I see no reason to launch a clone but it is going to happen eventually.
So, what I would like to see is for the coin to use an established algorithm* that's fair for both AMD and Nvidia card owners instead of the shitfest that comes with having to develop new miners (private miners, scams, lack of pools for Nvidia, etc).
Quick and incomplete list of GPU friendly algos (excluding ASICs): Blake 256, Blake 256 (8 rounds), Blake2B, Blake2-S, BMW 256, C11/flax, Dagger-Hashimoto, Deep, Diamond-Groestl, Fugue256, Groestl, Heavy, Jackpot, Keccak-256, LBRY (Sha/Ripemd), Luffa, Lyra2, Lyra2v2, Mjollnir, Myriad-Groestl, Neoscrypt, Nist5, Pentablake (5x Blake 512), Sib (X11+Streebog), Scrypt-jane (Chacha), Skein (SHA2), Skein2 (Double Skein), S3, Shavite 80, Veltor (Thorsriddle streebog), Whirlpool, x11evo, x13, x14, x15, x17, ZR5.
CPU only mining would be good too.
There's no such thing.