approvedWeight|uint256 : 54926087
disapprovedWeight|uint256 : 29377332
Drp: 8 094 002.47
Weighted votes: 843 034.19
Yes: 549260.87
No: 293773.32
Yes%: 65.1529
No%: 34.8471
Votes%: 10.4155
Well Trixie, there goes tomorrows procrastination outlet since you got it. I would rather code than play video games when procrastinating.
Anything else you guys want?
Thanks anyhow for your effort illiki23. I got it now! First, we need to see the final result of the voting. If the final result turns out to be yes, we as tokenholders are the rightful owners of the corp, and from this point on it is up to us to further form the future of the corporation.
That will be interesting to witness. Likely, we also might see fractions as local democracies, groups backed up by supporters who want the corporation pulled in one direction and other groups with other supporters who want the corporations pulled in another direction.
Democracy put on blockchain!
Time will tell!
In future I am in favour of community driven development, where the control of new projects are truly decentralized. I am convinced there are a lot of talented investors among us with the right skills, and also we are in a position to bring in external expertise.