Announcing The Bit Pages!www.TheBitPages.comThe Bit Pages is a directory of both merchants and individuals with the aim of becoming a comprehensive resource for the Bitcoin economy. We want to facilitate new relationships between Bitcoin merchants and users, and help solve the problem of locating Bitcoin businesses.
As BitcoinTalk represents an essential piece of the Bitcoin community, we are inviting members of these forums to be the first set of users to sign up. Your feedback is highly valued, and we are eager to hear your thoughts during these early stages of development. So please take a moment to establish your own page, and we'd really appreciate you forwarding the link as an invitation to a few friends or merchants. With this project, we hope to strengthen the Bitcoin economy, and with your help of getting others involved, we are certain to succeed.
We are excited to begin a dialogue, so if you have any suggestions for the site, want to help out in any way, or are interested in a partnership, we are all ears!
~Updates~8/27/13 - 100 merchants listed!