Definitely an original project, and a much needed one on top of that.
I went through the white paper and I am now quite enthousiastic about the approach and the possibilities here.
However I got a bit confused on some aspects and I have a few questions, could you please clarify :
- What is the exact status of the QN : is it a protocol running on ethereum (as QSP is an ERC20 token) or is it an independant blockchain, maintained by "verifier nodes", which can intereact with the smart contracts created on the ethereum blockchain (or any other blockchain where QSP would be deployed)
- In the case QN is effectively a blockchain, could you describe in a more detailled way how blocks are created ? This is what's written in the white paper.
The Quantstamp protocol ensures the verification and certification of smart contracts is part of the mathematical problem that a verifier needs to solve.
Does it mean that the blocks of the blockchain would be issued through PoW that would contain the work required to do the automated checks of smart contracts (when there are pending checks) ?
- In the Case QN isn't an independant blockchain, can you explain how the network of verifier nodes is created and how the tasks are affected to the nodes?
- The white paper mentions that other smart contract languages might be added, however i see no such plans in the roadmap ? I assume these further developments to be contextual (ie if another platform starts to enjoy success, the Quantstamp API will be likely deployed on it)?
- Tezos team argued that one of the weaknesses of Ethereum was that Solidity is a "bad" language for smart contracts because it can't be verified efficiently in an automated way, which is why they went for more "obscure" dev languages (Ocaml if i am not mistaken)
what do you think about this claim? Any opinion on their approach?
Thanks for the answers and all the best for the crowdsale !