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Author Topic: [ANN][ICO] Authorship - Making the Internet More Free and Accessible For Authors  (Read 101058 times)
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September 17, 2017, 12:32:10 PM

Hello Authorship admins,
I submitted my withdrawal request about 5 minutes after the ICO end and still didn't receive anything,
here's my referral URL, e-mail address and ETH address,, 0x2eA033292310Ec75aBA29d8789BaB239bF09C87c

I manage to get about 9 people to register for a total of 675 tokens I believe

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September 17, 2017, 12:32:17 PM

Trying to keep the criticism constructive.

So, dear Authorship, for your next ICO (you will need it after this disaster) a few hints, if you want to run a bounty program:

  • use a professional referral/affiliate software or 3rd party provider. People have been weeding out fake sign-ups for over a decade. They know how to do it. You obviously did not.
  • Make up your mind. Do not keep changing the rules. Pisses people off, and rightfully so.
  • If you want to discriminate against whole countries, VPN users, the TOR community, etc. -  say so, upfront. Be aware that you would kick Kim Dotcom, Julian Assange, Ed Snowden and probably every digital nomad living in Bali (or Paraguay, like me) as well. Dumb.
  • If you want to work for the world, learn how the world works... E.g. there are whole countries where 90% of users are behind forced proxies.
  • As I wrote in my earlier endorsement for this ICO: the biggest challenge will be to make blockchain usable and painless for people outside the blockchain nerd community. We do not need another nerd circle jerk. You allegedly wanted readers and authors from the real world. But now you scold, blame and insult every 'normal' person who just thought 10 bucks for an email address would be interesting. How many potential users and publishers were among them?

I still think that the basic idea behind is great.
Re-gaining trust and countering all the bad press all over the web will be hard.
If there was/is an honest project behind this ICO, I wish you luck to fix the mess...
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Activity: 28
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September 17, 2017, 12:33:04 PM

Hello, Peter!

I am head of the community assembled from several universities. This is both students and teachers (about 15 thousand people, the potential audience for reading and authorship). I sent out to the participants in my group writing and thus brought together people who are interested in the book topics in our universities. Among our community gathered a number of people interested in having ATS tokens for personal use for use in your service.

Since I am not distributing a link "wherever possible", but only among 100% of interested people, it worries me - your message about what you are going to ban people, on whose referral links a lot of registrations but a small fraction of the hits links.

The system will identify me and the members of our community who registered, as cheaters and will ban our participation in the project?

And I'm worried if the guys will be banned, but decide to invest eth in project now on their accounts - since the ban - they will lose everything.

Sry for not good english, but  if u dont understand anything - lemme know. Ty for your reply!

Hi Peter!
I earn 9305 coins from promotions and hope that i will get my coins. Please be fair with the people, who give their time to give you traffic and promotion.
my ether id is: 0xAdCB24E52390924C0cA0de043c53de2149257f83
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Activity: 48
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September 17, 2017, 12:33:48 PM

my token balance:  0

1 - I'm not cheating
2 - My address is not wrong (
3 - I don't have vpn
4 - I don't have the same ip
peterauthorship (OP)
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Activity: 70
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September 17, 2017, 12:34:33 PM

Peter, can you not disregard my messages?

thank you

I am sorry, I cannot answer questions like "will I be paid/when will I be paid/why I am not being paid".

We have almost finished the tokens distributions to all participants that had no more than 3 registrations from the same IP.


Peter you need to provide a way for users to know if they are awaiting tokens or have been disqualified, I have messaged you multiple times with no avail

Please inform me as to my status


ETH : 0x59F9D4C004aB4F13d74940fFC1EdcA08B76915Cd

The longer users wait without knowing their status the longer this thread will get

We will have an update in an hour or two as we complete the distribution. It's safe to consider that everyone who didn't receive in the next 2 hours the tokens has been disqualified. ICO has ended. If you are an investor and you did not received the ATS tokens yet, please send me a PM. Thank you
Sr. Member
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September 17, 2017, 12:34:49 PM

Peter, can you not disregard my messages?

thank you

I am sorry, I cannot answer questions like "will I be paid/when will I be paid/why I am not being paid".

We have almost finished the tokens distributions to all participants that had no more than 3 registrations from the same IP.


so answer this please. Am i going to paid?

i accidently wrote my welcome adress to form.

my ref adress is


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Activity: 21
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September 17, 2017, 12:34:53 PM

there's a lot of flaws in the system , still did not receive my 150 ATS Bounty Token , anyway congratulation to others that receive ATS , the rest move on , we still dont know if this coin has a value or not!
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Activity: 378
Merit: 100

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September 17, 2017, 12:36:16 PM


Dont you mean its 11.51am in Nigeria and they're working on another scam?
the I don't think anyone I know from Nigeria received his token!..all my friends and I have been waiting but nothing about ur side bro?.

