February 19, 2014, 07:26:10 AM |
good job. +1 NXT but plz add the NXT directions in here too. thanks. 
BitcoinWisdom (OP)
February 19, 2014, 08:54:16 AM Last edit: February 19, 2014, 03:27:07 PM by BitcoinWisdom |
Thank you, i very much appreciate the addition of Nxt. Sry to bug you, but i still see some areas of improvement:
Why is the site called "Nxt / Btc" when the actual value shown is BTC / Nxt? Also, the units in the graph shows Satoshis / Nxt.
The units should be the same for the whole Nxt site. I think it would be better to have a conversion mBtc or µBtc than to satoshi.
Oh, and i would like to donate some Nxt to you.
Forex pair is different from price unit. BTC/USD => 1 BTC = 600 USD NXT/BTC => 1 NXT = 0.00009544 BTC Okay, but the numbers in the graph and for the actual price indicator should still have the same unit. I don't think so. shows the price in satoshi is the better choice as researching.
BitcoinWisdom (OP)
February 19, 2014, 08:55:10 AM |
good job. +1 NXT but plz add the NXT directions in here too. thanks. I'm sorry, because NXT is not popular enough, it won't be listed currently.
Sr. Member
Activity: 378
Merit: 250
Born to chew bubble gum and kick ass
February 19, 2014, 11:03:12 AM |
I'm sorry, because NXT is not popular enough, it won't be listed currently.
If you don't list it on your website, how can it become popular there?
BitcoinWisdom (OP)
February 19, 2014, 11:07:57 AM |
I'm sorry, because NXT is not popular enough, it won't be listed currently.
If you don't list it on your website, how can it become popular there? I mean popular in the world.
February 19, 2014, 01:37:35 PM |
I'm sorry, because NXT is not popular enough, it won't be listed currently.
If you don't list it on your website, how can it become popular there? I mean popular in the world. Hi man,nxt became more and more popular all around the world,isnot it? Now that you've added nxt , why not add a main page directions yet. Your site is the first login nxt global platform for live Charts, as long as the nxt been accepted by more people around the world, so that your site will be more and more successful. 
Activity: 1512
Merit: 1004
February 19, 2014, 01:49:00 PM |
I'm sorry, because NXT is not popular enough, it won't be listed currently.
If you don't list it on your website, how can it become popular there? I mean popular in the world. Hi man,nxt became more and more popular all around the world,isnot it? Now that you've added nxt , why not add a main page directions yet. Your site is the first login nxt global platform for live Charts, as long as the nxt been accepted by more people around the world, so that your site will be more and more successful.  Nxt is being popular all over the world as you know. And be added by more and more exchange platform. Nxt should be taken seriously with adding on the mainpage. Tks.
Activity: 1470
Merit: 1007
February 19, 2014, 01:58:29 PM |
This is pathetic, NXT people. You are currently ranked 6th in market cap according to coinmarketcap.com, behind for example LTC and Peercoin, and even Dogecoin! Yet you are the only ones coming in here with force, spamming the thread with your demands to be listed on the mainpage.
It's not my thread or charting site, so obviously my voice is just one among many, and the final word is always that of user/bitcoinwisdom on these matters, but I suspect I'm not the only one who thinks:
You guys are starting to become annoying as hell. You got NXT charted on btcwisdom, that's what you wanted, now let it rest.
You know the saying, "Give them a finger, and they'll take the whole hand".
Not sure which Bitcoin wallet you should use? Get Electrum!Electrum is an open-source lightweight client: fast, user friendly, and 100% secure. Download the source or executables for Windows/OSX/Linux/Android from, and only from, the official Electrum homepage.
Activity: 2156
Merit: 1131
February 19, 2014, 02:02:26 PM |
This is pathetic, NXT people. You are currently ranked 6th in market cap according to coinmarketcap.com, behind for example LTC and Peercoin, and even Dogecoin! Yet you are the only ones coming in here with force, spamming the thread with your demands to be listed on the mainpage. It's not my thread or charting site, so obviously my voice is just one among many, and the final word is always that of user/bitcoinwisdom on these matters, but I suspect I'm not the only one who thinks: You guys are starting to become annoying as hell. You got NXT charted on btcwisdom, that's what you wanted, now let it rest. You know the saying, "Give them a finger, and they'll take the whole hand".
oda.krell, you are not helping anything with commenting this. Okay. Nexters please stop bumping this thread. I'll PM every single of you.
Activity: 1
Merit: 0
February 20, 2014, 06:40:18 AM |
I'm not sure if this is even possible yet since they're so new - but it'd be really appreciated if you could add the new LTC pairs on Cavirtex that were just launched.
Thanks in advance - love BitcoinWisdom!

