Hello from Berlin! Let me answer some more questions here.
Does the team have experience in this sphere?
We are an international team of people working in the digital marketing space for 15+ years. Our firsthand experience with the problems of the industy is what drove the development of this project.
Will be the number of tokens decrease?
No, the number of token will stay the same. First priority is launching the platform with B2B partners to increase demand for tokens. Next we will facilitate the lending of tokens on the platform. Lastly we might buy back tokens to further increase demand.
You have a russian thread on bitcointalk. Do you plan to translate site in russian?
The website will be available in RU very soon.
Soft cap: 8,000 ETH (= 1m CROM) = $2 400 000. It is a very big sum. What will be if soft cup will not be reached?
If the ICO does not reach the soft cap, the invested ETH can be claimed back.