Thanks for answering. Then i do have another question. I am assuming that the procedure will be the same as ICO crowd sale whereby we will be a general token from spec ai, and then at a later date, we are supposed to exchange these general token for specific token which is spec u and spec d.
Ask your question on ANN thread. This is bounty thread
I am referring to the SPEC token that we will all be receiving from the bounty thread. I also have tried to ask in the telegram group but i was directed to here to ask from Sylon. I am quite clear about the ICO already.
"Both tokens will be included. The split will be proportional to the actual sale. So if we the split ends up being 60/40 for Dividend tokens/Utility tokens. then the tokens will be on the same ratio as well."
Кaк oбычнo caмыe тoпoвыe пpoeкты пpoлeтaю мимo. Cкaжитe пoжaлyйcтa, Бayнти c кaкoгo - пo кaкoe? Moжeт ycпeю в твиттepe пoyчacтвoвaть. Читaл o пpoeктe нe oтpывaяcь. Boт чyвcтвyю - выcтpeлит.
I don't understand your message. You have to write it in English.
Dear campaign menager Sylon,
If I join now will be my post counted for period to next Saturday or just for today?
And my other question is should I set a personal text, and if what should I write?
You're free to write whatever personal text you want. Of course, a related text is better!
I mis-filled the user name column twitter = h@deros101, there is a letter h that I accidentally typed ,,, can you change MR.Sylon ,, or I need to re-register, my spreadsheet first stake my name does not exist ,,, please help me sir ,, thanks
spreadsheet 554
user name twitter = @deros101