Whats the difference between this proyect and Hydrominer??
Hi there. Envion has some big advantages in terms of flexibility, scalability, and stability.
Envion mobile mining rigs can be infinitely scaled to take advantage of cheap energy using large arrays of MMUs. Envion can be installed to a large variety of power sources and can deploy in large arrays as fast as we can build the MMUs.
This flexibility also means the output is very stable because the MMUs can be moved to places where pricing is advantageous. Envion can be moved from a solar farm to a wind park if there is a better price on electricity.
They can also be installed anywhere power is cheap, not just at power plants. We currently have a MMU operating at a factory outside Berlin where it has access to cheap power and the heat exhaust is providing winter heating. We are sure customers will find even more uses for them in the future.