September 16, 2017, 08:15:21 PM |
The NapoleonX team participate to a lot of event its very cool for the visibility and they will continue to do it. They also have visibility with some article about the project, people really enjoyed it. We will see a huge community around the project in few days, if things continue like that we will see one of the most sucessfull ico of the year with NapoleonX.
September 16, 2017, 08:32:51 PM |
What makes this algorithmic better than several other algorithmic based ICOs.
I was wondering the same but, the difference is inthe the team, if you look these people have quite a lot of experience in the field. Secondly they clearly provide data, see the blackpaper.
September 16, 2017, 08:35:24 PM |
The proper projects still get their funding, it's just that now there are so many ones. 6 months ago there were like 2 per month, no it's 10 per week. Of course they can't all sell out (fast). And most of them are shit anyway.
I think with the right amount of marketing NapoleonX its project is good enough to receive the amount of funding they need.
More like 10 a day  . And a lot of shitty onces! NapoleonX is getting the right marketing, showing there faces on expos, interviews on youtube, ... Dont like the design of the website but its a great platform  Hope they will hire a great designer team. I'm a huge fan of there idea! You're right, that's all stuff that can be arranged afterwards. Unfortunately devs aren't designers.  Most devs aren't designer, so some could do a good job, but we don't know if this is the case, meanwhile, the project is getting traction, more so with the marketing and the apparition of the team in expos and youtube channels, that is good for this, the concept of DAF is a new one, will definitely redesign how common people trade in the market, with cryptocurrencies as well as stock market and equity market  . I hope I could use the DAF with Depotwallet, I want to trade with real assets too, and depotwallet will let you do that, and with some DAFs many people will make a lot of profits effortlessly. What makes this algorithmic better than several other algorithmic based ICOs.
Are there other algorithmic based ICOs? you mean other ICOs that propose to build an algorithmic ecosystem for trading in the cryptocurrency market, stock market and equity market? and that pays you GAS for participating in the selección of bots to create new COMPLEX DAFs? or similar? can you link me to those ICOs? I would like to know them and compare.
September 16, 2017, 09:03:44 PM |
What makes this algorithmic better than several other algorithmic based ICOs.
I was wondering the same but, the difference is inthe the team, if you look these people have quite a lot of experience in the field. Secondly they clearly provide data, see the blackpaper. Well, the true difference will be in the algorythms results, but you can't know this before the product is already made 
September 16, 2017, 09:18:41 PM |
I think it just hit me - NaPoleonX DAFs are the cryptographical mirror to Wallstreet ETFs. So instead of the Winklevoss ETF which would put a crypto asset (Bitcoin) on a fiat exchange, NaPoleaonX is a way to put fiat assets into the cryptosphere? Did I get that right? I know, I have some reading ahead of me.
September 16, 2017, 09:29:24 PM |
The NapoleonX team participate to a lot of event its very cool for the visibility and they will continue to do it. They also have visibility with some article about the project, people really enjoyed it. We will see a huge community around the project in few days, if things continue like that we will see one of the most sucessfull ico of the year with NapoleonX.
Some nice words Trrrt  Seen a lot of successfull ICO's this year and really hope NaPoleonX will be one of them. This project is really getting the traction it deserves. Cant wait to see it go to the moon!
September 16, 2017, 11:58:59 PM |
The NapoleonX team participate to a lot of event its very cool for the visibility and they will continue to do it. They also have visibility with some article about the project, people really enjoyed it. We will see a huge community around the project in few days, if things continue like that we will see one of the most sucessfull ico of the year with NapoleonX.
Agree, I just hope they install barriers to prevent whales from scooping up all of the supply. They are from the capital industry after all which is where the big money is. I don't mind heavy invester in this project, in fact I hope they raise lots of money, but I'd like to scoop some up as well. 
September 17, 2017, 12:01:05 AM |
Is it for france only?
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September 17, 2017, 12:02:14 AM |
I think it just hit me - NaPoleonX DAFs are the cryptographical mirror to Wallstreet ETFs. So instead of the Winklevoss ETF which would put a crypto asset (Bitcoin) on a fiat exchange, NaPoleaonX is a way to put fiat assets into the cryptosphere? Did I get that right? I know, I have some reading ahead of me. An ETF simply follows assets such as stocks, commodities, or bonds and generally operates with an arbitrage mechanism designed to keep it trading close to its net asset value. The DAFs are bots that are supposed to actively trade.
September 17, 2017, 12:04:22 AM |
Is it for france only?
No, it's for everyone who's interested. It might be that the US is excluded, but I just checked their site and haven't read anything about that. China probably is excluded btw, thanks to their new rules.
September 17, 2017, 12:05:29 AM |
Is it for france only?
