This can easily be used to make any other kind of masternode as well via the console and looking things up on your own instead of relying on a GUI.
SETTING UP/RUNNING A MASTERNODE ON WINDOWS:STEP 1:Download wallet 2:Run wallet for first time, encrypt wallet (THIS IS YOUR "PASSWORD") then reopen
Step 3:Go to Tools->Debug Console
In the CONSOLE tab enter "getnewaddress 0" COPY THE RESULT
This is your MASTERNODE DEPOSIT ADDRESS, where you will deposit the coins to create a masternode
Step 4:In the CONSOLE tab enter "masternode genkey" COPY THE RESULT
Step 5:press WINDOWS BUTTON+R, this will bring up a "Run" menu
Enter "cmd" into the box and press enter. You will be presented with a console command window.
In this console, enter "ipconfig", you will get something like this:
Ethernet adapter Local Area Connection:
IPv4 Address. . . . . . . . . . . : [b]<IPv4 address>[/b]
The IPv4 address under your ETHERNET ADAPTER will be your MASTERNODEADDR. Copy it down.
Step 6:Go here this is your EXTERNAL IP or OUTWARD-FACING IP, copy it down
Step 7: (feel free to correct me on this, I did it for safe measure)
Press WINDOWS+R again, enter "wf.msc"
This will open your windows firewall settings, on the left tab there will be "Incoming Rules" and "Outgoing Rules", you must click on one and you will see an "Actions" tab on the right, the first being "New rule..", click on that and you will be presented with a wizard to create a new rule for connections.
Click on PORT->Next
TCP/UDP, I don't know which one matters, so I did them both.
Under "Specific Ports" enter 9399->Next and do this for the other tab
You should have port 9399 TCP/UDP open on the outgoing and incoming rules.
Step 8:Close wallet, go to your windows file explorer (open a folder). Type %appdata% into the address bar, navigate to the "Das" folder. Your location should read "<drive>\Users\<user>\AppData\Roaming\Das"
In this folder there is a file titled das.conf, open it and enter this
rpcuser=user >>> your RPC user
rpcpassword=password >>>your RPC password
rpcport=9398 >>> some RPC port
masternodeprivkey=<MASTERNODE PRIVKEY>
masternodeaddr=<YOUR IPv4 ADDRESS>:9399
bind=<YOUR IPv4 ADDRESS>:9399
externalip=<YOUR OUTWARD-FACING IP>:9399
if there is no das.conf you can make your own with notepad by saving a .txt file as a .conf and/or renaming the extensionSimply fill out the das.conf with the things I had you copy above. The wallet should open
Step 9: In the wallet, go to Tools->Debug console again
In the CONSOLE tab enter "masternode start <YOUR WALLET PASSWORD>" and it should return "Masternode started successfully"
Step 10: I also did "masternode enforce"