May 16, 2014, 03:39:49 AM |
pretty cool chart, looks good.. but, in the time interval why the maximum interval is just 1 week?
Because the interval is different from month to month. It cause several compatible issue, such as caculate future days, OHLC. It maybe supported in future. You could use 4 weeks (= 28 days) instead of 1 month. Close enough to a month, but strictly regular. Ditto 52 weeks (= 364 days) instead of 1 year.
Academic interest in bitcoin only. Not owner, not trader, very skeptical of its longterm success.
Remember remember the 5th of November
Activity: 1862
Merit: 1014
Reverse engineer from time to time
May 16, 2014, 01:28:43 PM |
When viewing RSI, it looks like the indicator scales out of the box and into the volume box.
Which market? ---- I see, the label is out of the box. The bug is fixed now. Is it possible to add a feature where we select if we want the green candle(also known as bullish candle) to be filled green inside, like the red one instead of being hollow? Or perhaps make it be filled green by default if the option will be too difficult. Usually candles on most platforms are filled inside regardless of type. Like so Because filled candlestick is not friendly for red green blindness and print, so it won't be changed until new theme added. For dark theme, hollow green is not good enough, especially when user zoom in the charts, I have plan to add a filled theme too. I am sorry, you didn't make much sense here. I use the dark theme primarily, so the hollow stick sometimes doesn't look good. You may be right about the red-green color blindness, I myself can't differentiate very specific red colors, but the bright red isn't a problem. In MetaTrader 4 one can change the candlestick however he likes, maybe you should add something like that?
BitcoinWisdom (OP)
May 16, 2014, 03:33:30 PM Last edit: May 16, 2014, 03:59:46 PM by BitcoinWisdom |
When viewing RSI, it looks like the indicator scales out of the box and into the volume box.
Which market? ---- I see, the label is out of the box. The bug is fixed now. Is it possible to add a feature where we select if we want the green candle(also known as bullish candle) to be filled green inside, like the red one instead of being hollow? Or perhaps make it be filled green by default if the option will be too difficult. Usually candles on most platforms are filled inside regardless of type. Like so Because filled candlestick is not friendly for red green blindness and print, so it won't be changed until new theme added. For dark theme, hollow green is not good enough, especially when user zoom in the charts, I have plan to add a filled theme too. I am sorry, you didn't make much sense here. I use the dark theme primarily, so the hollow stick sometimes doesn't look good. You may be right about the red-green color blindness, I myself can't differentiate very specific red colors, but the bright red isn't a problem. In MetaTrader 4 one can change the candlestick however he likes, maybe you should add something like that? Actually at very beginning the charts is filled. Make candlestick hollow needs extra code. Also I wrote a filled version for comparing hollow and filled theme, finally I used hollow version and hide the filled version. Replace hollow theme is not possible as I expressed before. Add new theme, it will be an useless option for most of people. So the filled theme still won't be added currently.
May 17, 2014, 01:57:07 AM |
Sorry to ask again, but it seems important:
could you please print "..." (three dots) above and below the order book summary (the rightmost table, above and below the current price) when there are blank lines in those positions?
Every couple of weeks there are people asking on this forum, "why are there so few bids at Huobi" etc. People do not know that the order books are truncated by the exchange's server, so they think that the summary shown comprises the entire book.
In some cases the server may return the whole order book, without truncation; so that the summary shown on the chart spans the complete order book. Even in that case, printing "..." after a complete book summary is not as misleading as showing a truncated book with no indication that it is truncated.
Academic interest in bitcoin only. Not owner, not trader, very skeptical of its longterm success.
Remember remember the 5th of November
Activity: 1862
Merit: 1014
Reverse engineer from time to time
May 17, 2014, 02:39:50 AM |
When viewing RSI, it looks like the indicator scales out of the box and into the volume box.