I'm from nigeria and I got my ATS both investment and bounty.... If you didn't get yours the prob is from your end
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Activity: 26
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September 17, 2017, 12:38:09 PM

hello, peter!
can you help me check the referal link of my friend: Is there any problem? Thanks peter!
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Activity: 443
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September 17, 2017, 12:38:28 PM


Dont you mean its 11.51am in Nigeria and they're working on another scam?
the I don't think anyone I know from Nigeria received his token!..all my friends and I have been waiting but nothing about ur side bro?.
I'm a Nigerian both me and all my refs were disqualified. Peter scammed us
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Activity: 96
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September 17, 2017, 12:38:59 PM

Still haven't received my tokens. All my refferals are legit and i dont have multiple ip registrations. I'm very saddened by this. I filled up the form right after the ico ends. Sad
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Activity: 126
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September 17, 2017, 12:39:06 PM

I´m still waiting for my 1880 ATS. I´m witing for them.
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September 17, 2017, 12:39:39 PM

I have a question,
i fill my address ETH is b5964c94b329d9e48ad246b9059d8b8d25381701,
it not have 0x, it's invalid address or not?
i have 675 ATS token free in here  Huh
peterauthorship (OP)
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Activity: 70
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September 17, 2017, 12:41:34 PM

Trying to keep the criticism constructive.

So, dear Authorship, for your next ICO (you will need it after this disaster) a few hints, if you want to run a bounty program:

  • use a professional referral/affiliate software or 3rd party provider. People have been weeding out fake sign-ups for over a decade. They know how to do it. You obviously did not.
  • Make up your mind. Do not keep changing the rules. Pisses people off, and rightfully so.
  • If you want to discriminate against whole countries, VPN users, the TOR community, etc. -  say so, upfront. Be aware that you would kick Kim Dotcom, Julian Assange, Ed Snowden and probably every digital nomad living in Bali (or Paraguay, like me) as well. Dumb.
  • If you want to work for the world, learn how the world works... E.g. there are whole countries where 90% of users are behind forced proxies.
  • As I wrote in my earlier endorsement for this ICO: the biggest challenge will be to make blockchain usable and painless for people outside the blockchain nerd community. We do not need another nerd circle jerk. You allegedly wanted readers and authors from the real world. But now you scold, blame and insult every 'normal' person who just thought 10 bucks for an email address would be interesting. How many potential users and publishers were among them?

I still think that the basic idea behind is great.
Re-gaining trust and countering all the bad press all over the web will be hard.
If there was/is an honest project behind this ICO, I wish you luck to fix the mess...

Thank you for the advice. It is fully noted.

In the future we'll probably use private funding as we initially intended for this project. This is how we always worked before, with private funding. This was our first meeting with ICOs and the community here, so you can say it was a trial and error and we used to rely on a lot of advice we received here. Not trying to find excuses, just pointing that there are always 2 sides of a story. I realize our mistakes and once again I apologize for this.

Our project development continues as this was our reason of raising funds. I'm positive that this entire situation will be long forgotten once everyone sees us and running and with thousands of authors selling the books through our platform.

Thank you ICO has ended. If you are an investor and you did not received the ATS tokens yet, please send me a PM. Thank you
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September 17, 2017, 12:42:18 PM

I submitted the withdrawal form the day before yesterday. It was on the white list of your system, but I haven't received it so far. Please explain it to me!
It's my own computer, a IP
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September 17, 2017, 12:42:24 PM

Peter, can you not disregard my messages?

thank you

I am sorry, I cannot answer questions like "will I be paid/when will I be paid/why I am not being paid".

We have almost finished the tokens distributions to all participants that had no more than 3 registrations from the same IP.


so answer this please. Am i going to paid?

i accidently wrote my welcome adress to form.

my ref adress is

mail: honk posting mailaddress + reflink here.. you know that anyone can fill out the withdraw form with that data now and get your tokens???
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Activity: 378
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September 17, 2017, 12:42:43 PM

Dear... Peter how are things going with the exchange process... It would really put investors at ease... To know   are currently working on it... I invested 0.8eth

Pls do not ignore my post
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September 17, 2017, 12:44:13 PM

I have helped promoted to 5 people and I thought I could get 385 tokens, but I did not receive any tokens for now? Anything is wrong? This five people are my friends.

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September 17, 2017, 12:48:09 PM

Now we're back to "Not everyone gets their tokens"?
Because you wrote EVERYONE with less than 3 accounts per IP will get it.
And that was supposed to be final.

It would have meant I and all of my referrals qualify (most got in without referrals by themselves). But so far none of them received tokens (34 out of 65 who actually replied).

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Activity: 126
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September 17, 2017, 12:48:37 PM

I have helped promoted to 25 people and I´m still waiting for my 1880 ATS.
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