If it's for France only, why do they write in English? There is nothing about France only in the whitepaper. But I get what you're saying, why is the subtitle "1st 🌟French🌟 algorithmic crypto asset manager"? I guess they wanted to be 1st in some way. They aren't the first algorithmic crypto asset manager but they are the first French team to create one.
September 17, 2017, 12:39:03 AM |
which crypto currency going to be supported by bot initially?
September 17, 2017, 02:20:38 AM |
If you have a lot of questions you can join the slack and the telegram. The team is very active and answer all the question we have. Its rare to have a team active like that in social media platform. NapoleonX team have a very great communication. Its pretty important and for the future of the project an investors like that.
Had a look in telegram yesterday, agree in full, but I also claim that they need to build it bigger (Quick). How many members in slack? Still a young project and a young community Everything will grow but it will not be very quick. Everything will come it just takes some time. Its not so easy nowadays with all those ICO and new platforms. Agree, but since that is the case, you need to prolong/extend the period from Community buildup until ICO or go with guerilla tactics and build Community fast.
September 17, 2017, 02:25:01 AM |
Nice addition with a Picture in this thread. Anyone from the team mind to elaborate on the feedback they recieved during the event?
September 17, 2017, 02:28:22 AM |
I just tried to click on one member npx signature to have a look in the telegram, link didnt work (Twitter et al did however). Perhaps only this specific user but might be Worth checking out. The link as http://tg//join?invite=FDx1WUM93110XNxSrtHxhg
September 17, 2017, 03:22:44 AM |
Will there be support for all cryptos or a few? Will it support all exchanges or you will open a new one?
September 17, 2017, 05:05:07 AM |
The proper projects still get their funding, it's just that now there are so many ones. 6 months ago there were like 2 per month, no it's 10 per week. Of course they can't all sell out (fast). And most of them are shit anyway.
I think with the right amount of marketing NapoleonX its project is good enough to receive the amount of funding they need.
More like 10 a day  . And a lot of shitty onces! NapoleonX is getting the right marketing, showing there faces on expos, interviews on youtube, ... Dont like the design of the website but its a great platform  Hope they will hire a great designer team. I'm a huge fan of there idea! You're right, that's all stuff that can be arranged afterwards. Unfortunately devs aren't designers.  Most devs aren't designer, so some could do a good job, but we don't know if this is the case, meanwhile, the project is getting traction, more so with the marketing and the apparition of the team in expos and youtube channels, that is good for this, the concept of DAF is a new one, will definitely redesign how common people trade in the market, with cryptocurrencies as well as stock market and equity market  . I hope I could use the DAF with Depotwallet, I want to trade with real assets too, and depotwallet will let you do that, and with some DAFs many people will make a lot of profits effortlessly. What makes this algorithmic better than several other algorithmic based ICOs.
Are there other algorithmic based ICOs? you mean other ICOs that propose to build an algorithmic ecosystem for trading in the cryptocurrency market, stock market and equity market? and that pays you GAS for participating in the selección of bots to create new COMPLEX DAFs? or similar? can you link me to those ICOs? I would like to know them and compare. Don't play daft, there have been several ICOs with similar quips. The first two that pop up is rialto and enigma, and that's without even thinking about it. The market is filled with the arbitrage offers. Anyway, i will let it go and have the dev's prove themself
KryptoKings (OP)
September 17, 2017, 05:09:34 AM |
are going to allow trading against commodity/index also?
We have presented a strategy based on Gold in our Blackpaper and Commodities are definitively an asset class where we want to propose bots. We know that in this asset class liquidity is more limited than in Equity and Fixed Income but given the current liquidity in the crypto universe, we think some room to provide some strategy with decent size.
KryptoKings (OP)
September 17, 2017, 05:13:36 AM |
Do you have a working product or it is in development ?
We have developed our strategies for a long time now even though we are still finding new ones when we have time to spend on this. This is the core our value proposal. The second element is to build a platform to host these strategies and all the functionalities we intend to provide to NPX token holders. We have already developed a beta version and are testing it as well as putting a security layer. We hope to present this in the next few weeks and in any case before ICO launch.
KryptoKings (OP)
September 17, 2017, 05:17:53 AM |
Is there NaPoleonX have roadshows something like that. if they have then they sould make videos and picture and share on social media like youtube FB TW ETC. that is good more for this project.
We are effectively on a roadshow currently. We were at the ICO Summit in Zurich last friday. The coming events are: 1. meetup organized by the Asseth in Paris on Sept 20 2. speaker at the World Bloclchain Forum on Sept 25-26 3. speaker at the Blockchain Forum in Barcelona on oct 3-5 4. another meetup in Paris mid oct