Which market? ---- I see, the label is out of the box. The bug is fixed now. Is it possible to add a feature where we select if we want the green candle(also known as bullish candle) to be filled green inside, like the red one instead of being hollow? Or perhaps make it be filled green by default if the option will be too difficult. Usually candles on most platforms are filled inside regardless of type. Like so Because filled candlestick is not friendly for red green blindness and print, so it won't be changed until new theme added. For dark theme, hollow green is not good enough, especially when user zoom in the charts, I have plan to add a filled theme too. I am sorry, you didn't make much sense here. I use the dark theme primarily, so the hollow stick sometimes doesn't look good. You may be right about the red-green color blindness, I myself can't differentiate very specific red colors, but the bright red isn't a problem. In MetaTrader 4 one can change the candlestick however he likes, maybe you should add something like that? Actually at very beginning the charts is filled. Make candlestick hollow needs extra code. Also I wrote a filled version for comparing hollow and filled theme, finally I used hollow version and hide the filled version. Replace hollow theme is not possible as I expressed before. Add new theme, it will be an useless option for most of people. So the filled theme still won't be added currently. Useless, why? A lot of people use the filled ones. Shouldn't be too hard to add, the code is already there.
May 17, 2014, 06:24:32 AM |
FEATURE REQUESTS: ( These are functionalities such as offered by trading view. )
- Store technical analysis pattern & Load previously stored technical analysis pattern ( Content: this way, for example, you can create a falling wegde pattern for Bitcoin log chart on day 1. Then come back at day 2, load the old pattern and see how recent chart is doing against this old pattern )
- Publish technical analysis pattern
- Rate & Comment technical analysis pattern
Apart from this, many thanks for the free service offered so far !!

Activity: 95
Merit: 10
May 17, 2014, 04:08:13 PM |
Please add NXT/BTC pair for Cryptsy...!
May 18, 2014, 09:55:50 AM |
This is the most awesome site ever created for bitcoin/cryptos.
I just bought 1 year premium to support your work, thanks a lot!
Just curious, is there a way to bookmark favorite markets in HOME or something?
Activity: 9
Merit: 0
May 18, 2014, 04:00:26 PM |
Where can we find list of all markets and crypto combinations? For instance there's drk/btc on Cryptsy because I heard about it here: no way to navigate to it from the website.
May 18, 2014, 05:36:29 PM |
I noticed that if you try to make a line from a longer time interval chart then view it in a lower time interval chart, the line isn't accurate.. Like this one...  I used the 1W chart then connect 995 to 548... When I convert to 12hr chart, this is what I get:  And here's the view from the 1hr chart: 
BTC: 165rKPfGJ3ndrG1QziHR6ACnViP4EQHNK7 LTC: LMysGMFjmF9gR9RzStij74msXrDP1NqW8X DOGE: DRZXGgcKN8kANwko3VycsBVVGqfy6XsSpM
Activity: 1470
Merit: 1007
May 18, 2014, 05:50:30 PM |
One more request about new indicators:
Could you maybe replace (for example) 'Accumulation/Distribution' with 'Money Flow Index'?
I realized that on most short-to-medium time scales (e.g. looking at a few weeks, maybe month) MFI is much more useful, because it is an oscillator, while A/D is only useful in my opinion when doing very long-term analysis... and your site is mainly used for live trading and short/mid term analysis, I think.
tl;dr Please consider adding MFI (it's based on the same calculations as CMF or A/D anyway, just in oscilator form), and kick out A/D if you want to save space.
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May 18, 2014, 06:12:02 PM |
There seems to be another misleading detail in the order book summary computed from a truncated order book: the accumulated volume of the last line displayed may be incorrect.
Suppose that the ask summary has price increments of 10 dollars starting from 450, i.e. 450, 460, 470, etc.. If the book returned by the exchange is trucated after an entry with price=461, it seems that the last entry printed on Bitcoinwisdom's summary will be "up to 470", but the total shown for it will actually be "up to 461" only. Traders will then draw the wrong conclusions about the liquidity of the market.
If this is indeed the case, please consider printing only summary lines that are known to be correct. In that example, the last entry in the summary should be 460, not 470. More generally, an ask line with price X should be printed only if the order book returned by the exchange has at leat one ask entry with price strictly greater than X.
With this rule, at least one entry from the returned order book will be omitted. Then it would make even more sense to print "..." after the last line, if there is space left on the chart.
Academic interest in bitcoin only. Not owner, not trader, very skeptical of its longterm success.
