Launch Date: June 11
Argentum is the Latin name for the element silver. It is the perfect name to represent this currency and the potential it has with a dedicated development team. Argentum is fast, unique, and secure.
Website, marketplace, and exchange are under construction and will be launched soon after Argentum.
-Optimized client
Blocks-Block size increased to 10mb
-Signature operations per block maximum increased to 100k
-32 Second block time
The first two features are on the bitcoin hardfork wishlist. We wanted to create the first cryptographic currency with almost unlimited scalability. The signature operations per block were not increased as much as block size because it is unnecessary and theoretically unreachable as is.
Difficulty-Re-targets every 250 blocks
Currency Creation64 million total ARG. Once this limit is reached, it is increased by 1.1% annually, the rate of human population growth.
Fair launch:
We opted for a fair launch to let everyone start mining at the same time.
Block 0-500: 0 ARG
Block 500-1000: 1 ARG
Block 1000-1500: 2 ARG
Block 1500+: block reward random from 1-5. This sort of configuration is more realistic and adds additional security to the network by adding more variability. It also discourages difficulty hopping.
Security-Mined blocks mature after 30 confirms: Argentum is a fast currency but it does not compromise the safety of the blockchain in the process.
PortsListen port: 13580
RPC PORT: 13581
Development200k will be mined for funding an upcoming currency exchange platform, marketplace, and a gaming platform. More details will be announced. None of the coins will be sold.
TeamWe have a team that will build core services and useful applications for Argentum. We welcome anyone to join the team and help with development.
Core Programmers: 2
Web developers : 2
Graphic designer: 1
With block reward of 1-5 a 200k premine is fucking hilarious. It makes ever premine so far seem like chicken feed. Hell 200k @ 2.5 avg block reward is the same as almost 20 MILLiON premine of FTC.. Why do people not learn not to be so fucking greedy that they kill coins before they are even launched.
What are you gonna do with the premine? You going to offer a 10,000 block equivalent for a faucet and some shit exchange? What a fucking joke.
"No coin will be sold" oh, so the what, 50k coins that go to some shitty online casino hack will not be dumped? Yeah, sure..