“We believe Monero’s infinite coin supply was a mistake and is a tax in the form of inflation for all XMR holders. This is a fundamental flaw that MoneroV fixes by putting a cap on the total MoneroV coins that can be created.”
Afterwards, the inflation of both coins is exactly the same percentage wise until XMV hits 256 Million (XMR would be at this point 25.6 Million). After that point, MoneroV will stop inflating as it hit the max supply while Monero will keep inflating indefinitely.
I don't understand quotes like these.
Paid developers vs. volunteers. Fixing holes in protocols .... I understand these things. I'm not up to speed with the faults of Monero. If MoneroV can deliver on these two things thumbs up. But the infinite inflationary supply of Monero makes me chuckle a little. Really when any crypto says this. Inflation is the result of a widening gap between two funtions: the function of currency creation over time, the function of the creation of goods and services over time.
The function of Monero creation is logarithmic-like in nature.... if you look at a log function you wouldn't think the limit of such of function is infinity but it is. The function of goods and services creation should be somewhat correlated to the function representing human population probably factoring in certain technological advances.... the population function will probably be a sigmoidal function especially when we start to approach the carrying capacity of the planet adjusted for technological advances. But then there is the function of the goods and services that can be produced once we reach certain technological levels.... so more than likely this function is also infinite. Not to forget as people come out of poverty they will create a higher demand on goods and services.
The only way I personally see any inflationary results is if we're stuck on this planet and limited to its carrying capacity ..... and the passage of a long long long very very long time. Although I said log-like in nature... surely the beginning is, the final function is linear with a small slope. So we're trying to relate the exponential nature of inflation of fiat currencies to a linear function which is Monero's. That's not even apples and oranges. I don't see the function of Monero supply ever coming close to the function of goods and services....ever.