Why the project uses the blockchain?
From the whitepaper
From a marketplace perspective, using the public Ethereum
chain enables the use of a fully built financial ecosystem,
with a minimum of fees. Traditional fiat payment processors
charge between 1 and 3% for money in and money out, while
a purchase using the utility token costs around 0.003 USD in
fees for purchases of any size.
Using a utility token over fiat currency also brings the
advantage of 18 decimals. Combine the possibility to use
extremely small fractions of the token with very low fees, and
real microtransactions become possible.
From a decentralized network perspective, it is also a
perfect fit. Very large numbers of participants, in a trustless
environment, transacting with each other is the definition of a
perfect use-case.
From an ecosystem perspective, we notice a lot of activity
in the IoT sphere, solving a lot of hard problems for the future.
And we are avid fans of these trailblazers knowing that
Databroker DAO is a great add-on for many of these projects –
the missing link in the ecosystem.