January 22, 2014, 04:06:50 PM |
I really would like to be able to travel to USA only for 5 little minutes.
Activity: 23
Merit: 0
January 22, 2014, 06:38:53 PM |
I am interested in your opinion about what is happening to cryptsy lately. Cyptsy used to add new coins and in my opinion was leading altcoin exchange. In last weeks cryptsy added only known coins (which were already 'pumped') and very few really alternative ones. On the other hand coinedUP invested in new coins making more and more people to leave cryptsy in hope of profit from not yet known coins. I heard that cryptsy is performing some upgrades to their page, but can it be really explanantion for stopping trusted users earning money on altcoins? Alterative coin's market is changing rapidly, most of us can not afford to wait weeks for them to fix their problems...
Being honest, I want to add that I wrote this in hope that someone from cryptsy team would read this and finally understand that it is unfair to punish users for cryptsy's problems. Maybe we can somehow influence cryptsy together?
I've been demanding compensation for my/our lost time and/or trades since day 1. Its time they gave their copy n paste sweat shop a break !  Yup, I agree  If that is the case, why are you recommending yet another coin ? THERE ARE TOO MANY COINS. Sorry, English is my 3rd language, it seems I misinterpreted what you said. Now altcoin market is beyond goverments regulations for me this liberal invisible hand of the market will kill scamcoins and will develop good ones. I is inevitable that some coins will turn out scam. The same argumentaton was used against bitcoin and yet free marked worked for it. If you stop adding coins to markets, new coins with future will be killed even before they are introduced. Explain it to me how do you know that coins that exist nowadays are better than those future ones? Why - looking at altcoin makret - would you like to stop new coins, which were made to fix errors of previous ones? For example Dogecoin was called scam and looking at it's volume it is 3rd altcoin now. In my opinion not adding coins will also hit cryptsy. Cryptsy is used because of this big variety of coins. If @BitJohn stopped adding new coins, thing that what made cryptsy unique would disappear. I like cryptsy, I got used to it and I don't really like to go somewhere else. People like invest in new coins, you can see it looking at how many new coins were made lately, this is a sign of demand. If the majority of these coins were innovative, stable and fairly launched, I probably wouldn't be complaining as much. Instead what we have appears to me to be a handful of guys with their never ending stream of forked junk coins and their sock puppet devs. Btw, the demand you see is usually artificial or non existant. All that is needed is a handful of spam bots, a bloated network hashrate and a catch phrase, to get the ball rolling. As I said before you want to artificially control new market. This demand is no extstant? So why people are buying it? It does not matter what made them buy coins spambots or real people the fact is that they are buying it. So demand exist! Why do you care for someone else's money? If they want to invest let them. I don't know maybe you are socialist or you believe in communism, I believe in free market and fact less regulation is better for altcoins. You want to regulqte new coins by not adding them. Crypsty built their exchange on big amount of coins. I resigned from btc-e because of this and now I don't want to transfer in some other place one more time...
Hippie Tech
aka Amenstop
Activity: 1624
Merit: 1001
All cryptos are FIAT digital currency. Do not use.
January 22, 2014, 08:32:24 PM |
I am interested in your opinion about what is happening to cryptsy lately. Cyptsy used to add new coins and in my opinion was leading altcoin exchange. In last weeks cryptsy added only known coins (which were already 'pumped') and very few really alternative ones. On the other hand coinedUP invested in new coins making more and more people to leave cryptsy in hope of profit from not yet known coins. I heard that cryptsy is performing some upgrades to their page, but can it be really explanantion for stopping trusted users earning money on altcoins? Alterative coin's market is changing rapidly, most of us can not afford to wait weeks for them to fix their problems...
Being honest, I want to add that I wrote this in hope that someone from cryptsy team would read this and finally understand that it is unfair to punish users for cryptsy's problems. Maybe we can somehow influence cryptsy together?
