Activity: 1078
Merit: 1000
May 24, 2017, 12:38:40 PM |
Can't wait to see HUSH in top 50 coinmarketcap
World without fiats!
Jr. Member
Activity: 54
Merit: 1
May 24, 2017, 05:20:29 PM |
When will radix42 publish his roadmap on HUSH? This will likely boost interest in the currency, and my interest as well.
May 24, 2017, 06:55:06 PM |
Whats the best pool to mine Hush on?
I'm mining here: it works well and it's better to spread the hashrate a bit and 0% fee :-)
Jr. Member
Activity: 54
Merit: 1
May 25, 2017, 11:13:47 AM |
hmmm such dumps...
I only wish that there was more to Hush, it is currently nothing more than a pump and dump. It’s selling point is privacy, but it means little to ‘true’ investors. The reason why I would appreciate a roadmap. As it stands, it is an Zcash alternative where Zcash is driven by investors and collaboration. Hush is very minor in this regard.
May 25, 2017, 11:54:49 AM |
hmmm such dumps...
I only wish that there was more to Hush, it is currently nothing more than a pump and dump. It’s selling point is privacy, but it means little to ‘true’ investors. The reason why I would appreciate a roadmap. As it stands, it is an Zcash alternative where Zcash is driven by investors and collaboration. Hush is very minor in this regard. David will release a roadmap as soon as it's done. I've heard some if his plans and they're really good 😄
Jr. Member
Activity: 54
Merit: 1
May 25, 2017, 01:28:52 PM |
hmmm such dumps...
I only wish that there was more to Hush, it is currently nothing more than a pump and dump. It’s selling point is privacy, but it means little to ‘true’ investors. The reason why I would appreciate a roadmap. As it stands, it is an Zcash alternative where Zcash is driven by investors and collaboration. Hush is very minor in this regard. David will release a roadmap as soon as it's done. I've heard some if his plans and they're really good 😄 I do think it has potential, but there are many alt coins targeting this market segment, it needs collaboration to thrive. A good plan will pump long-term money into HUSH to ensure growth.
May 25, 2017, 05:26:25 PM |
What did you find out about getting it listed on The extra exposure would be nice.
May 25, 2017, 05:29:52 PM |
What did you find out about getting it listed on The extra exposure would be nice. Haven't heard anything yet, I'll update you guys as soon as I know anything 
Activity: 2534
Merit: 1129
May 25, 2017, 09:43:53 PM |
hmmm such dumps...
I only wish that there was more to Hush, it is currently nothing more than a pump and dump. It’s selling point is privacy, but it means little to ‘true’ investors. The reason why I would appreciate a roadmap. As it stands, it is an Zcash alternative where Zcash is driven by investors and collaboration. Hush is very minor in this regard. David will release a roadmap as soon as it's done. I've heard some if his plans and they're really good 😄 Dont rush it. Devs shouldnt give in to pressure. Don't ever worry about the price, a dump always follows a pump, so don't allow the pump in the first place. Always get the fundamentals right, before promotion. Just my 2c.
May 26, 2017, 06:00:30 AM |
hmmm such dumps...
I only wish that there was more to Hush, it is currently nothing more than a pump and dump. It’s selling point is privacy, but it means little to ‘true’ investors. The reason why I would appreciate a roadmap. As it stands, it is an Zcash alternative where Zcash is driven by investors and collaboration. Hush is very minor in this regard. David will release a roadmap as soon as it's done. I've heard some if his plans and they're really good 😄 Dont rush it. Devs shouldnt give in to pressure. Don't ever worry about the price, a dump always follows a pump, so don't allow the pump in the first place. Always get the fundamentals right, before promotion. Just my 2c. David knows what he wants to do, he's not rushing just to get the roadmap done, don't worry  Regarding price I completely agree, we're moving up more and more though. I'm sure the value will rise when our devs get some progress done after roadmap. We will start promoting as soon as the timing is right
May 26, 2017, 06:49:03 AM |
Hey everyone, David posted the initial roadmap last night. SourceHello, this is David Mercer, new Lead Developer of the HUSH (formerly zdash) cryptocurrency project at As I've been onboard in this new role for just around a week, this initial roapmap for HUSH won't have any firm dates in it. Once I've settled in and gotten a better feel for the current team in the HUSH community, and the timeframe for some external dependencies in upstream software are firmed up, subsequent roadmap updates will have projected dates for things.
The list below starts with short term items and then in the medium term gets into my vision for HUSH, which is to steer it towards being a secure messaging oriented fork of Zcash. The memo field in private transactions allows up to 512 bytes of any type of data to be sent. The command line proof of concept for using this as a messaging client is zmsg, who's source code is at Integrating messaging into the GUI wallet with features not found in the rest of the Zcash ecosystem is the first main feature enhancement I have planned. And now, onto the list:
• Complete rebranding as HUSH While merging changes from the latest upstream version of Zcash, 1.0.9, that just got released, we're going to remove all references to zdash in the current software, both the linux and Windows releases.• Windows installer The pieces for this are nearly all in place: • Command line Windows port is done • Stand-alone GUI wallet is complete • Proving key download to be added to GUI • Bundle all the above into installer, as I've previously done for• Get listed on additional exchanges The above is what I believe is missing to get listed on, since we now have a good block explorer at • Add messaging to current GUI wallet • Sender authentication • Pet name system (google Zooko's Triangle for more info on that) • i2p and/or TOR integration• Add ipfs integration for large messages and sending binary files •New lightweight client This is dependent on upstream Zcash deploying a stable interface for proof offloading to create and sign private transactions.
• Initial version for Android • will support full localization for different languages• XCAT with Zcash This is Cross Chain Atomic Swaps, and is coming down the pike into Zcash. Once in place users will be able to fund HUSH wallets without using an exchange if they have any other cryptocurrency that supports XCAT (work is underway on BTC and ETH, with code in various states of completeness).I think that the above will keep us all nice and busy for the remainder of 2017!
David Mercer Tucson, AZ Lead Developer, HUSH Core -
Activity: 2914
Merit: 1031
Join the world-leading crypto sportsbook NOW!
May 26, 2017, 09:28:16 AM |
This is pretty fucking solid stuff, seems like they're going to take a lot of the best features from Zcash. With such a low coin count I wouldn't be surprised to see this coin go 10x to 20x with the features David is talking about implementing. The market cap for this coin is so low right now, this could easily become a similar relationship like that of etc to eth. I bought Hush. I'll be locked into this thread.
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Jr. Member
Activity: 54
Merit: 1
May 26, 2017, 10:59:02 AM |
This is pretty fucking solid stuff, seems like they're going to take a lot of the best features from Zcash. With such a low coin count I wouldn't be surprised to see this coin go 10x to 20x with the features David is talking about implementing. The market cap for this coin is so low right now, this could easily become a similar relationship like that of etc to eth. I bought Hush. I'll be locked into this thread.
I agree, and I am glad that David is steering into its ‘own’ ecosystem. It is going to be a niche pending on how the other coins take shape. Personally, I look more into the potential (or application) than the investor’s pov.

