8. Can I submerge the pcb in oil without losing the warranty?
You can submerge it in (non corrosive) oil to cool it. If you handle this correctly its lifespan might be even longer than with fan cooling.
Can you provide more details about how to do this? Submerging in oil will not short circuit the board? Should we submerge the whole blade or only the ASICs? I do not want to risk damaging the blades.
Actually, I have asked whether it affect warranty or not.
I've been submerging various hardware in oil in the past. It requires a custom made container to make it work properly. The 100% pure mineral oils (used also in transformers) do not conduct electricity and have exceptional cooling properties.
As I have 4 blades I have already designed a container for myself and it's being assembled. When we finish testing it I might be offering these on a built to order basis.
Here's a model of the unit for 5 blades: