September 06, 2018, 05:15:38 AM |
DNotes has worked very well, and ii is an honor that contributes to this global initiative, and I hope that the DNotes are getting better and more successful, good luck for DNotes
Thank you for the kind words noisybit. We are doing everything we can to contribute to a better and more inclusive future. We are very excited about the next few months, where we are putting all of our available resources into completing a successful first funding round, that will set us up to leap forward very quickly to become at the minimum equal to, or better than our competition. That has been our stated goal since we began this project -- and being the best in class in all categories comprises of a vision, mission, and many objectives that will take several years and a significant amount of funding to pull off. That is one of the reasons that we are committed to using some of the proceeds of our first funding round to undertake a much larger Reg A+ round that will see us raise anywhere up to a maximum of $50m USD through 2019. Just like it said in Alan's interview with DCEBrief only a few posts above, we chose this route because we saw the early likelihood that government authorities like the SEC are unlikely to allow a multi-tiered system of venture financing to exist where some businesses follow the rules, while others do not. DNotes is a project that has been around for a long time now, and will be around for a very long time thanks to a sustainable business model and excellent management. We will be making ourselves well-known soon.
DNotes (OP)
Activity: 1932
Merit: 1111
September 06, 2018, 02:07:40 PM |
DNotes (OP)
Activity: 1932
Merit: 1111
September 06, 2018, 02:17:16 PM |
Wondering what DNotes is all about? Here’s the basics: What is DNotes?• DNotes is a digital currency with a purpose: to serve as a real currency that people can use in their daily lives - unlike other digital currencies that focus on solving niche problems, with no plan to become a real, usable currency. • The DNotes goal is simple: achieve mass adoption and become the world’s first accessible, inclusive, and financially empowering digital currency that benefits everyone around the globe. What are DNotes’ Benefits as a Currency?• DNotes is managed as a business – but not controlled as one. • DNotes success is driven by a profit-generating company, DNotes Global, created to promote mass adoption, protect the currency, and ensure sustainable growth. • DNotes’ unique CRISP savings program rewards DNotes owners with 0.5% interest, every month • DNotes offers staking rewards for stakeholders – at 2% a year. • DNotes provides blockchain invoicing features to simplify merchant acceptance and adoption of the digital currency. What Benefits Does DNotes Global Provide?DNotes Global protects DNotes and its stakeholders, promotes mass adoption, and creates value and utility for the digital currency, including a fully integrated ecosystem. The company provides a unique cross-ownership model, with DNotes owning 25% of DNotes Global (pre-dilution), while the for-profit business maintains a stake in the digital currency. DNotes Global generates profit, creating intrinsic value for the DNotes currency to help create a “floor” for the digital currency’s value. DNotes Global has plans to build a long-term competitive advantage by offering services that utilize DNotes. That strategy will also help to facilitate awareness and adoption of the DNotes currency. Long term competitive advantage DNotes Global will provide in offering services that utilize DNotes. What’s Next? Fully compliant Reg D 506 (c) crowdfunding followed by a Reg A+ Mini-IPO. DNotes Payment Solution Integration into Existing eCommerce Platforms Cold Staking Implementation & More Where can I learn more? Pitch Deck - https://dnotesglobal.com/PitchDeck.pptxPitch Deck Video - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XculeWKdbbEWhite Paper - https://dnotesglobal.com/white-paper/Website - http://dnotescoin.com/Blog - http://dnotescoin.com/blog-main-hub/ DNotes PayDNotes Pay DigitalUse: Selling individual products from a website that can be delivered automatically via a download link or directed to a specific webpage without collecting any information from the buyer. Integration: Can be integrated into any PHP website. Instructions: Edit address.txt and add your DNotes addresses, 1 per line. Edit index.php and change the 6 Config values at the top. Upload all files to your web site. Link to this page via hyperlink or button to accept payments. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4tLDY3RPSbc&t=545sFeatures: Universal PHP/Javascript script. No database required. Automatic payment confirmation and product delivery. No buyer information required. Script: https://github.com/DNotesCoin/dnotespay-digital-pocDNotes Pay Digital - Wordpress PluginUse: Selling any number of individual products from a Wordpress website that can be delivered automatically via a download link or directed to a specific webpage without collecting any information from the buyer. Integration: Can be integrated into any Wordpress website. Instructions: Download the plugin and install on your Wordpress website. Configure your DNotes Pay payment button. Place the shortcode where ever you would like on your Wordpress website to display the purchase button. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OqKmqHiIXGkFeatures: Easily install on any Wordpress website. Sell any number of individual products. Automatic payment confirmation and product delivery. No buyer information required. Download Plugin: https://github.com/DNotesCoin/dnotespay-wp-digital-poc/releasesSource: https://github.com/DNotesCoin/dnotespay-wp-digital-pocDNotes Pay SoftwareUse: Selling software on a Pay Per Period or lifetime purchase automatically and without collecting any information from the buyer. Integration: Can be integrated into any program, C# example provided. Instructions: For C# and .NET applications, modify the code example and integrate into your program. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9myDnwR7SF0Features: Automatically accept payments for use of your software. Novel Pay Per Period model. Add in any additional security your program may require. No additional requirements. Script: https://github.com/DNotesCoin/dnotespay-sw-pocWhat's next?PHP script for custom shopping cart integration. DNotes 2.0 Frequently Asked Questions: Q: What is new with DNotes 2.0?A: DNotes 2.0 is a major improvement on the original DNotes blockchain. The new blockchain will allow DNotes and its partner company DNotes Global to achieve its objective to connect DNotes to the modern world of finance and commerce. The new blockchain is faster, more secure, and consumes only a fraction of the electricity. It also allows custom invoices to be created and attached to transactions, and changes the economic incentives of the network to one that encourages savings with the switch to the Proof-Of-Stake algorithm, and paying 0.5% interest on balances that haven’t moved from a wallet address in a 30 day period (~6% per annum). Specifications POS 2% Annualized Staking Reward Individual blocks reward will be Current Total Coins / 525,600 * 0.02 60 Second Block Target 0.005 Transaction Fee Source: https://github.com/DNotesCoin/DNotes2.0Download Wallet: http://dnotescoin.com/#DownloadDirectory DNotes2 (C:\Users\USERNAME\AppData\Roaming\DNotes2 on Windows) CONF dnotes.conf (all lower case) DNotes 2.0 Features Switch to PoS CRISP Reward - 0.5% interest every 30 days. Awarded by address. Calculated on a 30 day cycle. Automated Invoicing (First Phase) - Integrated blockchain invoice number There will be a soft deadline where DNotes mined after that block will not be redeemable for 2.0 coins: 4/16/2018 Block# 2180897 133,574,552 Will be the total swappable amount of DNotes we create +20,000,000 Allocated to DNotes Global, Inc for Development & Growth Fund 153,574,552 Total DNotes 2.0 Created The next update (TBD) will include: Deferred Staking Q: How do I swap my coins? (after April 16th)A: The DNotes coin swap process will now be done through a private fork of the legacy DNotes blockchain. We have created this fork to ensure that legacy DNotes holders are still able to swap their legacy DNotes for DNotes 2.0 long after the deadline, in the event they missed the swap. This also ensures we will not be accepting newly purchased or mined DNotes, protecting our users and network. In order to swap your coins, you will need the following DNotes v1.3 wallet, which you can download here: http://dnotescoin.com/DNotes/dnotes-qt1-3.zipYou will need to copy your wallet.dat or wallet backup file to C:\Users\USERNAME\AppData\Roaming\DNotes1-3 directory, open the wallet application and allow it to update. Next, you will need an address to send your legacy DNotes in to for the coin swap, you can generate a legacy address with the following instructions: Create a DNotesVault.com account if you don’t already have one. Login to your DNotesVault.com account, and click the HISTORIC tab at the top. Click Create Address, and send your DNotes to the address you just created. Coin swaps will be processed once a month until further notice. Q: What is the cutoff date for mined DNotes that can be swapped to the new DNotes blockchain?A: We have set April 16th 2018 as the soft deadline. No DNotes mined after this date will be eligible to be swapped to DNotes running on the new blockchain. We will continue swap DNotes after that date, however the process will not be as easy and will take more time. Any DNotes 1.x purchased on exchanges after the 16th will not be eligible for the swap. Q: Will DNotes 2.0 be listed on new exchanges?We are currently listed on: https://mercatox.com/exchange/NOTE/BTChttps://stocks.exchange/trade/NOTE/BTChttps://www.nlexch.com/markets/notebtchttps://bitebtc.com/trade/note_btcBeta or Future Exchanges we are working with: https://blockbid.io/Q: Are the new DNotes 2.0 coins worth the same as the old coins?A: Yes, they are worth exactly the same. However we can not predict what price movements will occur at exchanges once DNotes is relisted using the new coins. Q: I have Mac or Specific Linux OS, will there be wallets for these? A: Yes! We currently have Windows / Mac / Linux Mint / Ubuntu Desktop wallets at DNotesCoin.com. If you need something else, please let us know. Q: Where is the block explorer? A: https://chainz.cryptoid.info/note/StakingQ: What is Staking?A: Staking your coins helps to support the DNotes network, and the network currently pays out roughly 5 DNotes every minute to one address on the network based on a probability that centers on how many coins the user is staking with as a percentage of the total number of coins being staked on the network. The DNotes network pays out ~2% of the total number of coins per annum. If 100% of DNotes were being used to stake on the network, then by probability each user could expect 2% growth in the number of coins they have. If only 50% of coins are used to stake, then those users could expect approximately 4% growth that year. Q: Can I stake my coins on the DNotesVault?A: You cannot currently stake your coins that are on the DNotesVault, you will need to withdraw your DNotes 2.0 to a local wallet and stake your coins from your local wallet. We will in a future release incorporate cold staking, which will allow you stake your coins while they are safely tucked away inside the DNotesVault. However, we do not have an ETA, it will be one of our highest priorities for next upgrades. Q: How do I stake?Disclaimer: It is recommended that you properly secure your computer and wallet, as well as make proper backups, before attempting to run your own staking wallet. Failure to properly secure your DNotes may result in loss or theft. If you are not familiar with the process, please start off small and familiarize yourself with the process. You will need to download the DNotes QT wallet here: http://dnotescoin.com/#DownloadInstall the wallet (and we recommend creating a backup, after encrypting your wallet) Go to settings, and then ‘encrypt wallet’. Enter your password twice (and do NOT forget it, or you will not be able to access the wallet and we can not help you). Go to settings, and then ‘unlock wallet’, enter your password, and select “for staking only”. This will prevent any transfers from being made from your wallet without the password while you stake your coins. Soon the arrow at the bottom will turn green. This means that your coins are now staking. Video: https://youtu.be/bR66LWPRzAUQ: How do I get the most out of my staking efforts? A: There is no trick to staking efficiently. The factors involved are your coin weight versus the network coin weight and coin weight is the number of coins currently staking. The age does not matter, nor does how you divide or move your coins around. Q: How much can I earn staking? A: That depends on how many coins you are staking and how many coins are being staked on the network. The blockchain distributes Current Total Coins / 525,600 * 0.02 every block, or every 60 seconds. You may calculate how often you are chosen to receive the block reward by dividing your network weight verse your weight. If network weight is 100, and your weight is 5, then you would be chosen for block reward 5 blocks out of every 100. CRISPQ: Can I get CRISP reward AND stake at the same time? A: Yes, the system is designed to allow you to receive CRISP on a wallet you are staking Q: What is the CRISP reward structure? A: CRISP periods are every 43,200 blocks (30 days). Payments start 10,080 blocks (1 week) from the end of the CRISP period. Q: What do I need to do to earn CRISP? A: Keep your coins in the same address for the full CRISP period 30 days, set every 43,200 blocks. Q: When will I receive CRISP payments? A: The next payouts are as follows: May 1 - Ends first CRISP period. May 8 - Payout starts. (Virtually no one will receive this payout) June 2 - Ends second CRISP period June 10 - Payout starts Roughly. Q: Do I get CRISP payments at the DNotesVault? A: Yes! You get CRISP inside the DNotesVault, or at any address you control, such as a Desktop wallet. Though I won't suspect you will be able to get CRISP rewards from the exchanges or other online providers. Q: Where do the CRISP coins come from? A: The blockchain, these are newly created coins and have now become part of the new coin distribution, just like the staking reward. Q: How do I earn the interest reward?A: Our Cryptocurrency Investment Savings Plan (CRISP) payouts occur approximately once per month. All coins that haven’t moved address during that month period will accrue a 0.5% interest, which compounds to roughly 6.17% per annum. If you move your coins during that time, those coins will not receive the interest for that month.
DNotes (OP)
Activity: 1932
Merit: 1111
September 06, 2018, 02:17:37 PM |
September 06, 2018, 11:36:18 PM |

Activity: 327
Merit: 16
September 07, 2018, 07:11:21 AM |
I noticed that interview with Adam appeared on Yahoo Finance. That was really nice to see, since they have a lot of readers and can greatly increase the reach of DNotes  For me that was another conformation that things are going in the right direction. I hope that people do understand how important is to have reliable team with experienced leadership behind the coin, and that DNotes has all that. Most of the coins which failed (at least of those in my portfolio) did that mostly because the team was not serious or was in just for some fast money 
DNotes (OP)
Activity: 1932
Merit: 1111
September 07, 2018, 01:05:34 PM |
DNotes (OP)
Activity: 1932
Merit: 1111
September 07, 2018, 01:14:54 PM |
I noticed that interview with Adam appeared on Yahoo Finance. That was really nice to see, since they have a lot of readers and can greatly increase the reach of DNotes  For me that was another conformation that things are going in the right direction. I hope that people do understand how important is to have reliable team with experienced leadership behind the coin, and that DNotes has all that. Most of the coins which failed (at least of those in my portfolio) did that mostly because the team was not serious or was in just for some fast money  Thanks Amadeus82, appreciate all the support. You're certainly right, there are no shortcuts when doing things the right way and for long term sustainability. Our focus will be to continue our funding efforts, increase our reach and exposure, get listed on a major exchange, and encourage people to acquire some DNotes and support DNotes on the exchanges.
September 07, 2018, 11:20:58 PM |
September 07, 2018, 11:39:07 PM Last edit: September 08, 2018, 07:42:09 PM by DCEBrief |
Just a quick observation on this story. As most of you know, DCEBrief covered this topic earlier this week, based on the news media reports circulating at the time. As we noted in our coverage, the original Business Insider story relied on unidentified "people familiar with the matter" - which is why we chose to guard our language in the article that appeared on Brief. As a result, we referred to reports from CNBC and others, but avoided declarative statements about Goldman's actual plans - since we could find no primary source material confirming any of those reports. Unfortunately, the BI story has been credited as a factor in the market drop this week. Crypto markets often react strongly to even the slightest hint of bad news - and sometimes all it takes is a rumor to get things rolling. This was just a rumor, of course, since Goldman apparently had no firm plans or schedule for launching the trading desk, and thus there were no firm plans to abandon. It obviously would have been helpful if the company could have clarified all of this on Wednesday, as soon as the BI report was published and before too much damage was done. Better late than never, though. There is a lesson here for all of us in this age of rapid-fire media reports. Anonymous sources and so-called people-familiar-with-the-matter often prove to be less than entirely credible. Sometimes, these sources are just insiders with an agenda. Other times, they're people who don't know as much as they think they know. And, perhaps less frequently, some sources don't even exist except in the fevered imaginations of certain reporters. The lesson is simple: we should all be cautious when reading news based on unnamed sources, and especially cautious when what we are reading could impact our investment decision-making process.
Activity: 128
Merit: 0
September 08, 2018, 12:09:44 AM |
Just a quick observation on this story. As most of you know, DCEBrief covered this topic earlier this week, based on the news media reports circulating at the time. As we noted in our coverage, the original Business Insider story relied on unidentified "people familiar with the matter" - which is why we chose to guard our language in the article that appeared on Brief. As a result, we referred to reports from CNBC and others, but avoided declarative statements about Goldman's actual plans - since we could find no primary source material confirming any of those reports. Unfortunately, the BI story has been credited as a factor in the market drop this week. Crypto markets often react strongly to even the slightest hint of bad news - and sometimes all it takes is a rumor to get things rolling. This was just a rumor, of course, since Goldman apparently had no firm plans or schedule for launching the trading desk, and thus there were no firm plans to abandon. It obviously would have been helpful if the company could have clarified all of this on Wednesday, as soon as the BI report was published and before too much damage was done. Better late than never, though. There is a lesson here for all of us in this age of rapid-fire media reports. Anonymous sources and so-called people-familiar-with-the-matter often prove to be less than entirely credible. Sometimes, those sources are just an inside with an agenda. Other times, they're people who don't know as much as they think they know. And, perhaps less frequently, some sources don't even exist except in the fevered imaginations of certain reporters. The lesson is simple: we should all be cautious when reading news based on unnamed sources, and especially cautious when what we are reading could impact our investment decision-making process. All reports aside, this is certainly indicative of the volatility in this market, and begs the question, why haven't any analysts tailored traditional stress test methodology to measure the viability of cryptocurrencies when faced with a financial crisis or other major incident? These kind of measurements could help keep investors well informed and protected from investment opportunities that are built on poor fundamentals. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Stress_test_(financial) If billions of dollars can evaporate with the slightest hint of bad news, maybe it is time for industry participants to re-evaluate their approach and start to ask themselves questions like, "who is paying the price for my profit?"
Activity: 128
Merit: 0
September 08, 2018, 10:23:52 AM |
Activity: 1610
Merit: 1060
September 08, 2018, 01:13:34 PM |
From DNotes Telegram:
Alan Yong, [08.09.18 09:10] [In reply to Reiner Strobel] "could another coin be used for DNotes Global Inc.?"
Let me clarify. When NextGen VC is place after DNotes Global is sufficiently funded, it is our intent to assist our investment-client to use DNotes blockchain to launch their coin in a compliance ICO.
Two issues are unsettled at this time. 1) What offering, and disclosure statement would the SEC find acceptable. We believe that ICO is the best and the most efficient tool for capital formation in funding new projects or funding company expansion. My understanding is that the SEC is not against ICO but when an ICO involves the sale of securities, it falls squarely in the SEC’s jurisdiction. The SEC is mandated to protect investors and one of their means is to require filing of disclosure statements with adequate and accurate disclosure materials so that investors can make informed decision. I am hopeful that upon successful funding of DNotes Global first round I will have the opportunity to work closely with the SEC staff and other interested parties.
2) We have invested heavily in the development of the DNotes 2.0 blockchain with every intent of turning it into a platform for others to develop their applications on and use it to launch new coins. Various possibilities and options have been discussed but we are not at liberty to discuss any details at this point. In general, to ensure best in class mindset in everything that matters, we will likely to be involved with investment, technical assistance, management, and leadership.
I am personally becoming very excited about NextGen VC. It could be a game changer in funding and business management to ensured greatly improved chances of succeeding in business. There are already more proposed projects coming our way than I have time to review.
Interest in our funding remains strong. However, I will not take anything for granted until we are fully funded. It is keeping me increasing busy; communicating with new prospect almost daily. It is rewarding to know from many high-level people in our industry how much they respect the direction we have been taking, what we have accomplished, and our positive contributions to our industry. From my experience, those are great indicators of DNotes becoming an industry leader, though it has yet to be reflected in the price of DNotes.
Please keep up the good work supporting our forum and social media. Your support goes a long way towards the success of our funding efforts. Thank you.
Activity: 1610
Merit: 1060
September 08, 2018, 02:22:35 PM |
More from DNotes Telegram:
Alan Yong, [08.09.18 09:10] [In reply to Reiner Strobel] Let me clarify. When NextGen VC is place after DNotes Global is sufficiently funded, it is our intent to assist our investment-client to use DNotes blockchain to launch their coin in a compliance ICO.
Two issues are unsettled at this time. 1) What offering, and disclosure statement would the SEC find acceptable. We believe that ICO is the best and the most efficient tool for capital formation in funding new projects or funding company expansion. My understanding is that the SEC is not against ICO but when an ICO involves the sale of securities, it falls squarely in the SEC’s jurisdiction. The SEC is mandated to protect investors and one of their means is to require filing of disclosure statements with adequate and accurate disclosure materials so that investors can make informed decision. I am hopeful that upon successful funding of DNotes Global first round I will have the opportunity to work closely with the SEC staff and other interested parties.
2) We have invested heavily in the development of the DNotes 2.0 blockchain with every intent of turning it into a platform for others to develop their applications on and use it to launch new coins. Various possibilities and options have been discussed but we are not at liberty to discuss any details at this point. In general, to ensure best in class mindset in everything that matters, we will likely to be involved with investment, technical assistance, management, and leadership.
I am personally becoming very excited about NextGen VC. It could be a game changer in funding and business management to ensured greatly improved chances of succeeding in business. There are already more proposed projects coming our way than I have time to review.
Interest in our funding remains strong. However, I will not take anything for granted until we are fully funded. It is keeping me increasing busy; communicating with new prospect almost daily. It is rewarding to know from many high-level people in our industry how much they respect the direction we have been taking, what we have accomplished, and our positive contributions to our industry. From my experience, those are great indicators of DNotes becoming an industry leader, though it has yet to be reflected in the price of DNotes.
Please keep up the good work supporting our forum and social media. Your support goes a long way towards the success of our funding efforts. Thank you.
Tim Gogginnz, [08.09.18 09:20] Thank you Alan
Tim Gogginnz, [08.09.18 09:27] That is excellent to hear such positive feedback from respected peers and those on the outside, looking in.
Next Gen VC is probably the most interesting program we have in planned development, and will be instrumental in solidifying our position as a leader in our industry.
It is unfortunate that much of this high regard that we are held in has yet to be reflected in the price of DNotes. But we know the vision, mission, and objectives, and the appropriate steps to continue moving forward. That forward momentum will result in all the conditions being met that will see our efforts reflected in the DNotes price.
Primoz, [08.09.18 10:02] Well said Alan and Tim, I'm looking forward to see Next Gen VC in action. According to all I have read it will be great tool and very beneficial to the DNotes in general👍
Alan Yong, [08.09.18 10:20] The teachings from my book "Improve Your Odds - The Four Phiilars of Business Success" and NextGen VC could have a positive impact in helping to reduce the high rate of business failures. Currently, 8 out of 10 business failed in the first 10 years. As the book applies to DNotes by finding and solving major problems confronting our industry, we will do the same for NextGen VC's clients. I strong urge everyone - all of DNotes supporter to acquire a copy of the audio book narrated by Tim. He did a fantastic job. Thank you very much, Tim.
DNotes (OP)
Activity: 1932
Merit: 1111
September 08, 2018, 02:48:20 PM |
CRISP and Its Role in the Broader DNotes Ecosystem
One of the things that makes DNotes truly unique in an industry packed with rival digital currencies is the fact that the DNotes currency doesn’t exist within a vacuum. Instead, it exists within an entire ecosystem of products and services designed to support and facilitate its overall mission. The components of that ecosystem were all specifically created to further DNotes’ goal of achieving mass acceptance and adoption, while simultaneously providing invaluable services to the industry and public. Our innovative CRISP offerings are a perfect example of how that works.
As a core component of the DNotes ecosystem, CRISP is strategically linked to that system and was created to help us achieve DNotes’ ultimate objective: becoming an inclusive digital currency in global commerce, for the benefit of everyone. In this article, I will explain how CRISP fits into the DNotes and DNotes Global model in a way that benefits everyone on the network.
CRISP, short for cryptocurrency investment savings plan, is a self-directed and decentralized DNotes savings plan that pays interest in DNotes on DNotes balances directly from the blockchain.
A Brief History of CRISP
CRISP has evolved over the years from its original iterations. CRISP started as a retirement savings program called CRISP for Retirement, which was funded by the DNotes team and paid interest to users who would lock up funds for a specific amount of time. In return users received a monthly interest payment from the DNotes team, automatically paid to their DNotesVault retirement account. The retirement program was immensely popular and the original one million DNotes to be paid in interest, which was intended to last about 5 years, was depleted in just over two years.
Later we started the CRISP for Kids program, to encourage parents to create savings programs for their children and grandchildren and teach their kids about the importance of developing strong saving habits early in life. This program became popular very quickly as well, with gifts from the DNotes team for the kids who had funded CRISP for Kids accounts.
The DNotes team continued the concept and created CRISP for Students, CRISP for Employee Incentive Benefits, and will be creating a CRISP for Charity - templates that can be rapidly scaled up at the right time.
Eventually, we realized that the popularity of the programs we were creating would cause us to run out of DNotes to support these efforts. We determined the best way to handle this problem was to integrate the CRISP program as part of the blockchain block reward and make it a crucial element of the DNotes new coin-generation process. Not only would that enable CRISP over the long-term, but it would also make the generation of new coins more equitable and accessible to everyone, regardless of whether they were staking.
Fixed Rate Permanent Interest
Users earn 0.5% DNotes every CRISP payment cycle of 30 days, paid directly from the blockchain on any DNotes that have remained at the same address for the entire CRISP period. Other interest-bearing accounts frequently change the interest rate, and to provide competitive rates they rely heavily on debt, or speculative investing with customer funds.
Compounding Interest Enhanced by Staking
CRISP not only offers interest that is compounded monthly, but users may also stake their DNotes at the same time, earning both CRISP interest and the staking reward.
Inclusive and Decentralized New Money Creation
CRISP is an inclusive program that anyone, anywhere in the world can participate in simply by owning DNotes. Instead of new money being created mainly by private corporations or governments, all DNotes users are involved in the money creation process. This also means newly created coins are distributed to those who have DNotes best interests in mind, the stakeholders, instead of miners.
No Setup or Reliance on Third Parties
Unlike typical savings accounts, CRISP does not require any setup, or a bank or investment account. All you need to access the CRISP programs is access to an internet connection and some DNotes. Since the DNotes for CRISP are generated from the block reward, the rate is fixed and there is no external entity to mishandle your savings or invest your money.
Encourages Saving and Protects the Value of DNotes
CRISP promotes investment and savings for the DNotes currency and works to protect the long-term value of DNotes. Instead of encouraging users to spend money right away to vitalize the economy, DNotes CRISP fosters long term saving to protect the individual user.
Supports the Continued Growth of the DNotes Ecosystem
DNotes Global, Inc. is a for-profit company whose mission is to promote and protect the DNotes digital currency and grow the DNotes ecosystem. The CRISP program is also designed to help the company in its mission by providing interest on the DNotes owned by DNotes Global in the cross-ownership model.
Not Just Savings and Interest but also a Promotional Tool
The CRISP program is not only a savings program, it is a promotional outreach and marketing tool to help DNotes reach more people. As such we will have targeted campaigns to help people save and grow their wealth and as an incentive program for DNotes users.
The Future of CRISP
The models we have created for CRISP are all templates for targeted savings plans which can be marketed individually and encourage the participation of DNotes digital currency. This can be scaled rapidly and expanded into other niche savings and incentive programs.
In the future, DNotes Global intends to have its own team for managing funds for organizations and charities, in which CRISP will play a critical role as not only an investment vehicle for these organizations but also as a tool for stabilizing and growing the DNotes currency.
In short, the DNotes CRISP strategy continues to be an essential component in our long-term strategy for making DNotes an inclusive supplemental digital currency that provides financial empowerment for people around the globe. It remains a truly unique and innovative program that can help real people better manage their savings needs.
DNotes (OP)
Activity: 1932
Merit: 1111
September 08, 2018, 03:09:54 PM |
More from DNotes Telegram:
Alan Yong, [08.09.18 09:10] [In reply to Reiner Strobel] Let me clarify. When NextGen VC is place after DNotes Global is sufficiently funded, it is our intent to assist our investment-client to use DNotes blockchain to launch their coin in a compliance ICO.
Two issues are unsettled at this time. 1) What offering, and disclosure statement would the SEC find acceptable. We believe that ICO is the best and the most efficient tool for capital formation in funding new projects or funding company expansion. My understanding is that the SEC is not against ICO but when an ICO involves the sale of securities, it falls squarely in the SEC’s jurisdiction. The SEC is mandated to protect investors and one of their means is to require filing of disclosure statements with adequate and accurate disclosure materials so that investors can make informed decision. I am hopeful that upon successful funding of DNotes Global first round I will have the opportunity to work closely with the SEC staff and other interested parties.
2) We have invested heavily in the development of the DNotes 2.0 blockchain with every intent of turning it into a platform for others to develop their applications on and use it to launch new coins. Various possibilities and options have been discussed but we are not at liberty to discuss any details at this point. In general, to ensure best in class mindset in everything that matters, we will likely to be involved with investment, technical assistance, management, and leadership.
I am personally becoming very excited about NextGen VC. It could be a game changer in funding and business management to ensured greatly improved chances of succeeding in business. There are already more proposed projects coming our way than I have time to review.
Interest in our funding remains strong. However, I will not take anything for granted until we are fully funded. It is keeping me increasing busy; communicating with new prospect almost daily. It is rewarding to know from many high-level people in our industry how much they respect the direction we have been taking, what we have accomplished, and our positive contributions to our industry. From my experience, those are great indicators of DNotes becoming an industry leader, though it has yet to be reflected in the price of DNotes.
Please keep up the good work supporting our forum and social media. Your support goes a long way towards the success of our funding efforts. Thank you.
Tim Gogginnz, [08.09.18 09:20] Thank you Alan
Tim Gogginnz, [08.09.18 09:27] That is excellent to hear such positive feedback from respected peers and those on the outside, looking in.
Next Gen VC is probably the most interesting program we have in planned development, and will be instrumental in solidifying our position as a leader in our industry.
It is unfortunate that much of this high regard that we are held in has yet to be reflected in the price of DNotes. But we know the vision, mission, and objectives, and the appropriate steps to continue moving forward. That forward momentum will result in all the conditions being met that will see our efforts reflected in the DNotes price.
Primoz, [08.09.18 10:02] Well said Alan and Tim, I'm looking forward to see Next Gen VC in action. According to all I have read it will be great tool and very beneficial to the DNotes in general👍
Alan Yong, [08.09.18 10:20] The teachings from my book "Improve Your Odds - The Four Pillars of Business Success" and NextGen VC could have a positive impact in helping to reduce the high rate of business failures. Currently, 8 out of 10 business failed in the first 10 years. As the book applies to DNotes by finding and solving major problems confronting our industry, we will do the same for NextGen VC's clients. I strong urge everyone - all of DNotes supporter to acquire a copy of the audio book narrated by Tim. He did a fantastic job. Thank you very much, Tim.
Excellent, it brings to light the issue that there will be many forks in the road ahead. An analogy Alan frequently uses, we are heading to the peak of that mountain way over there, and we are going to take the most efficient path to get there, we will hit a few deviations along the way but never stray from the core objective. Our communications reflect this in how we detail our plans. As a new industry there are many uncertainties and unsettled issues.
DNotes (OP)
Activity: 1932
Merit: 1111
September 08, 2018, 03:10:38 PM |
Wondering what DNotes is all about? Here’s the basics: What is DNotes?• DNotes is a digital currency with a purpose: to serve as a real currency that people can use in their daily lives - unlike other digital currencies that focus on solving niche problems, with no plan to become a real, usable currency. • The DNotes goal is simple: achieve mass adoption and become the world’s first accessible, inclusive, and financially empowering digital currency that benefits everyone around the globe. What are DNotes’ Benefits as a Currency?• DNotes is managed as a business – but not controlled as one. • DNotes success is driven by a profit-generating company, DNotes Global, created to promote mass adoption, protect the currency, and ensure sustainable growth. • DNotes’ unique CRISP savings program rewards DNotes owners with 0.5% interest, every month • DNotes offers staking rewards for stakeholders – at 2% a year. • DNotes provides blockchain invoicing features to simplify merchant acceptance and adoption of the digital currency. What Benefits Does DNotes Global Provide?DNotes Global protects DNotes and its stakeholders, promotes mass adoption, and creates value and utility for the digital currency, including a fully integrated ecosystem. The company provides a unique cross-ownership model, with DNotes owning 25% of DNotes Global (pre-dilution), while the for-profit business maintains a stake in the digital currency. DNotes Global generates profit, creating intrinsic value for the DNotes currency to help create a “floor” for the digital currency’s value. DNotes Global has plans to build a long-term competitive advantage by offering services that utilize DNotes. That strategy will also help to facilitate awareness and adoption of the DNotes currency. Long term competitive advantage DNotes Global will provide in offering services that utilize DNotes. What’s Next? Fully compliant Reg D 506 (c) crowdfunding followed by a Reg A+ Mini-IPO. DNotes Payment Solution Integration into Existing eCommerce Platforms Cold Staking Implementation & More Where can I learn more? Pitch Deck - https://dnotesglobal.com/PitchDeck.pptxPitch Deck Video - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XculeWKdbbEWhite Paper - https://dnotesglobal.com/white-paper/Website - http://dnotescoin.com/Blog - http://dnotescoin.com/blog-main-hub/ DNotes PayDNotes Pay DigitalUse: Selling individual products from a website that can be delivered automatically via a download link or directed to a specific webpage without collecting any information from the buyer. Integration: Can be integrated into any PHP website. Instructions: Edit address.txt and add your DNotes addresses, 1 per line. Edit index.php and change the 6 Config values at the top. Upload all files to your web site. Link to this page via hyperlink or button to accept payments. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4tLDY3RPSbc&t=545sFeatures: Universal PHP/Javascript script. No database required. Automatic payment confirmation and product delivery. No buyer information required. Script: https://github.com/DNotesCoin/dnotespay-digital-pocDNotes Pay Digital - Wordpress PluginUse: Selling any number of individual products from a Wordpress website that can be delivered automatically via a download link or directed to a specific webpage without collecting any information from the buyer. Integration: Can be integrated into any Wordpress website. Instructions: Download the plugin and install on your Wordpress website. Configure your DNotes Pay payment button. Place the shortcode where ever you would like on your Wordpress website to display the purchase button. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OqKmqHiIXGkFeatures: Easily install on any Wordpress website. Sell any number of individual products. Automatic payment confirmation and product delivery. No buyer information required. Download Plugin: https://github.com/DNotesCoin/dnotespay-wp-digital-poc/releasesSource: https://github.com/DNotesCoin/dnotespay-wp-digital-pocDNotes Pay SoftwareUse: Selling software on a Pay Per Period or lifetime purchase automatically and without collecting any information from the buyer. Integration: Can be integrated into any program, C# example provided. Instructions: For C# and .NET applications, modify the code example and integrate into your program. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9myDnwR7SF0Features: Automatically accept payments for use of your software. Novel Pay Per Period model. Add in any additional security your program may require. No additional requirements. Script: https://github.com/DNotesCoin/dnotespay-sw-pocWhat's next?PHP script for custom shopping cart integration. DNotes 2.0 Frequently Asked Questions: Q: What is new with DNotes 2.0?A: DNotes 2.0 is a major improvement on the original DNotes blockchain. The new blockchain will allow DNotes and its partner company DNotes Global to achieve its objective to connect DNotes to the modern world of finance and commerce. The new blockchain is faster, more secure, and consumes only a fraction of the electricity. It also allows custom invoices to be created and attached to transactions, and changes the economic incentives of the network to one that encourages savings with the switch to the Proof-Of-Stake algorithm, and paying 0.5% interest on balances that haven’t moved from a wallet address in a 30 day period (~6% per annum). Specifications POS 2% Annualized Staking Reward Individual blocks reward will be Current Total Coins / 525,600 * 0.02 60 Second Block Target 0.005 Transaction Fee Source: https://github.com/DNotesCoin/DNotes2.0Download Wallet: http://dnotescoin.com/#DownloadDirectory DNotes2 (C:\Users\USERNAME\AppData\Roaming\DNotes2 on Windows) CONF dnotes.conf (all lower case) DNotes 2.0 Features Switch to PoS CRISP Reward - 0.5% interest every 30 days. Awarded by address. Calculated on a 30 day cycle. Automated Invoicing (First Phase) - Integrated blockchain invoice number There will be a soft deadline where DNotes mined after that block will not be redeemable for 2.0 coins: 4/16/2018 Block# 2180897 133,574,552 Will be the total swappable amount of DNotes we create +20,000,000 Allocated to DNotes Global, Inc for Development & Growth Fund 153,574,552 Total DNotes 2.0 Created The next update (TBD) will include: Deferred Staking Q: How do I swap my coins? (after April 16th)A: The DNotes coin swap process will now be done through a private fork of the legacy DNotes blockchain. We have created this fork to ensure that legacy DNotes holders are still able to swap their legacy DNotes for DNotes 2.0 long after the deadline, in the event they missed the swap. This also ensures we will not be accepting newly purchased or mined DNotes, protecting our users and network. In order to swap your coins, you will need the following DNotes v1.3 wallet, which you can download here: http://dnotescoin.com/DNotes/dnotes-qt1-3.zipYou will need to copy your wallet.dat or wallet backup file to C:\Users\USERNAME\AppData\Roaming\DNotes1-3 directory, open the wallet application and allow it to update. Next, you will need an address to send your legacy DNotes in to for the coin swap, you can generate a legacy address with the following instructions: Create a DNotesVault.com account if you don’t already have one. Login to your DNotesVault.com account, and click the HISTORIC tab at the top. Click Create Address, and send your DNotes to the address you just created. Coin swaps will be processed once a month until further notice. Q: What is the cutoff date for mined DNotes that can be swapped to the new DNotes blockchain?A: We have set April 16th 2018 as the soft deadline. No DNotes mined after this date will be eligible to be swapped to DNotes running on the new blockchain. We will continue swap DNotes after that date, however the process will not be as easy and will take more time. Any DNotes 1.x purchased on exchanges after the 16th will not be eligible for the swap. Q: Will DNotes 2.0 be listed on new exchanges?We are currently listed on: https://mercatox.com/exchange/NOTE/BTChttps://stocks.exchange/trade/NOTE/BTChttps://www.nlexch.com/markets/notebtchttps://bitebtc.com/trade/note_btcBeta or Future Exchanges we are working with: https://blockbid.io/Q: Are the new DNotes 2.0 coins worth the same as the old coins?A: Yes, they are worth exactly the same. However we can not predict what price movements will occur at exchanges once DNotes is relisted using the new coins. Q: I have Mac or Specific Linux OS, will there be wallets for these? A: Yes! We currently have Windows / Mac / Linux Mint / Ubuntu Desktop wallets at DNotesCoin.com. If you need something else, please let us know. Q: Where is the block explorer? A: https://chainz.cryptoid.info/note/StakingQ: What is Staking?A: Staking your coins helps to support the DNotes network, and the network currently pays out roughly 5 DNotes every minute to one address on the network based on a probability that centers on how many coins the user is staking with as a percentage of the total number of coins being staked on the network. The DNotes network pays out ~2% of the total number of coins per annum. If 100% of DNotes were being used to stake on the network, then by probability each user could expect 2% growth in the number of coins they have. If only 50% of coins are used to stake, then those users could expect approximately 4% growth that year. Q: Can I stake my coins on the DNotesVault?A: You cannot currently stake your coins that are on the DNotesVault, you will need to withdraw your DNotes 2.0 to a local wallet and stake your coins from your local wallet. We will in a future release incorporate cold staking, which will allow you stake your coins while they are safely tucked away inside the DNotesVault. However, we do not have an ETA, it will be one of our highest priorities for next upgrades. Q: How do I stake?Disclaimer: It is recommended that you properly secure your computer and wallet, as well as make proper backups, before attempting to run your own staking wallet. Failure to properly secure your DNotes may result in loss or theft. If you are not familiar with the process, please start off small and familiarize yourself with the process. You will need to download the DNotes QT wallet here: http://dnotescoin.com/#DownloadInstall the wallet (and we recommend creating a backup, after encrypting your wallet) Go to settings, and then ‘encrypt wallet’. Enter your password twice (and do NOT forget it, or you will not be able to access the wallet and we can not help you). Go to settings, and then ‘unlock wallet’, enter your password, and select “for staking only”. This will prevent any transfers from being made from your wallet without the password while you stake your coins. Soon the arrow at the bottom will turn green. This means that your coins are now staking. Video: https://youtu.be/bR66LWPRzAUQ: How do I get the most out of my staking efforts? A: There is no trick to staking efficiently. The factors involved are your coin weight versus the network coin weight and coin weight is the number of coins currently staking. The age does not matter, nor does how you divide or move your coins around. Q: How much can I earn staking? A: That depends on how many coins you are staking and how many coins are being staked on the network. The blockchain distributes Current Total Coins / 525,600 * 0.02 every block, or every 60 seconds. You may calculate how often you are chosen to receive the block reward by dividing your network weight verse your weight. If network weight is 100, and your weight is 5, then you would be chosen for block reward 5 blocks out of every 100. CRISPQ: Can I get CRISP reward AND stake at the same time? A: Yes, the system is designed to allow you to receive CRISP on a wallet you are staking Q: What is the CRISP reward structure? A: CRISP periods are every 43,200 blocks (30 days). Payments start 10,080 blocks (1 week) from the end of the CRISP period. Q: What do I need to do to earn CRISP? A: Keep your coins in the same address for the full CRISP period 30 days, set every 43,200 blocks. Q: When will I receive CRISP payments? A: The next payouts are as follows: May 1 - Ends first CRISP period. May 8 - Payout starts. (Virtually no one will receive this payout) June 2 - Ends second CRISP period June 10 - Payout starts Roughly. Q: Do I get CRISP payments at the DNotesVault? A: Yes! You get CRISP inside the DNotesVault, or at any address you control, such as a Desktop wallet. Though I won't suspect you will be able to get CRISP rewards from the exchanges or other online providers. Q: Where do the CRISP coins come from? A: The blockchain, these are newly created coins and have now become part of the new coin distribution, just like the staking reward. Q: How do I earn the interest reward?A: Our Cryptocurrency Investment Savings Plan (CRISP) payouts occur approximately once per month. All coins that haven’t moved address during that month period will accrue a 0.5% interest, which compounds to roughly 6.17% per annum. If you move your coins during that time, those coins will not receive the interest for that month.
Activity: 128
Merit: 0
September 08, 2018, 04:04:46 PM |
September 08, 2018, 06:32:12 PM |
More from DNotes Telegram:
Alan Yong, [08.09.18 09:10] [In reply to Reiner Strobel] Let me clarify. When NextGen VC is place after DNotes Global is sufficiently funded, it is our intent to assist our investment-client to use DNotes blockchain to launch their coin in a compliance ICO.
Two issues are unsettled at this time. 1) What offering, and disclosure statement would the SEC find acceptable. We believe that ICO is the best and the most efficient tool for capital formation in funding new projects or funding company expansion. My understanding is that the SEC is not against ICO but when an ICO involves the sale of securities, it falls squarely in the SEC’s jurisdiction. The SEC is mandated to protect investors and one of their means is to require filing of disclosure statements with adequate and accurate disclosure materials so that investors can make informed decision. I am hopeful that upon successful funding of DNotes Global first round I will have the opportunity to work closely with the SEC staff and other interested parties.
2) We have invested heavily in the development of the DNotes 2.0 blockchain with every intent of turning it into a platform for others to develop their applications on and use it to launch new coins. Various possibilities and options have been discussed but we are not at liberty to discuss any details at this point. In general, to ensure best in class mindset in everything that matters, we will likely to be involved with investment, technical assistance, management, and leadership.
I am personally becoming very excited about NextGen VC. It could be a game changer in funding and business management to ensured greatly improved chances of succeeding in business. There are already more proposed projects coming our way than I have time to review.
Interest in our funding remains strong. However, I will not take anything for granted until we are fully funded. It is keeping me increasing busy; communicating with new prospect almost daily. It is rewarding to know from many high-level people in our industry how much they respect the direction we have been taking, what we have accomplished, and our positive contributions to our industry. From my experience, those are great indicators of DNotes becoming an industry leader, though it has yet to be reflected in the price of DNotes.
