in existence to
25,201,489 JNS
5 Million of that will be kept on the main Janus account (they receive none of the dividends, therefor do not detract)
2.5 million for our teams holdings, 2.5 million for community efforts/bounties in the future and the like, 4 million will go to the final 2 JanusXT holders when they come to us.
This leaves
16,201,489 in circulation, assuming none of the JanusXT holders leave the project.
Thank you to everyone, from our team for the project support, we will do our utmost to continually deliver our work in a positive and meaningful manner for the years ahead.
The Janusproject Team