This user is currently ignored.
Oh. Seems like there is something gone wrong with
ignore button. I can read the ignored post of an un-ignored person.
Never understood the point of the "ignore" function, if you want an echo chamber with select few people, why join a forum? Man up and read all posts, even your worst antagonists will have bright moments of insight at times. Peace.
The scroll button helps in order that you would not have to actually read all posts (as AlcoHoDL also mentioned several times).
So far... knock on wood... I have never ignored any user..., even though surely there have been some users (apart from the posts of my lil selfie) who I have found their posts to be quite annoying and/or grating.. but I still have not ignored any of them.
Perhaps I am not using my time as effectively as I could?
My own philosophy has largely been to either use the scroll button, or perhaps I might browse over parts of various posts or alternatively, I would not want to ignore some members who are really annoying, since I personally believe sometimes something needs to be said, instead of letting them post in an unchecked manner.. and yeah, maybe I do end up playing around a wee bit too much with disingenuine troll posters (some folks here refer to that as "feeding the trolls").. but I still tend to attempt to say something that I wanted to say, rather than feeling like I am posting without free will.
This user is currently ignored.
Oh. Seems like there is something gone wrong with
ignore button. I can read the ignored post of an un-ignored person.
Never understood the point of the "ignore" function, if you want an echo chamber with select few people, why join a forum? Man up and read all posts, even your worst antagonists will have bright moments of insight at times. Peace.
good grief. people actually
read this drivel?
Yep.. it seems somewhat surprising that perhaps some members here did not realized that they do not need to actually read all posts... and like Hueristic mentioned there is an additional freedom to putting members on ignore, and surely it does not bother me either if anyone puts me on ignore or does not read any of my posts... and to state the obvious, sometimes members engage with other members and other times they do not.. those are discretionary behaviors, too regarding whether and how to engage.. including that some members I know post with a lot of words, and others who I may or may not know with ONLY a few, but still we might get to know aspects of other members by the way they post and what they say.. but we might also could get mislead in terms of the information they choose to provide or how they choose to provide it..
corn is getting cheap time to buy some dip.
I have not had too many buys in recent times. Sure I bought all the way down to $54k-ish in early July, but in recent times, my buy orders have not been getting triggered, and surely there might be something related to my spreads being a bit large.. relatively speaking.. and then sometimes if the sell does not quite get triggered, then the spread seems even larger than it actually is (technically speaking).
I am not really bothered either way, and surely in the overall picture I way prefer UP to down.. and so I suppose if I end up having a lot of sells just because the BTC price goes up and does not really sufficiently correct back down, then I am also not going to complain about that or even throw in any extra manual buys, even though sometimes there could be temptations to throw in some exrra manual buys.. but I am not really feeling those kind of temptations under current market conditions... still largely seeming that we are in no man's land or don't wake me up zone for like forever... even though we did experience a wee slight bouncing out of such price range.. though really nothing to really get too worked up about.. at least not so far... even though surprise can end up coming in either direction, so once again, I am not really claiming that I know much of anything..
by the way, my next buy order is in the lower $65ks and surely I don't really care if it executes or not.. so then the next after that is lower $63ks and then after than upper $61ks based on a mistaken extra sale that I had made in the upper $62ks.. whoops.. it was small but still.. I still have that extra buy order in there just in case, but I could give less than two shits if any of them fill, since I would prefer UPpity anyhow, and my next UPpity selling point is not until mid $70ks (meaning $70,xxx), and then after than mid $72ks and then upper $74ks.. so I feel a bit bad about having sales in the midst of noman's land.. .. yet at the same time, I have frequently said that I don't really change my buy or sell orders based on various theories that I have about the BTC price, since my lil theories also might not be much greater than 50/50 (even if that?) to actually play out.. in that regard, mostly just have a system and little tweaks that might cause me to lean a wee bit more one way or another, but not really major tweaks... so unless you know what you are looking for, you might not even recognize that a tweak exists in one part or another part of my system that attempts to slightly account for my beliefs and my BTC price movement theories..