September 21, 2017, 03:09:38 PM |
Filecoin also entered a crowded field. There were already similar storage-based projects like Sia, Maidsafe and Storj. That didn't stop Filecoin from breaking the ICO record, raising $257 million.
I think the most important contributor is the project leaders' network. The Filecoin creator was already known for IPFS and being in Silicon Valley it's easier to get in touch with tech investors.
September 21, 2017, 03:21:28 PM |
Why you chose Napoleon name for your ico ?  Napoleon is a very brave and successful leader in his time, maybe that spirit is what NaPoleonX wants to bring in this era. Intelligent selection of names. I think that is because he was a French leader, who also was a good STRATEGIST, so he could win a lot of battles, the concept of the DAFs are a set of bots used in several STRATEGIES to earn money or WIN at trading, so it's kind of fitting really, at least is what I think is the reason they chose Napoleon, for the strategy part. or it's just a good brand name, highly recognizable. i agree with donald - i bet everyone remembers at least "this napoleon project" its not that important to remember the full name just google a few keywords like coin or whatever and you will find napoleonx in every search engine
September 21, 2017, 03:38:17 PM |
i read white paper there is trading bot give benefit to investors and token holders get 85% profit when trading bot work on rent. but how will get napoleonx token holder benefits. is there parking system work or holding token system work?
investors will be paid with the gas generated by the transactions done by bots. is there like parked system work. example weekly or monthly when every we want put in parrket weekly monthly or yearly like that?
September 21, 2017, 03:49:34 PM |
On the site cryptocompare the price of the token was corrected, but the description still has a mistake: Min Cap - 25 000 ETH | Soft Cap - 100 000 ETH | Max Cap - Uncapped
Or, not mistake? Uncapped project is not good for promotion
Its a mistake, that 100.000 ETH is the max cap for this project not soft cap. And the actual limit is the hidden cap, and it will be 100.000 ETH or less I think the Maximum xap is reachable in few day, 100,000Ethers is around $30 million. But my concern now is that alot of similar projects are poping up in the space and for me I still believe in network effect and the space will evolve into winner takes it all Similar projects are not a problem - there are several ways to be highlighted among your competitors. But I'm not so confident about the max cap. Market is saturated with ICOs and this one will be affected too. Hope they can develop their project anyway. Similar projects could also be a benefit for you, if they are not as good as for example NapoleonX. If their marketing, experience and product seems to be not enough it can boost the other projects because people get more trust in this. For NapoleonX we have a experienced team which already worked successful with a similar project in non crypto assets. So a really good base. But yes, the current ICO boom is really a problem. In the end only the ICO will show if enough people trust in NapoleonX. It's a great project with a lot of possibilities. It was easier conduct an ico before then. Now too many icos make people doubt about it. Sometimes you don't even hear a good ico already finished or you find a very good project but market don't think so. I love watching and participating icos, i can say that for lately near all of it dropped their expectations after icos start. True, it was easier before. But also there are still projects which get a lot of money in a really short time, or at least in a not too long time. If you have enough marketing and a well explained project and the demand for it. Let's see how NapoleonX is performing  They want to show their beta before ICO, and the devs are really working hard to answer all questions. It's a good sign. Every project should speak for itself and NapolenX in my opion does this perfectly. They've got very big and active community so there souldn'y be any problems with ICO
September 21, 2017, 04:00:30 PM |
This article got more than 11 thousandth views already which confirms, that this project is attractive for a lot of people. It will be interesting to see how will ICO go.
September 21, 2017, 04:21:18 PM |
This article got more than 11 thousandth views already which confirms, that this project is attractive for a lot of people. It will be interesting to see how will ICO go. Proof of performance is the next big thing  NaPoleonX will get a lot of attention from a lot of big investors. This ICO will be huge!
September 21, 2017, 04:21:21 PM |
This article got more than 11 thousandth views already which confirms, that this project is attractive for a lot of people. It will be interesting to see how will ICO go. That's a hasty conclusion. A view is determined by a click on a link. That link consists of the headline, a subtext ("Quants can now use proof of performance to backtest trading strategies on #Blockchain") and an illustration. The number of views mainly confirms the quality of the selection of keywords. In other words, how clickbaity it is. It would be more interesting to look at the number of times the article has been shared (eg. retweets).
September 21, 2017, 04:28:12 PM |
I see this thread grows very quickly. It is understandable, it discusses the real use of tokens in algorithmic trading. And they promise real profits. The system is explained clearly and transparently. While many ICO artificially attract different types of offline business to the blockchain, which with crypto-currencies is often not compatible at all. And Napoleon very organically joins the blockchain of technology and exchange trade. I'm even wondering how successful ICO will be, which will soon take place.
I am pretty new to the blockchain thing and your board status shows that you know a lot more than me about the whole thing. what are the types of offline business, which arent compatible with crypto? AND WHY?
September 21, 2017, 04:38:34 PM |
This article got more than 11 thousandth views already which confirms, that this project is attractive for a lot of people. It will be interesting to see how will ICO go. Proof of performance is the next big thing  NaPoleonX will get a lot of attention from a lot of big investors. This ICO will be huge! Once that happens, you can expect a large number of people jumping on the token.
September 21, 2017, 04:43:27 PM |
This article got more than 11 thousandth views already which confirms, that this project is attractive for a lot of people. It will be interesting to see how will ICO go. Proof of performance is the next big thing  NaPoleonX will get a lot of attention from a lot of big investors. This ICO will be huge! I really hope this project is too big, I'll try to invest some $$$. Must reach at least the soft cap
September 21, 2017, 05:26:30 PM |
This article got more than 11 thousandth views already which confirms, that this project is attractive for a lot of people. It will be interesting to see how will ICO go. Proof of performance is the next big thing  NaPoleonX will get a lot of attention from a lot of big investors. This ICO will be huge! I really hope this project is too big, I'll try to invest some $$$. Must reach at least the soft cap Like I said previously, that's the kind project that easily can attract some whales. Give them a way to easily make their capital grow and they'll come in mass.
