Full Member
Activity: 1106
Merit: 103
May 05, 2019, 08:27:25 PM |
Please users, take care with CREX24, it might be a scam. They have blocked my account based on a Los Angeles (USA) police letter which looks fake, addressed to other person, dated 1 month before I transferred coins to this exchange and no stamp at all. Customer Support limites to tell me that the account was blocked due to an investigation in Los Angeles attaching a shitty picture of this fake letter. I have never been in USA. They do not response anymore.
Be very careful they can steal your money, whitout much explanation.
We'll ask the coin dev, who sent us the police order, to contact you and explain everything as soon as possible. I go into this thread a couple of times a week and consistently see complaints from newbies))) This is becoming a strange tendency
Activity: 92
Merit: 16
May 06, 2019, 04:44:51 AM |
Crex24 can you help get integration with CoinTracking.info https://cointracking.info?ref=C797766 so that people can keep track of their assets. Their support said it is on the list of things to do but would like help with further information below on the APIs to help make sure it is done correctly:For best integration we need either of the two main methods
1) A method to get _all_ trades (completed and partially canceled) for _all_ pairs. We don't need this to be fast, it can take up to 3 minutes and still be ok. For the trades we need the following data:
buy coin buy amount sell coin sell amount fee coin fee amount unique id time unix timestamp(in seconds) Here is an example of what we want to recieve: {"id":1234567, "buy_coin":"BTC", "buy_amount":"1.00234522, "sell_coin":"LTC", "sell_amount":"10.0202020", "fee_coin":"BTC", "fee_amount":"0.001", "time":153232292}
In case it is difficult for you to adjust your api in that way, a structure like this would also be ok:
{"id":1234567, "pair":"LTC_BTC", "type":"sell", "amount":"1.00234522", "price":"10.0404470", "fee_amount":"0.001", "time":153232292}
We would need you to:
show as amount what you bought calculate price as buy_amount(before fees) / sell_amount(before fees) tell us if your amount field includes fee or not have fees only in coin you buy or in coin you sell so we also know in which coin was fee
2) A method to get _all_ deposits and withdrawals
For deposit/withdrawal data we need:
coin amount fee amount unique id type (withdrawal/deposit) time unix timestamp(in seconds)
If users have other ways of earning or spending coins on you exchange, we need methods that return these too.
3) We need _read only_ api keys that don't allow trading or withdrawals, so we could save them on our site and run imports without any actions from the user side. Either contact them directly or if you can provide me the details I can try forwarding it to them. Thanks in advance for getting this feature added. Here is their BitcoinTalk page if you need that: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=220238
Activity: 37
Merit: 0
May 06, 2019, 10:07:14 AM Last edit: May 06, 2019, 09:59:39 PM by BCP_Dev |
Hello! Please check the BCP wallet you have a lag of more than 2k blocks. Coin Explorer shows at the moment 326634 blocks, you have shows that only 324499 are synchronized blocks. Thanks.
May 06, 2019, 11:02:07 AM |
Please users, take care with CREX24, it might be a scam. They have blocked my account based on a Los Angeles (USA) police letter which looks fake, addressed to other person, dated 1 month before I transferred coins to this exchange and no stamp at all. Customer Support limites to tell me that the account was blocked due to an investigation in Los Angeles attaching a shitty picture of this fake letter. I have never been in USA. They do not response anymore.
Be very careful they can steal your money, whitout much explanation.
We'll ask the coin dev, who sent us the police order, to contact you and explain everything as soon as possible. I go into this thread a couple of times a week and consistently see complaints from newbies))) This is becoming a strange tendency Crex24 is getting bigger everyday and as the user base grows more user problems will arise that need attention. But so far on my experience whenever i got a missing deposit on my account i always got a reply within 4-6 hours after i sent a support ticket which is very fast compare to other exchange platform that takes 48 hours to get a reply.
May 06, 2019, 02:00:53 PM |
Please users, take care with CREX24, it might be a scam. They have blocked my account based on a Los Angeles (USA) police letter which looks fake, addressed to other person, dated 1 month before I transferred coins to this exchange and no stamp at all. Customer Support limites to tell me that the account was blocked due to an investigation in Los Angeles attaching a shitty picture of this fake letter. I have never been in USA. They do not response anymore.
Be very careful they can steal your money, whitout much explanation.
We'll ask the coin dev, who sent us the police order, to contact you and explain everything as soon as possible. I go into this thread a couple of times a week and consistently see complaints from newbies))) This is becoming a strange tendency Crex24 is getting bigger everyday and as the user base grows more user problems will arise that need attention. But so far on my experience whenever i got a missing deposit on my account i always got a reply within 4-6 hours after i sent a support ticket which is very fast compare to other exchange platform that takes 48 hours to get a reply. Agreed, it's fairly solid exchange I have had 0 issues with so far. This space is unfortunately starting to fill up with people who haven't got the first kind of clue. Will they help push the next bullmarket sure. However, will they at the same time cry scam at everything tarnishing images etc.
