Hello sylon
I'm on a signature campaign.But my wallet was stolen.My stolen address:0x8F7fC0D843C2FA8bFcd485ecb951A6Af876AF6c8
Please change to my new address.My new address:0x57270e0B3911008917c3891bfE38EE2B030f5fd7
Thank you in advance.
Sylon, is there any chance to change my ETH address. My wallet is compromited and i would like to soing this payments on my new address
I am participated on Twitter campaign, but i can't access to spreadsheet and i can't find my numbers on spsheet
Your address has been changed from 0x12dC169f15A10c095A3fF235F9d7fFD6a1D19a13 to 0x52683bb0724C2Db9A07850037dad049985b0bF9B.
Sylon, is there any chance to change my ETH address?I entered the etherdelta. I do not think my wallet is safe.My new address is 0x708A80e05f827c4Bb8b1Aea0120A4Eca23CfD3C2
Thank you sylon