But i will prepare a detailed answer, with proof of your lies, wait a bit please

Be my guest.
Thank you.
first you didn't respond to this and i would like to understand you:
Is there only one example since the blockchain technology exists, that an open source code needs an authorization to be forked?
Also i have read nowhere that the team will do a fork, nore a swap. It is explicit in their announcement that it is a new chain, so new genesis block.
Then, your comparison table.
I want to mention that this is YOUR point of view, and of course you perfectly have full right to express it.
And so, my turn:
/!\ Bellow from your statement /!\ listed to this form =>ECA has: XXX >> ECAP has XXX:No pre-mine or stakes controlled by E01 >> No pre-mine or stakes controlled by EO1Ok so we start by the biggest joke....
=> You sold all the premine in the shadow, acting like any exit-scam founders in crypto history.
e.g: the last month, since October 23.
Your deposit address in coinfalcon, the easiest to find. From premine > to an address > to cold wallet of coinfalcon well known.
3 transactions, and only the deposit addresses are used to access the cold.
http://electraexplorer.info/address/EeUZHkxP12NQtsZzDZZzzkQ76BM9PG8ZNLMore than ONE BILLION you sent to this exchange, and of course you didn't sold only here, you are responsible of the 'go to 0' in STEX as well.
Remember this: Blockain NEVER lies and we can track all until the genesis.
ECAProtocol part : TRUE
Existing foundation + 194,086,398 ECA bonus >> No foundation to fund project or if they pick ECAP over ECA they will lose 194,086,398 ECAP as donation was after 23 Novwell... this is the most pathetic part of your post....
Foundation asks you since 2 years to put the premine in hand of the ONLY ONE legal entity of the project, you always found excuses to not do it. Today we know why....
How do you think it makes you looking? You sold all as exit scam, and in a last attempt to not consider yourself as a thief, you sent a small part?
Ho... important point. A premine IS a premine. You have stacked the premine during a so long time, AGAINST the request to stop this from the team AND from the community!!!
Then you have decided that the stakes were suddenly your own coins??? How is it even possible to say this???
ECAProtocol part : you seem to not understand at all the term "new chain" and what it means for the project foundation
Proven brand name + Multiple existing exchanges >> Spinoff coins from main branch rarely succeed + No exchanges and will require thousands of USD to be gathered from stakeholders to get listedHaaaa this is the first thing which makes sense, congrats, the ECA part of this statement is correct!
Except than you forgot the community team AND the community is the ONLY reason for this, which is for sure important to mention, right?
You have not contributed to the brand's renown. Worst you tried to sink the project with your actions... again, today we know why....
ECAProtocol part : AGAIN this is one more proof that you didn't care at all of Electra since the beginning, saying such things... it's only because you have no clue on how the team manages the project. If so, you would not say such non sense...
EO1 has private holdings on 23 Nov > EO1 will get a 1:1 airdrop on all private holdings that existed on 23 Novwow... you think that the team who did everything since December 2017 has not managed this already?
You really have a high opinion of yourself and a low one of the team.
ECAProtocol part : wait and see?
All infrastructure in place >> Will have to deal with getting into CMC and creating a block explorer etc.I can't believe what i read.... at this point it becomes clear that you really don't realize what you are writing.
Who created and host the explorer? >
TEAMWho created and host ALL 3rd parties interfaces? >
TEAMWho created and get the ownership of ALL the products? >
TEAMWho paid for ALL of this? >
TEAMWell, it will be faster to do in the over way, what do you have for electra?
A weebly website and BTC from selling premine of the project for your own interest. Did i forget something?
EO1 donated all pre-mine to the project so all initial EO1 objectives are obsolete >> EO1 received no 1:1 airdrop for the pre-mine so all initial EO1 objectives are obsoleteIf you read all the above, is it still necessary to talk about the first part....
There is one SUPER interesting thing you say here, "all initial EO1 objectives are obsolete".
Very strange as it was one of your excuses to not send the premine to the foundation: Because of your OWN ROADMAP.
Again, again, and again : Today we know why....
Twitter and Medium account owners defected to ECAP >> Will start with a decent number of Twitter followers and active Medium pageSecond correct statement, not bad.
Yes the community as told above is the main reason of the success of ECA, community created everything that exist and so are the owners.
Unique code, reviewed and published for public viewing >> New unknown/unproven code which is, as of yet, unpublished YES !
This is what is called "Open Source". And the team can be proud of that!!!
ECAProtocol part : obviously you don't get this point either, the new code for ECAProtocol is the V3.0 update which was supposed to be the new massive update of Electra blockchain, if you didn't destroy it all. Yes, it's not yet public, as it's still under development. As ECAProtocol is an open source project as well, EVERYONE will have access to the code before the release, able to compile by themselves, fork, update, make change ect....
Basic crypto stuff...
Established business partnerships >> No partnerships And we finish this by this wonderful statement, which is also interesting in fact!
What partnership do you have?
What support do you provide for these partnership?
What's your capacities to maintain this?
From what we know as community, your only act was to pay a dev to create Electra back in 2017, from a fork of Iceberg coin. And... hmmm... nope, that's good enough.
I guess when you have writen this in your comparison table, You must have exchanged ECA and ECAP probably.
So far from what i have read, all the partnerships follow the team in ECAProtocol as there are the ones who did everything since 2017.
Conclusion:I must confess that I used a "funny" tone to write this, it's dramatic enough as it is to make the drama even more dramatic.
No one care of my own feeling, but i will express it because this hurts me more than i want to admit.
It would have been so simple to be part of the team as they requested, to support the project you created back in 2017.
It's clear enough that you never expected Electra to succeed as it did. And you considered this... i don't know, like an experience?
But even if it was an simple experience for you, you were not allow to play with user money.
Think to that and about what you did...