It needs about one or two runs like this year to bring those 10,000 to 1,000,000.
I think this is very possible when the reall masses start entering crypto. A million newbies buying 1,000 usd worth of bitcoin is better than 10 millionaires buying a lot of bitcoins in helping us get there.
Smoke more fucking crack

There is few people on earth that are willing to show up here and.. Here is the kicker..
Throw out their morality and play pseudo penny stock shitcoin trader fer teh exchanger profits coins ROI's.
Dumb fucks.. Shitcoins cater to scammy idiots.
Like all of you here I have 0 respect for.
If you ever owned an ICO coin you are a scammy ass greedy little immoral douche.
Now smart fuckers with your noob accounts..
Tell me what is the grand outcome of a bunch of idiots showing up to pay literally any price for literally anything no matter how pointless, crooked and rigged it is.

The bubble pops pajeets.
And yeah it is easy to predict.
I made far more than all of you doing this and..
I did it with out spending one single God damn mother fucking cent of my REAL MONEY.
Unlike you!
Anyone showing up here buying shitcoins with real money is an idiot.
You are bullshitters spewing crap to pad your rotting shitcoin bags.
If others don't continually keep piling in at a greater and greater rate..
Then prices will stall then the momentum will predictably swing hard the other way.
You dipshits here are basically chanting that Oh..
It's so good now it will be like this forever.
And in eight years were gonna be millionaires from all these stupid ass scam coins.
You are so fucking dumb and noob you don't know how stupid you sound saying it.
Many of you idiot NOOBS are posting the same comments I already heard before and after alts CRASHED.
The OP here is back peddling and moving the goal posts because he's full of shit.
Speculative market?
Scam coin market that can be crushed by regulation?
Shitcoins that get created faster than we can buy them?
Money to be made?
I agree there and not because of a tulips flower analogy.
It's more like a brand new digital variant of a pyramid scheme.
This the new MLM scam.
Money to be made?
Off of what greedy scammy immoral inept douche's?
Seriously what is it you are speculating on?
And what is this market you speak of?
You don't have a clue because you are greedy stupid inept little shit heads piling in here buying literally anything at all because of the chance to get ROI's.
You are stupid.
You act like it.
You prove it when you open your mouthes.
I am not insulting you all..
I am warning you children you need to get smart and do your homework.
Start with traditional scams research.
You will find that yes they too are popular.
So I am fed up with the tired old retarded clichéd retort "there is money to be made"
..that wasn't the topic title was it?
A whole lot of losers eventually.
Trust me your greedy immoral stupidity will ensure it one way or the other.
Proof is how I see you all acting now.
To say you are acting "risky" while the going is good would be an understatement.
So when the momentum shifts I will see the shit storm hit hard.
And oh it will.. Plenty of future idiot bag holders here singing the praises of shitcoins ROI's while the going is good.
Let's see YOU...... and Your noob account here in ten years jigging your little dick holsters around.