Şikayetler az çok işe yaramış gibi. Bountyde azaltma falan olmadığını işini doğru yapanların ödülünü alacaklarını yazmışlar. Mail atmakta fayda var. Umarım herkes emeğinin karşılığını alır.
Telegram grubundaki ekipten yapılan açıklamaları kaçıranlar için aşağıya kopyaladım.
Good morning everyone,
we had numerous complaints about the payment of the bounty program.
This text is to clarify and to inform about the wishes of UbiatarPlay.
The spreadsheets sent to us with the results of the bounty program are not acceptable, because there are errors, incorrectness and therefore disproportion between the reward and the work done.
All those who have honestly worked on the UbiatarPlay project will be rewarded for their work.
Any discount or percentage calculation have NOT been applied to the made payment.
Please pay attention that the only official channel to talk about these issues is the chat of Telegram: t.me/ubiatarplay, where it is mandatory to talk with education and good manners.
Each user will be followed by the UbiatarPlay staff by writing to:
For privacy reasons we can not publish any data and each position will be managed separately.
We ask that you wait until all payments have been completed before opening a complain.
The complains must be sent to:
bounty@ubiatarplay.ioThe UbiatarPlay team is at your disposal.
Kalan %95 i alabilecek miyiz diye soran birine verdikleri cevap :
Raffaella Community Manager UbiatarPlay:
Dear Oksana, I wonder if you read the message. We will reward who made an honestly work and we manage each position separtely. So you are welcome if you send an email to:
bounty@ubiatarplay.io, for your situation Thank you