Activity: 10
Merit: 0
May 18, 2014, 08:25:19 PM |
Love the product, just subscribed for a year... I am having a problem at times with drawing Fibonacci Retracements and Extensions... Most of the time, they work great, but from time to time, I can't draw them.
Remember remember the 5th of November
Activity: 1862
Merit: 1014
Reverse engineer from time to time
May 18, 2014, 09:29:02 PM |
I noticed RSI lacks the overbought/oversold parameter tweaks. Any chance they will be added?
BitcoinWisdom (OP)
May 19, 2014, 02:56:20 PM Last edit: May 19, 2014, 04:01:43 PM by BitcoinWisdom |
This is the most awesome site ever created for bitcoin/cryptos.
I just bought 1 year premium to support your work, thanks a lot!
Just curious, is there a way to bookmark favorite markets in HOME or something?
Thank you! We are working on that.
BitcoinWisdom (OP)
May 19, 2014, 03:20:29 PM |
I noticed that if you try to make a line from a longer time interval chart then view it in a lower time interval chart, the line isn't accurate.. Like this one... I used the 1W chart then connect 995 to 548... When I convert to 12hr chart, this is what I get: And here's the view from the 1hr chart:
Currently it could not be avoided. Draw in lower interval and switch to higher interval. It looks like draw the point out of candlestick(some place between two candlestick). Draw in higher interval and switch to lower interval. It looks like draw the point on incorrect date.
BitcoinWisdom (OP)
May 19, 2014, 03:43:09 PM |
There seems to be another misleading detail in the order book summary computed from a truncated order book: the accumulated volume of the last line displayed may be incorrect.
Suppose that the ask summary has price increments of 10 dollars starting from 450, i.e. 450, 460, 470, etc.. If the book returned by the exchange is trucated after an entry with price=461, it seems that the last entry printed on Bitcoinwisdom's summary will be "up to 470", but the total shown for it will actually be "up to 461" only. Traders will then draw the wrong conclusions about the liquidity of the market.
If this is indeed the case, please consider printing only summary lines that are known to be correct. In that example, the last entry in the summary should be 460, not 470. More generally, an ask line with price X should be printed only if the order book returned by the exchange has at leat one ask entry with price strictly greater than X.
With this rule, at least one entry from the returned order book will be omitted. Then it would make even more sense to print "..." after the last line, if there is space left on the chart.
The issue was noticed for long time. I didn't change it because For some exchange, API return only a few orders, when remove the lastest accumulated volume will decrease the orderbooks a lot. Use accurate price(the highest or lowest price) replace the last accumulated data. It will make the orderbook untidy, such as 470 460 458 Add extra symbol is not needed. Expand the orderbook to fill whole depth. Sometimes the bids has much long range than asks, it won't work well in that situation. The last accumulated volume is not accurate obviously, and the inaccurate is allowed.
BitcoinWisdom (OP)
May 19, 2014, 03:49:51 PM |
Love the product, just subscribed for a year... I am having a problem at times with drawing Fibonacci Retracements and Extensions... Most of the time, they work great, but from time to time, I can't draw them.
Thank you! Could you provide more details about the issue, It would be better if the issue could be reproduced. Here are two situtations it the line won't be drawed. User double clicked the canvas to lock the cursor. The cursor moves too quick when drawing. System consider it is "drag" instead of "click".
BitcoinWisdom (OP)
May 19, 2014, 03:58:30 PM |
I noticed RSI lacks the overbought/oversold parameter tweaks. Any chance they will be added?
Do you mean the 30/70 line? The chart is filled the canvas, the line is only showed if the highest and lowest value out of 30 and 70.
Activity: 4
Merit: 0
May 19, 2014, 09:10:03 PM |
really happy to see vault of satoshi on bitcoinwisdom. Is it possible to also see ltc/btc and ltc/cad trading pairs? vos indicated taht it was up to bitcoinwisdom to add those now that their API was in place. being a canadian it would be nice to see some more localized charts for those trading pairs rather than having to always switch views to other exchanges.
also, i'm sure this is something that must come up often, but are there any plans for a mobile app or mobile friendly website?
doing great work, keep it up!