Ya that's pretty sweet news
I'd consider moving to Vanuatu but they have poisonous centipedes the length of an iPhone
Think I'll just stick to banking there...
That land is devastated by urbanisation and highy dangerous becouse of volcanos and underwater volcanos
Water trouble
Population is only just over 200000 people So if you like quiet place
Citzenship advantage is zero inomes tax,zero capital gain tax
All together paradise
It's more interesting does this bank obtaining gives any benefits in EU space, the regulation there is much more different and I even doubt that the bank offers IBAN transactions.
Dont worry will be IBAN etc.Pacific region is where chinise are investing.You can read Asian Development Bank Vanuatu and ADB
https://www.adb.org/countries/vanuatu/mainChinise are very inteligent business people,thay very well knew value of blockchain,and how blockchain can be used for example to store and track data,Thay are trading a lot for example with Australia,Singapore
Finally next year thay will have his digital yuan
I see that it was planed from some time to unify SC with traditional online banking,now it is best time
EU is small area over regulated dependent on politicians.But now UK will be funded by bilions chinise dollars to keep trading Germany and China have his special agreements
Asia is now most important part of ecnomic world.China,India are leading powers and very much IT advanced.You will see new chinise blockchains.Bytom is launching march,april.Bytom is very secure,fast with his innovative smart contracts.
Conclusion It is very good move to unify with PPB