Who is the target audience of your project? How do you plan to attract them to work on your platform?
Everyone will benefit from our platform:
Brokers: all companies, which provide online trading on the currency and crypto- currency exchanges.
Two categories of brokers will participate in the system:
Traders – private investors, participants of speculative trading on the currency markets who place particular importance on the accuracy of trade execution, speed of transaction processing and an honest and quick withdrawal of funds.
IB – partners of brokerage companies who place importance on the reliability of interaction with the broker, on the accuracy and timeliness of settlements.
In the future, we plan to use our platform in the different business areas (freelancers, transferring money and other different services where client want to freeze the deposits until the set of action completed by the end company)
So in other words, (commenting on your final point), you wish to set up a way for people to conduct escrow? I would definitely use this platform if that feature were included. I'll tell you my idea:
1> You've got all kinds of traders who provide signal services. But people don't want to pay unless they get signals.
a> Trader sets up a service that sends signals and trades forex on this platform.
b> Subscribers pay up front for the service.
c> if the service triggers the platform smart contract requirement, then subscriber fee is released.
d> if not, signals fail, then payment returned to subscriber.