I had this in mind some moments ago:
I'm gonna make a thread about the Merit System, specifically to the threads in the Meta section that somehow slowly being a MEGA thread because of those members that are making the same shit (same topic) about the new System. Repeating the same complaints; the same appraisals, that have already been mentioned or discussed in the Major thread about the Merit System (theymos' post).
But I realized, then how am I different from them? Then, I saw this thread and say,
"this is perfect".
So what I really want to say is that: How long will this nightmare remain (issue about Merit System)? How long will they keep on asking the same questions over and over - being answered over and over. I've noticed that many people are also very annoyed about this. Not only those members who complains, also those members that are praising the System like they really knew what's going on (not saying that all those people that are praising it). Specifically some post like these:
It's got to be said the more you read this thread the more you'll understand why the merit system is in place.
I'd recommend it to anyone new, at least a few pages
But since people believe more posts will increase their chance on getting merrited, isn't this proof that this system is not working? I believe it is.
While introduce in merit system, every rank person is set to the lowest merit score in that rank.This is unfair.it should have prorated according to the activity at that point of time. Agree?
Notice to the public:
Merit makes us crazy, be careful not to be the subject but indeed subject.
Look member to member quarrel each other. I like and dislike this merit but the truth we are all subjects.
Watch your way. POST AT YOUR OWN RISK but don't beg for merit or other wise it will kick you out.
So by separating this to the Meta section creates space for them to constantly talk about it or resolve these never ending questions. And also to prompt them directly into a Section that is all about the System no the Meta. Because this section has other uses not just the Merit System.