Activity: 89
Merit: 10
February 20, 2014, 04:57:51 PM |
MtGox is now officaly a proven joke... Still no plans to remove it? Sorry but they don't deserve to be there... BW is to good for them.
why you forcing to remove gox from this site? it's would be blatantly ignorant action. maybe Gox is a joke, but it affects other exchanges prices. even though effect is getting much smaller at the moment, but still it exists. Doo you have any slightest idea of how many btc is stuck on Gox? If Gox will ever enable withdrawals, this will affect prices HUGELY. And we {will} need to know prices at this moment. please stop forcing this madness.

Activity: 119
Merit: 19
February 20, 2014, 04:59:02 PM |
Just wanted to say this is an awesome site, very useful. I always have a couple tabs up 

Activity: 113
Merit: 10
February 20, 2014, 05:10:47 PM |
Can anybody tell my what the grouping ask and grouping bid means? What are those numbers?
Activity: 40
Merit: 0
February 20, 2014, 07:55:09 PM |
MtGox is now officaly a proven joke... Still no plans to remove it? Sorry but they don't deserve to be there... BW is to good for them.
why you forcing to remove gox from this site? it's would be blatantly ignorant action. maybe Gox is a joke, but it affects other exchanges prices. even though effect is getting much smaller at the moment, but still it exists. Doo you have any slightest idea of how many btc is stuck on Gox? If Gox will ever enable withdrawals, this will affect prices HUGELY. And we {will} need to know prices at this moment. please stop forcing this madness. The less people know about gox, the better bitcoin is going to do. How many coins there are? no1 cares, all are gone by now, no matter how much insider trading that bastard does, it is not gonna be enough Please bitcoinwisdom take out mtgox from your service, it is a piece of shit exchange run by the ultimate piece of shit bastard. No reason whatsoever to keep listing it.-

Activity: 109
Merit: 10
February 20, 2014, 10:50:40 PM |
Please consider adding the VTC/BTC pair from Cryptsy and Bter
February 21, 2014, 02:12:07 AM |
No reason
Activity: 33. Interesting that all these anti-gox posts come from n00bs with almost zero posting history on bitcointalk.org. Wasn't there a newbie restriction to avoid this kind of spam?
BitcoinWisdom (OP)
February 21, 2014, 08:46:36 AM |
Can anybody tell my what the grouping ask and grouping bid means? What are those numbers?
It means need buy or sell AMOUNT to break the PRICE.
February 21, 2014, 12:18:08 PM |
Interesting that all these anti-gox posts come from n00bs with almost zero posting history on bitcointalk.org. Wasn't there a newbie restriction to avoid this kind of spam?
To me it is puzzling how some old-timers continue to defend Mark and MtGOX. Being "one of us" trumps refusing to return tens of millions of dollars to their owners?
Academic interest in bitcoin only. Not owner, not trader, very skeptical of its longterm success.
Activity: 1470
Merit: 1007
February 21, 2014, 12:36:09 PM |
Interesting that all these anti-gox posts come from n00bs with almost zero posting history on bitcointalk.org. Wasn't there a newbie restriction to avoid this kind of spam?
To me it is puzzling how some old-timers continue to defend Mark and MtGOX. Being "one of us" trumps refusing to return tens of millions of dollars to their owners? Completely missing the point there. "anti gox" in the context of this thread means "remove gox from charting website". And mostly clueless noobs come in here demanding that. I will never trade on gox, but as long as others trade there, I want to be able to see it.
Not sure which Bitcoin wallet you should use? Get Electrum!Electrum is an open-source lightweight client: fast, user friendly, and 100% secure. Download the source or executables for Windows/OSX/Linux/Android from, and only from, the official Electrum homepage.
February 21, 2014, 12:46:26 PM |
Interesting that all these anti-gox posts come from n00bs with almost zero posting history on bitcointalk.org. Wasn't there a newbie restriction to avoid this kind of spam?
To me it is puzzling how some old-timers continue to defend Mark and MtGOX. Being "one of us" trumps refusing to return tens of millions of dollars to their owners? Completely missing the point there. "anti gox" in the context of this thread means "remove gox from charting website". And mostly clueless noobs come in here demanding that. I will never trade on gox, but as long as others trade there, I want to be able to see it. I agree that there is no reason to hide the data, but Gox should be hidden from being listed directly in the top area, where currently Stamp, BTC-e, Gox, Huobi and LTC/USD are listed. Remove the Gox listing there and replace with a BTC/EUR ticker or so. I believe Kraken is the leading BTC/EUR exchange. That would make for a nice well-rounded overview: the top 2 BTC/USD exchanges, a BTC/CNY exchange, a BTC/EUR exchange and a LTC ticker.