DJFRANKIE great leader of chatI asked him simple question from where i get referral commission because faucet is dead and this is what is got:
Now, dj frankica thinks if he is moderator he can ban people for no reason if he don't like what someone say. He asked me question like he had banhammer already prepared over my head and just waiting for my answer.
Kids with banhammer - priceless
Really sorry about that. Un-banning you.
Actually, I'm not going to unban you.
He explained everything, even another member told you what's what, yet, you continued it.
You were provoking him actually, lol. He had the right to chatban you.
konan L6
djfrankie Mod
hi konan,
konan L6
i see faucet is disabled
konan L6
what about referral commission
konan L6
they are from games or?
djfrankie Mod
you get referral comission anyway from activity bonus konan,
konan L6
activity bonus?
djfrankie Mod
yes you get 200 satoshi 15 in 15 min if you are active
konan L6
don't understand
djfrankie Mod
what you don't understand?
konan L6
what 200 satoshi in 15 min
djfrankie Mod
if you are active in the site chatting or playing the games you get 200 satoshi 15 in 15 min auto to your account
konan L6
konan L6
and i get 30% of that from referrals?
djfrankie Mod
the referrals policy continue the same but deduced from activity so if they don't active you dont get
bubbles L30
bubbles L30
how do you even....
konan L6
bubbles L30
it's impossible for the rest of us to even get close to nuts score
konan L6
what is 200 satoshi 15 in 15 min
djfrankie Mod
i think i speak chinese
konan L6
you said 200 sat 15 in 15 min
konan L6
what is that 15 in middle
bubbles L30
konan, that is a typo
konan L6
ok lol
bubbles L30
you get 200 sat every 15 min if you are active (chatting/playing)
djfrankie Mod
bubbles, he understand already just beeing funny though
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All official announcements will be posted there, so you guys can keep track of everything in one place. Thanks in advance! L30
djfrankie Mod
and i have the right solution for the funny ones
konan L6
not really, you write two times 15 15 and that confused me a little. Now i understand
konan L6
its been while i have been here
konan L6
(in two posts)
djfrankie Mod
what is 5 in 5 3 in 3 for you?
konan L6
konan L6
just kidding
banmaster Server
Oh snap! konan was banned by djfrankie for 1010 minutes! Reason: stop kidding yoursel!!!