Important night talking from Telegram. Translated by google with some grammar changes from me.Boris
Hello! I'm leaving for Europe for a week. There are a number of meetings about banking and cards. I want to answer immediately to the question "Why the price is growing, but the interest is not going down." We have registered in the algorithm of the bank a fairly serious link to the volume of trading. That is why the algorithm, as it may seem to some, reacts sluggishly. If you have any questions, ask. I have 30 minutes.
Good evening. Boris, so I understand the peg to the volume, to cut off the manipulation of the market?
Correct,So that someone who have one Bitcoin could not manipulate the bank's interest.
cards will be registered or without name?
I do not know yet. I't going to found out that. I know only that the cards will not debit but credit
OK. already on the home stretch? if it `s not a secret?
when will tests atomic swap?
What are some restrictions?
Now the situation is this. There is a well-thought-out road map. There is a company from the Big Four, with whom we cooperate. The case remained for legal registration and than about the software. (P.S. This is about registration of credit cards)
Atomic swap we show in March. With several currencies. In May, we must release the beta at exchanger.
Boris, how will you "regulate" the situation with an influx of people willing to bring out the other crypts through mnx to the bank card?
We will not. The more people who want to go to Fiat through MNX, the higher the demand for a coin. The higher the demand, the higher the price. The higher the price, the lower the interest. Below percentages, - above the offer. Etc. Until there is balance.
If you are afraid that the price will fly up because of the cards, then most likely you are right. That is why we announced in November that the Memorandum will be revised in March
Old Memorandum with the issuance of cards will lose its relevance.
I'm not afraid, since it just suits me like an investor .. but here's the type of "stability" mnh - then in doubt. as the concept of "low-volatile currency"
Minexcoin never posed as stable. We have always been positioning it for two years as a steadily growing
So far I can say that if KYC requirements are met and we will be registered with FINMA, after that issuing bank and the users will have no limitations.
That was last night chat in Russhian thread it telegram. You can check it by this link