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September 21, 2017, 05:30:46 PM |
This article got more than 11 thousandth views already which confirms, that this project is attractive for a lot of people. It will be interesting to see how will ICO go. Proof of performance is the next big thing  NaPoleonX will get a lot of attention from a lot of big investors. This ICO will be huge! I really hope this project is too big, I'll try to invest some $$$. Must reach at least the soft cap Like I said previously, that's the kind project that easily can attract some whales. Give them a way to easily make their capital grow and they'll come in mass. That's right. What's more, I think through their previous jobs in the financial world the team has an extensive network which helpes to approach potential big investors.
September 21, 2017, 05:50:50 PM |
On the site cryptocompare the price of the token was corrected, but the description still has a mistake: Min Cap - 25 000 ETH | Soft Cap - 100 000 ETH | Max Cap - Uncapped
Or, not mistake? Uncapped project is not good for promotion
Its a mistake, that 100.000 ETH is the max cap for this project not soft cap. And the actual limit is the hidden cap, and it will be 100.000 ETH or less Even though i like the ICO, i think it's quite a high target and i'm even a bit worried the minimum target might not be met. Mostly because the market is just so unsure right now, although you can now pick up some cheap ETH most people are afraid to make moves. But who knows how the markets will be by the time the ICO starts. A lot can change in just a few days in crypto.
September 21, 2017, 06:05:29 PM |
On the site cryptocompare the price of the token was corrected, but the description still has a mistake: Min Cap - 25 000 ETH | Soft Cap - 100 000 ETH | Max Cap - Uncapped
Or, not mistake? Uncapped project is not good for promotion
Its a mistake, that 100.000 ETH is the max cap for this project not soft cap. And the actual limit is the hidden cap, and it will be 100.000 ETH or less Even though i like the ICO, i think it's quite a high target and i'm even a bit worried the minimum target might not be met. Mostly because the market is just so unsure right now, although you can now pick up some cheap ETH most people are afraid to make moves. But who knows how the markets will be by the time the ICO starts. A lot can change in just a few days in crypto. Soft cap is 25 000 ETH, then comes the target cap which is 40 000 ETH, then a hidden cap that nobody knows which is below the max cap, then the max cap which is 100 000 ETH, the ICO will be in October, so a lot could happen to the market until that.
September 21, 2017, 06:05:59 PM |
This article got more than 11 thousandth views already which confirms, that this project is attractive for a lot of people. It will be interesting to see how will ICO go. Proof of performance is the next big thing  NaPoleonX will get a lot of attention from a lot of big investors. This ICO will be huge! Once that happens, you can expect a large number of people jumping on the token. All we need is a working project. If that could be achieved we will see big profits.
September 21, 2017, 06:14:00 PM |
This article got more than 11 thousandth views already which confirms, that this project is attractive for a lot of people. It will be interesting to see how will ICO go. Proof of performance is the next big thing  NaPoleonX will get a lot of attention from a lot of big investors. This ICO will be huge! Once that happens, you can expect a large number of people jumping on the token. All we need is a working project. If that could be achieved we will see big profits. We will see the working project when they show the beta in action. I think this will bring in a lot of attantion to the project from big investors.
September 21, 2017, 06:33:24 PM |
This article got more than 11 thousandth views already which confirms, that this project is attractive for a lot of people. It will be interesting to see how will ICO go. Proof of performance is the next big thing  NaPoleonX will get a lot of attention from a lot of big investors. This ICO will be huge! I really hope this project is too big, I'll try to invest some $$$. Must reach at least the soft cap Like I said previously, that's the kind project that easily can attract some whales. Give them a way to easily make their capital grow and they'll come in mass. Thats true! Whales will be joining this project because its something new and thats what they like. New fresh water  Cant wait to see the beta in action! The more NaPoleonX can show before the ICO the better it is 
September 21, 2017, 06:59:47 PM |
Like I said previously, that's the kind project that easily can attract some whales. Give them a way to easily make their capital grow and they'll come in mass.
What if the whales don't want any competition? Only a minority of investors have access to highly performing investments funds due to high initial capital requirements, physical trade constraints, operating costs on capital flows.NaPoleonX aims to take that kind of investment power back from large banks and financial institutions who profited over the backs of smaller investors. Power to the people! But the way the papers are written also means the team shouldn't expect, or even want, support from those same large banks and financial institutions.
September 21, 2017, 07:09:18 PM |
Like I said previously, that's the kind project that easily can attract some whales. Give them a way to easily make their capital grow and they'll come in mass.
What if the whales don't want any competition? What do you mean? Whales by definition have less individual competition per coin they are whales of. There are only so many percentages to share among the whales.
September 21, 2017, 07:10:30 PM |
They raised the bounty budget for another 1000 ETH to 2500 which is a lot of money. If anyone got tempted, you should join it. We have to help them spread the word.
If they are giving this kind of bounty, they are believing themselves to raise huge amount. Selfconfidence is a good thing, i hope they will achieve. I will make a contribituon to ico when it start  I mean the bounty is to earn that ether amount in NPX, you not paid in ether. Anyway, still waiting to demo a bot before i can make up my mind on this ico also for me a demo bot for try it will be very welcome,to test the real potential of this project...