I've been demanding compensation for my/our lost time and/or trades since day 1. Its time they gave their copy n paste sweat shop a break !  Yup, I agree  If that is the case, why are you recommending yet another coin ? THERE ARE TOO MANY COINS. Sorry, English is my 3rd language, it seems I misinterpreted what you said. Now altcoin market is beyond goverments regulations for me this liberal invisible hand of the market will kill scamcoins and will develop good ones. I is inevitable that some coins will turn out scam. The same argumentaton was used against bitcoin and yet free marked worked for it. If you stop adding coins to markets, new coins with future will be killed even before they are introduced. Explain it to me how do you know that coins that exist nowadays are better than those future ones? Why - looking at altcoin makret - would you like to stop new coins, which were made to fix errors of previous ones? For example Dogecoin was called scam and looking at it's volume it is 3rd altcoin now. In my opinion not adding coins will also hit cryptsy. Cryptsy is used because of this big variety of coins. If @BitJohn stopped adding new coins, thing that what made cryptsy unique would disappear. I like cryptsy, I got used to it and I don't really like to go somewhere else. People like invest in new coins, you can see it looking at how many new coins were made lately, this is a sign of demand. If the majority of these coins were innovative, stable and fairly launched, I probably wouldn't be complaining as much. Instead what we have appears to me to be a handful of guys with their never ending stream of forked junk coins and their sock puppet devs. Btw, the demand you see is usually artificial or non existant. All that is needed is a handful of spam bots, a bloated network hashrate and a catch phrase, to get the ball rolling. As I said before you want to artificially control new market. This demand is no extstant? So why people are buying it? It does not matter what made them buy coins spambots or real people the fact is that they are buying it. So demand exist! Why do you care for someone else's money? If they want to invest let them. I don't know maybe you are socialist or you believe in communism, I believe in free market and fact less regulation is better for altcoins. You want to regulqte new coins by not adding them. Crypsty built their exchange on big amount of coins. I resigned from btc-e because of this and now I don't want to transfer in some other place one more time... GTFO ! I'm a market manipulating commie now ?  Please read things a little more carefully before you respond with your wild assumptions. I need a smoke after that one. lolz 
Activity: 23
Merit: 0
January 22, 2014, 08:54:38 PM |
I am interested in your opinion about what is happening to cryptsy lately. Cyptsy used to add new coins and in my opinion was leading altcoin exchange. In last weeks cryptsy added only known coins (which were already 'pumped') and very few really alternative ones. On the other hand coinedUP invested in new coins making more and more people to leave cryptsy in hope of profit from not yet known coins. I heard that cryptsy is performing some upgrades to their page, but can it be really explanantion for stopping trusted users earning money on altcoins? Alterative coin's market is changing rapidly, most of us can not afford to wait weeks for them to fix their problems...
Being honest, I want to add that I wrote this in hope that someone from cryptsy team would read this and finally understand that it is unfair to punish users for cryptsy's problems. Maybe we can somehow influence cryptsy together?
I've been demanding compensation for my/our lost time and/or trades since day 1. Its time they gave their copy n paste sweat shop a break !  Yup, I agree  If that is the case, why are you recommending yet another coin ? THERE ARE TOO MANY COINS. Sorry, English is my 3rd language, it seems I misinterpreted what you said. Now altcoin market is beyond goverments regulations for me this liberal invisible hand of the market will kill scamcoins and will develop good ones. I is inevitable that some coins will turn out scam. The same argumentaton was used against bitcoin and yet free marked worked for it. If you stop adding coins to markets, new coins with future will be killed even before they are introduced. Explain it to me how do you know that coins that exist nowadays are better than those future ones? Why - looking at altcoin makret - would you like to stop new coins, which were made to fix errors of previous ones? For example Dogecoin was called scam and looking at it's volume it is 3rd altcoin now. In my opinion not adding coins will also hit cryptsy. Cryptsy is used because of this big variety of coins. If @BitJohn stopped adding new coins, thing that what made cryptsy unique would disappear. I like cryptsy, I got used to it and I don't really like to go somewhere else. People like invest in new coins, you can see it looking at how many new coins were made lately, this is a sign of demand. If the majority of these coins were innovative, stable and fairly launched, I probably wouldn't be complaining as much. Instead what we have appears to me to be a handful of guys with their never ending stream of forked junk coins and their sock puppet devs. Btw, the demand you see is usually artificial or non existant. All that is needed is a handful of spam bots, a bloated network hashrate and a catch phrase, to get the ball rolling. As I said before you want to artificially control new market. This demand is no extstant? So why people are buying it? It does not matter what made them buy coins spambots or real people the fact is that they are buying it. So demand exist! Why do you care for someone else's money? If they want to invest let them. I don't know maybe you are socialist or you believe in communism, I believe in free market and fact less regulation is better for altcoins. You want to regulqte new coins by not adding them. Crypsty built their exchange on big amount of coins. I resigned from btc-e because of this and now I don't want to transfer in some other place one more time... GTFO ! I'm a market manipulating commie now ?  Please read things a little more carefully before you respond with your wild assumptions. I need a smoke after that one. lolz  I think I read carefully enough, for me regulations that 100 coins is maximum and they should not be added is linked directly to some specific way of thinking.
