Travel Surfing – each city in the world has its own people!
Travel Surfing– is a unique platform for travelers, which is based on the unified system of payment through cryptocurrency Brahma Coin._______________________________________________________________________________
What's the idea?
The idea is absolutely simple, and was born out of the huge experience of travel enthusiasts around the world who often face one problem – an unfamiliar city.
Just imagine, you arrive in any city in the world for several days, weeks or months. You already have services for a successful holiday that allow you to rent a hotel quickly and inexpensively, rent a car, book a taxi and even settle in with someone for free using the couch-surfing system.
But for us the most valuable service was that one, which could give confidence that every city has its own people!
The locals will be happy to meet you, take a ride around the city, show the most interesting and unusual places, explain how to use public transport, tell where you can eat deliciously and which living area is better.
At any moment local people or people who have been living in this city either for a long time or even all their life and know everything about this city are ready to help you.
Now you don’t have to worry about the fact that you don’t know the city, surf the Internet for routes, study guides and run from one sightseeing to another.
Now in every city you are expected as one the most expensive guests!
Now each city has its own people! _______________________________________________________________________________
When you arrive in a new place you can choose a local resident with help of a short video or questionnaire, which is presented in his profile yourself in the Travel Serfing service.
From the whole set of profiles you choose the most suitable for you according to the to age with the car or without it, which will show you a real non-tourist cities, thereby raising their rating and helping us to improve our service.
Also, in turn, local people will be able to evaluate you as a successful traveler, leaving their feedback concerning th time they spent with you. You can combine the services you need and pay for them with help of single payment system through Brahma Coin._______________________________________________________________________________
Our service is created not only to simplify the lives of travelers, but also to motivate local residents to learn their city better and raise their culture level.
Together we will make life better!
Brahma Coin - is created especially for travelers and in the future will become the payment instrument of our service Surfing Travel.
Brahma Coin – is the first, unique in its kind crypto currency, with huge prospects and great future!_______________________________________________________________________________
The main tool which transfer BRAHMA COIN values is BRHCoin Token (BRH).
BRH characters can be easily transferred between all participants using the Ethereum network addresses. In addition, tokens can be transferred to accounts on the crypto currency exchange and vice versa.
How to get BRH markers?
• Purchase of BRH tokens on stock exchanges
• Social activity on the BRAHMA COIN platform (participation in the forum, online advice, help and tips to travelers / guides)
• Assist in testing, developing and promoting the project (reward from the charity fund)
• Active participation in projects integrated into the BRAHMA COIN platform_______________________________________________________________________________
Eth token: ID
1Q 2018
- Implementation of a cost-effective model for the Travel-Surfing platform participants interaction
2Q 2018
- Development of the Travel-Surfing node
- Development of the Travel-Surfing block explorer service
3Q 2018
- Launching a public test network (testnet)
4 квapтaл 2018
- Интeгpaция c ocнoвными пpoeктaми пyтeшecтвий
Integration with main travel projects
1 Q 2019
- Launching a public mainnet network/ Transferring tokens from the Etherium platform to the Travel-Surfing platform
- Freezing of the Etherium network tokens. From that moment participants can transfer tokens only to the Travel-Surfing platform
2Q 2019
- Implementation of open API for connecting other projects
Marketing plan:
• Publication of review articles about Travel Surfing
• Promotion of Travel Surfing through news portals
• Promotion of Travel Surfing through social networks
• Indexing in search engines
• Create multiple "landing pages" Travel Surfing
• Advertising campaigns for different audiences
• Loyalty program investors
• Affiliate programs in related industries_______________________________________________________________________________
What is Travel Surfing?
Travel Surfing – a unique platform for travelers, which is based on the unified system of payment through cryptocurrency Brahma Coin.
Brahma Coin is a new cryptocurrency designed specifically for lovers
journeys, and which in the future will become the payment instrument
our service for travel Travel Surfing.
How to buy / sell (sell) BRH?
For You to be able to buy/sell/trade BRH we are placed on the stock exchange:
What is the value of BRH?
It is planned to calculate in service Travel Surfing. The trading price defined on the stock exchange