^ Self contradictory? If there are no minimum, then I'm OK to make just 1 post/week. How do I divide one post over multiple section and avoid being classed as 'short burst'?
No, it is not self contradictory. The meaning behind this statement is that you should post all around the forum, e.g. do not make that 1 post constantly in the same section. Short bursting would be classified as posting almost all the 'to-be-counted' posts within a day or two.
Update: Adjusted it slightly.
Is there any unofficial, expected number of posts/week?
No. You're fine to not post for some periods. You're not likely going to get banned if you have made constructive posts, but have been inactive for a while.
1. How will you determine quality of non-English posts (other than disallowed Indonesian board)?
Google translate and length of posts is adequate to rule out the first line of obvious spammers. A step above that is getting help from acquaintances from the respective local section.
2. What about somewhat controversial 'Press' board, which generally is for sharing press hits. Every new topic is just copy/paste content - these are constructive (that's what that board is for) but don't require any personal input. Is it counted?
posts are counted automatically upon the rule set mentioned above. That said, if I see someone abusing the Press section (constantly posting articles to get paid), they're likely going to get banned.
Will you be looking for a reasons to ban any posters who openly criticise Core/Blockstream/BTCtalk censorship (constructive criticism, no name-calling)?
I don't care about the nature of the post as long as it is constructive. 'Name-calling', 'FUD spreading (e.g. "Segwit is an altcoin")' is likely not going to be acceptable. Any kind of constructive criticism with at least
some truthfulness is *welcome* (this goes for any kind of topic being discussed).
Maybe it's just me, but I find snipping post's content (and deleting said post) and then publicly replying to it in rather strong tone as a bit rude (not to say power-abusing).
It was just a huge pile of AD hominem, due to them getting banned.