Full Member
Activity: 1106
Merit: 103
May 06, 2019, 08:12:38 PM |
I now do not quite understand if there are any problems then contact support. Why write here also without any confirmations
May 07, 2019, 03:36:39 AM |
I now do not quite understand if there are any problems then contact support. Why write here also without any confirmations Yes, So far their Support ticket pretty much responsive unlike other exchange platform. Posting account related problems in this thread will not make their work faster, they also have discord group if users want's more a personal touch with their problems..
Activity: 58
Merit: 0
May 08, 2019, 08:20:07 AM |
Moжeт тyт caппopт oбpaтит внимaниe и cдeлaeт пo нopмaльнoмy. Ho oтзыв вcё paвнo ocтaвлю. Пoльзoвaлcя Crex24 дo ceгoдняшнeгo дня нopмaльнo. Пoпoлнял/вывoдил нeбoльшиe cyммы c киви и яндeкca. Пoкyпaл/пpoдaвaл щитки. Bce былo нopмaльнo, дo ceгoдняшнeгo дня. Пpи oчepeднoм дeпoзитe c Яндeкca oн зaвиc. Hoмep cчётa тoт жe, чтo и иcпoльзoвaлcя для ввoдoв и вывoдoв дo этoгo мнoгo paз. Кaк я пoнял пo нoвым пpaвилaм, нyжнa вepификaция для пoпoлнeния чepeз Яндeкc. Hy paз нyжнa, тaк нyжнa. И тyт нaчинaeтcя циpк. Зaгpyзил cкaн пacпopтa и cкpин лк Яндeкca. C пepвoгo paзa нe пpиняли. Зaгpyзил втopoй paз тoт жe cкaн пacпopтa и yжe фoтo кaбинeтa. Пacпopт пpиняли, a вoт c кaбинeтoм пoлный кapнaвaл. Я oтпpaвил вce вoзмoжныe paзyмныe вapиaнты, нo oни ни в кaкyю нe пpинимaли. Xoчy зaмeтить, чтo я пpoxoдил вepификaцию в тaкиx мecтax, чтo лyчшe нe вcпoминaть. Пocлe oчepeднoй пoпытки, плюнyл нa этo дeлo и пoпpocил вepнyть дeпoзит нa мoй cчёт в Яндeкce. Ha чтo пoлyчил вoт тaкoй oтвeт Здpaвcтвyйтe, Для пpoxoждeния вepификaции нa cтpaницe https://crex24.com/settings/verification зaгpyзитe cлeдyющиe цвeтныe фoтoгpaфии: Baшe лицo pядoм c идeнтификaциoннoй кapтoй или пepвoй cтpaницeй Baшeгo пacпopтa(ceлфи). Ecли пoпoлнeниe чepeз плaтёжнyю cиcтeмy: Baшe лицo нa фoнe cтpaницы плaтёжнoй cиcтeмы, cтpaницa дoлжнa coдepжaть Baши имя и фaмилию и/или тpaнзaкцию в пoльзy CREX24 (ceлфи). Ecли пoпoлнeниe бaнкoвcкoй кapтoй: Baшe лицo pядoм c Baшeй бaнкoвcкoй кapтoй, нa кoтopoй видны пepвыe 6 и пocлeдниe 4 цифpы нoмepa, имя и фaмилия влaдeльцa (ceлфи). Bнимaниe! Инфopмaция нa дoкyмeнтax дoлжнa быть лeгкo читaeмoй. Иcпoльзyйтe тoлькo opигинaлы дoкyмeнтoв. Hopмaльнo тaк, дa? Этo c yчётoм тoгo, чтo пacпopт yжe пpoшёл пpoвepкy. Ha тaкиe извpaщeния я нe coглaceн paди 1200 pyблeй и пoпpocил иx cнoвa вepнyть Яндeкc нa мoй кoшёлeк. Ha чтo пoлyчил вoт тaкoй oтвeт: Здpaвcтвyйтe, Mы нe дeлaeм вoзвpaт cpeдcтв, oбpaтитecь в пoддepжкy ЯндeкcДeньги или пpoйдитe вepификaцию дo кoнцa. Regards, Crex24 Support Team Зaнaвec. Haдeюcь, этo пpocтo зaтyп co cтopoны пoддepжки и ждy aдeквaтнoгo peшeния cитyaции.
Activity: 58
Merit: 0
May 08, 2019, 09:18:21 AM |
Зaчиcлeниe пpoвeли. Haдeюcь, в бyдyщeм тaкoгo нe пoвтopитcя.
