There doesn't seem to be an "issues" page at the Github so...
The application seemed to build in Ubuntu 16.04 LTS but doesn't function. For the configure (pre-build) I used the "--build-with-incompatible-bdb" flag (as it wouldn't compile otherwise).
However, the qt aborts with a "Segmentation fault" message. Also, while "./qubitcoind --daemon" outputs "Qubitcoin server starting" it doesn't take RPC commands, and "./qubitcoin-cli <any command I try>" outputs "error: couldn't connect to server".
My config file (named QubitCoin.conf and located in the folder where altcoins usually look for it): contains: the rpcuser, rpcpassword, and addnodes with :7788 as the port on other nodes to connect to (none of which is likely to be the problem). I've also got (including comments):
~~~~~~~~ From Config file ~~~~~~~~~
rpcallowip= #Used for solomining? or to communicate using client?
rpcport=7799 # listen for RPC connections on this port
port=7788 # port on other nodes to connect to
gen=0 # not attempting to generate QubitCoin, whereas gen=1 would
server=1 # tells QubitCoin.conf to accept JSON-RPC commands
# mining=1 attempting to solo-mine
#commented these out because simply trying to download blockchain/initialize
keypool=1000 #pre-generate this many key-pairs
What am I missing or what could be the problem here?
Is 7799 the right rpcport (it would be helpful if this info was in the announcement/OP page)
Do I need to rebuild this without the --with-incompatible-bdb flag or with this:
./configure --with-qt --enable-wallet --with-incompatible-bdb or is the problem something missing from the config file?
Thanks in advance for any help.