Activity: 40
Merit: 0
January 23, 2014, 12:00:47 AM |
@Hippie Tech yep maybe @Andy18 got a little too far but the man idea is crucial here. People will leave cryptsy if coins won't be added.
January 23, 2014, 06:42:40 PM |
I want to see microCoin on Cryptsy!
January 23, 2014, 06:52:59 PM |
I want to see microCoin on Cryptsy!
Hippie Tech
aka Amenstop
Activity: 1624
Merit: 1001
All cryptos are FIAT digital currency. Do not use.
January 23, 2014, 07:00:05 PM |
I want to know how coins can magically appear and disappear like that ! 
Activity: 23
Merit: 0
January 23, 2014, 08:30:55 PM |
I keep encountering a bug on cryptsy that won't let me cancel orders. They get stuck on "this order is currently processing", even when the current price has moved far from the order price. More often than not the price returns to that point eventually, but the wait is nerveracking in the meantime, and I have incurred losses a few times because of this bug (and it is a bug, which needs sorting). My current support ticket is #70012, if any of the staff feel like cancelling my order for me I would be grateful, but I would be even more thankful if you sorted out the bug that makes this happen in the first place. Also, your support leaves much to be desired. There was a time you could get help via IRC, the mod "pr9me" was particularly helpful, although obviously swamped by dealing with most of the issues there by himself. If you could just clone him and put the clones to work 24/7, that would be great  Another day, another stuck order  I reopened the same ticket #, hope that is ok, If not let me know and i'll make a new one each time. Please get vern to look this bug over, it is pretty much a daily occurence now, and very frustrating.
Activity: 2100
Merit: 1167
January 23, 2014, 08:44:33 PM |
I want to see microCoin on Cryptsy!
i don't really think anymore needs to be added.... but if they do then some really fair ones like microcoin should be first....
BitJohn (OP)
January 23, 2014, 09:28:06 PM |
Mooncoin, Battlecoin, Ron Paul coin and Opensource coin now traded on Cryptsy.com
Full Member
Activity: 157
Merit: 100
Hello Coins
January 23, 2014, 09:59:56 PM |
Mooncoin, Battlecoin, Ron Paul coin and Opensource coin now traded on Cryptsy.com
Hi BitJohn. I'm just curious what you think about adding CACH/LTC trade pair considering the background I posted some days ago [ANN][CACH] CACHeCoin releasedMarketcap is currently estimated at around 500,000 - 1,500,000 USD. Just need an exchange to verify the demand and prices are real people are paying in OTC threads  Cheers donSchoe
Not using Tapatalk.
Activity: 40
Merit: 0
January 23, 2014, 10:09:10 PM |
Mooncoin, Battlecoin, Ron Paul coin and Opensource coin now traded on Cryptsy.com
Activity: 23
Merit: 0
January 24, 2014, 01:01:05 AM |
My order is still "currently processing" after many hours. Price has dropped quite a bit and, once again, I have made a loss due to this bug.
I wouldn't mind so much, but BitJohn posted about new coin additions literally 2 posts after mine, an acknowledgement would be nice. It took just a few minutes to sort out yesterday after I posted my issue here, so it is obviously a simple fix when someone finally gets round to it...
January 24, 2014, 01:16:20 AM |
When will ADT be back?
January 24, 2014, 02:30:12 AM |
Please and KDC -- Klondike -- an awesome coin!!! Hope its in the next batch!
Activity: 23
Merit: 0
January 24, 2014, 05:27:22 AM |
My sell order is still stuck processing after 10 hours, despite the fact that the market has tanked like a bitch and is nowhere near that price any more.  Give me my coins back please, this is ridiculous. Ticket #70012
January 24, 2014, 05:38:32 AM |
Can you please add ZenithCoin.
Activity: 23
Merit: 0
January 24, 2014, 10:42:10 AM Last edit: January 24, 2014, 11:02:06 AM by Andy18 |
Mooncoin, Battlecoin, Ron Paul coin and Opensource coin now traded on Cryptsy.com
Nice. I just want to add that if crypsty had added RPC a week ago (in times of RPC pump), it would have made a lot od money over fees - now they won't. Mooncoin is also pumped, but rest of them is gr8 pick.