Jr. Member
Activity: 230
Merit: 3
May 08, 2019, 01:16:28 PM |
want to clarify, because I did not find the necessary information. Does your exchange have its own coin?
I like working on your exchange. Surprising post red at the beginning of the topic.
Activity: 7
Merit: 0
May 09, 2019, 08:03:53 PM |
How many confirmations for SPDR before the coins are on the exchange?
Full Member
Activity: 728
Merit: 169
What doesn't kill you, makes you stronger
May 10, 2019, 06:14:52 PM |
How many confirmations for SPDR before the coins are on the exchange?
We made a system, which change conf number for low hashrate coins in auto mode. It is just security measure to prevent (or at least to minimize) attacks on coin net. Currently, 125 for SPDR. You can find it here: https://crex24.com/coins-health"Confirmations required". But how do you calculate the confirmations required for pure PoS+MN blockchains? For example you require 125 confirmations on Zenzo, with 1 minute blocktime that's 2 hours wait time! With the supply in circulation and the current price, it'd cost someone 148000$ to attack the coin with a 51%, so don't you think that's at least secure enough to drop the confirmation time to about half of what it is now? Semi-dead PoW coins are easily attacked if you point Nicehash or a small farm or a couple of ASICs on their network, those are really easy to attack (though pointless profit-wise).
Activity: 8
Merit: 0
May 12, 2019, 03:59:13 AM |
Two days do not credit the deposit!!! replenishment through qiwi wallet. Ticket [#356653]
Activity: 38
Merit: 0
May 15, 2019, 12:58:19 PM |
This is a standard KYC policy: https://crex24.com/aml....transaction monitoring and analysis of any significant deviations from the normal activity of the Users; What do you mean by "deviations from normal activities"? From here, a funny concept and any user activity can be interpreted as a violation. If a client is suspected of violating the KYC policy, what will you do: will you not accept funds for a deposit or will you accept and block them? User transaction monitoring and data analysis is also a tool for risk assessment and detection of suspicious transactions. What does suspicious transactions mean and how do you determine that they are suspicious? Is this approach not a legitimate type of fraud aimed at misappropriation of foreign funds? that the money obtained illegally can only be determined by the court.
Activity: 38
Merit: 0
May 15, 2019, 01:38:29 PM |
Thanks for the quick response. I ask you not to be offended by my questions - not so long ago I ran into one not honest office ( BiteBTC), who stole the money and not only from me
May 15, 2019, 01:39:59 PM |
Hey Crex24 team I know you heard what happen in cryptopia today, What's your take with funds security? I am currently using your exchange to trade some alts for day trading.
Worst case scenario, In case of hack how will you handle the situation?
May 15, 2019, 03:48:26 PM |
Hey Crex24 team I know you heard what happen in cryptopia today, What's your take with funds security? I am currently using your exchange to trade some alts for day trading.
Worst case scenario, In case of hack how will you handle the situation?
2FA, cold wallets, manual check of transactions and more. In the worst case, our losses will be minimal. But of course we won't let that happen. Binance was hack 2% of their BTC holdings. Do you have some insurance funds to cover losses from hack? I am currently devastated on what happen with cryptopia and i hope you guys can handle your security very well specially in keeping your customer funds secured against hackers
Jr. Member
Activity: 93
Merit: 1
May 15, 2019, 05:28:16 PM |
Hey Crex24 team I know you heard what happen in cryptopia today, What's your take with funds security? I am currently using your exchange to trade some alts for day trading.
Worst case scenario, In case of hack how will you handle the situation?
2FA, cold wallets, manual check of transactions and more. In the worst case, our losses will be minimal. But of course we won't let that happen. Binance was hack 2% of their BTC holdings. Do you have some insurance funds to cover losses from hack? I am currently devastated on what happen with cryptopia and i hope you guys can handle your security very well specially in keeping your customer funds secured against hackers I had losses with Cryptopia ... and many traders gave them a trust that at this point was not worthy... I hope you implement the protection, as it's funny to read that people can transfer so easily thousands of Btc...
Activity: 20
Merit: 0
May 21, 2019, 10:40:50 AM |
What's happened to Elicoin? it will be delisted? Has there been an announcement from crex24 these days?
Activity: 20
Merit: 0
May 21, 2019, 12:46:50 PM |
What's happened to Elicoin? it will be delisted? Has there been an announcement from crex24 these days?
Hello. Hmm. No. We're not going to delist ELI (yet). But the explorer is broken: http://block.elicoin.netThanks, so it was only a big flash selling in the orders book...I think the new explorer is http://classic.elicoin-explorer.eu/...and the newest explorer http://coalmine.eu/eli/ it's in sync now...cheers