Activity: 107
Merit: 10
May 26, 2017, 11:00:59 AM |
Hey guys, which miners do you use to mine it with NVidia? is it possible to mine it with ewbf or claymore miner?
Activity: 2758
Merit: 1245
May 26, 2017, 11:13:03 AM |
Hey guys, which miners do you use to mine it with NVidia? is it possible to mine it with ewbf or claymore miner?
I'm using ccminer equihash branch - it's not the fastest but IMHO the most stable and you have all possibilities with the ccminer API
suprnova pools - reliable mining pools - #suprnova on freenet - FOLLOW us @ Twitter !

Activity: 107
Merit: 10
May 26, 2017, 11:47:49 AM |
what is your line? cant find equihash algo in the readme.
Activity: 42
Merit: 0
May 26, 2017, 02:51:31 PM |
HUSH community Dmitry Bogatov arrested by Russian authorities will host Tor .exit node for you one month
donate $20 bitcoin 1NdPTtvkHdhzx2SUVnvx5TWdeNEC8cEjFn
server named freeBogatov or KAction
demo idea if one server switched off will build 100 more help
Run a Tor relay with nickname that contains Bogatov or KAction in solidarity.
Tor activists have launched a flashmob on April 12 and call all Tor relay administrators to run or rename their relays using #freeBogatov or #KAction.
Tor Project website has a guide on how to do it. You can run relay at your home (In that case it recommended to not run an exit relay, but middle relay, that way no negative activity will come from your IP.
You can also limit bandwidth if you don't want to give full bandwidth to the Tor network) or rent a server. Here is a list of hosters tried by activists who are running Tor relays. As for April 18, 45 relays and exit nodes have been launched in solidarity with Dmitry. See here and here to view the lists of relays.
link to your coin or project added to contact good for social media promotion every community raised total of $20 donation value we will build Tor .exit server one month hosting Hush(HUSH) t1UjiiyNX9SwbfN1nHnCKQNsSj64Aw6fbbH
#freeBogatov #KAction freeBogatov and KAction funded servers list
Activity: 2758
Merit: 1245
May 26, 2017, 02:54:58 PM |
what is your line? cant find equihash algo in the readme.
ccminer.exe -a equihash -o stratum+tcp:// -u suprnova.1 -p x you have to use the "equihash" branch
suprnova pools - reliable mining pools - #suprnova on freenet - FOLLOW us @ Twitter !

Activity: 107
Merit: 10
May 27, 2017, 03:42:48 PM |
what is your line? cant find equihash algo in the readme.
ccminer.exe -a equihash -o stratum+tcp:// -u suprnova.1 -p x you have to use the "equihash" branch Hey, I found the equihash branch from where should I get the ccminer.exe? I pasted it from other places but it doesn't detect equihash algo. Again stupid question sorr.