Please keep up the good work supporting our forum and social media. Your support goes a long way towards the success of our funding efforts. Thank you.
Tim Gogginnz, [08.09.18 09:20] Thank you Alan
Tim Gogginnz, [08.09.18 09:27] That is excellent to hear such positive feedback from respected peers and those on the outside, looking in.
Next Gen VC is probably the most interesting program we have in planned development, and will be instrumental in solidifying our position as a leader in our industry.
It is unfortunate that much of this high regard that we are held in has yet to be reflected in the price of DNotes. But we know the vision, mission, and objectives, and the appropriate steps to continue moving forward. That forward momentum will result in all the conditions being met that will see our efforts reflected in the DNotes price.
Primoz, [08.09.18 10:02] Well said Alan and Tim, I'm looking forward to see Next Gen VC in action. According to all I have read it will be great tool and very beneficial to the DNotes in general👍
Alan Yong, [08.09.18 10:20] The teachings from my book "Improve Your Odds - The Four Pillars of Business Success" and NextGen VC could have a positive impact in helping to reduce the high rate of business failures. Currently, 8 out of 10 business failed in the first 10 years. As the book applies to DNotes by finding and solving major problems confronting our industry, we will do the same for NextGen VC's clients. I strong urge everyone - all of DNotes supporter to acquire a copy of the audio book narrated by Tim. He did a fantastic job. Thank you very much, Tim.
Excellent, it brings to light the issue that there will be many forks in the road ahead. An analogy Alan frequently uses, we are heading to the peak of that mountain way over there, and we are going to take the most efficient path to get there, we will hit a few deviations along the way but never stray from the core objective. Our communications reflect this in how we detail our plans. As a new industry there are many uncertainties and unsettled issues. I do like that mountain analogy -- it makes me think of how we have a very clear vision and mission of what where we are heading, and by that analogy, it is the top of the very tallest mountain around. It can take a while to climb that mountain, but it is worth it in the end because you'll be higher than anybody else. And for that reason, we need not concern ourselves with what others' are doing, who may be further up their own mountain, but one that is not as high. Just stick to the mission we have, which is a big bold idea of massive scope, and hold true to it.
Activity: 1610
Merit: 1060
September 08, 2018, 08:13:51 PM |
More from DNotes Telegram:
Alan Yong, [08.09.18 09:10] [In reply to Reiner Strobel] Let me clarify. When NextGen VC is place after DNotes Global is sufficiently funded, it is our intent to assist our investment-client to use DNotes blockchain to launch their coin in a compliance ICO.
Two issues are unsettled at this time. 1) What offering, and disclosure statement would the SEC find acceptable. We believe that ICO is the best and the most efficient tool for capital formation in funding new projects or funding company expansion. My understanding is that the SEC is not against ICO but when an ICO involves the sale of securities, it falls squarely in the SEC’s jurisdiction. The SEC is mandated to protect investors and one of their means is to require filing of disclosure statements with adequate and accurate disclosure materials so that investors can make informed decision. I am hopeful that upon successful funding of DNotes Global first round I will have the opportunity to work closely with the SEC staff and other interested parties.
2) We have invested heavily in the development of the DNotes 2.0 blockchain with every intent of turning it into a platform for others to develop their applications on and use it to launch new coins. Various possibilities and options have been discussed but we are not at liberty to discuss any details at this point. In general, to ensure best in class mindset in everything that matters, we will likely to be involved with investment, technical assistance, management, and leadership.
I am personally becoming very excited about NextGen VC. It could be a game changer in funding and business management to ensured greatly improved chances of succeeding in business. There are already more proposed projects coming our way than I have time to review.
Interest in our funding remains strong. However, I will not take anything for granted until we are fully funded. It is keeping me increasing busy; communicating with new prospect almost daily. It is rewarding to know from many high-level people in our industry how much they respect the direction we have been taking, what we have accomplished, and our positive contributions to our industry. From my experience, those are great indicators of DNotes becoming an industry leader, though it has yet to be reflected in the price of DNotes.
Please keep up the good work supporting our forum and social media. Your support goes a long way towards the success of our funding efforts. Thank you.
Tim Gogginnz, [08.09.18 09:20] Thank you Alan
Tim Gogginnz, [08.09.18 09:27] That is excellent to hear such positive feedback from respected peers and those on the outside, looking in.
Next Gen VC is probably the most interesting program we have in planned development, and will be instrumental in solidifying our position as a leader in our industry.
It is unfortunate that much of this high regard that we are held in has yet to be reflected in the price of DNotes. But we know the vision, mission, and objectives, and the appropriate steps to continue moving forward. That forward momentum will result in all the conditions being met that will see our efforts reflected in the DNotes price.
Primoz, [08.09.18 10:02] Well said Alan and Tim, I'm looking forward to see Next Gen VC in action. According to all I have read it will be great tool and very beneficial to the DNotes in general👍
Alan Yong, [08.09.18 10:20] The teachings from my book "Improve Your Odds - The Four Pillars of Business Success" and NextGen VC could have a positive impact in helping to reduce the high rate of business failures. Currently, 8 out of 10 business failed in the first 10 years. As the book applies to DNotes by finding and solving major problems confronting our industry, we will do the same for NextGen VC's clients. I strong urge everyone - all of DNotes supporter to acquire a copy of the audio book narrated by Tim. He did a fantastic job. Thank you very much, Tim.
Excellent, it brings to light the issue that there will be many forks in the road ahead. An analogy Alan frequently uses, we are heading to the peak of that mountain way over there, and we are going to take the most efficient path to get there, we will hit a few deviations along the way but never stray from the core objective. Our communications reflect this in how we detail our plans. As a new industry there are many uncertainties and unsettled issues. I do like that mountain analogy -- it makes me think of how we have a very clear vision and mission of what where we are heading, and by that analogy, it is the top of the very tallest mountain around. It can take a while to climb that mountain, but it is worth it in the end because you'll be higher than anybody else. And for that reason, we need not concern ourselves with what others' are doing, who may be further up their own mountain, but one that is not as high. Just stick to the mission we have, which is a big bold idea of massive scope, and hold true to it. Wow! Looks like we are grooming a few wise men and women at a young age. It is rewarding and that is where I get my inspiration. Very proud of you guys. Keep up with the great work.