sorehammer (OP)
March 21, 2018, 07:53:24 PM |
NEO is open chain Chinese block chain based on smart contract and highly growing coin.It supports smart economy.Its being traded on more exchanges,easy access to NEO.Its China Ethereum.Today many ICO launched on NEO platform.I have researched a lot on NEO & conclude that investment in NEO is highly profitable especially currently its price is low and in upcoming years if we hold NEO its price would increase tremendously.If the NEO consultant continued research work on NEO i am sure that in coming few years it would be comparable to ETH.What you say.....
Activity: 262
Merit: 10
March 21, 2018, 08:03:51 PM |
He is very weak at the moment and at the moment he will not be able to replace ETH. And as an investment, I'd argue on that, too. What is its advantage over ETH?
March 21, 2018, 08:05:22 PM |
I say that a mob of 2017 new crypto bagholders will agree with you very quickly
Activity: 269
Merit: 0
March 21, 2018, 08:06:55 PM |
waiting for neo to rise again!
March 21, 2018, 08:11:58 PM |
NEO is open chain Chinese block chain based on smart contract and highly growing coin.It supports smart economy.Its being traded on more exchanges,easy access to NEO.Its China Ethereum.Today many ICO launched on NEO platform.I have researched a lot on NEO & conclude that investment in NEO is highly profitable especially currently its price is low and in upcoming years if we hold NEO its price would increase tremendously.If the NEO consultant continued research work on NEO i am sure that in coming few years it would be comparable to ETH.What you say.....
NEO is also slow growing promising coin.Its price is increasing gradually.We can say that if there is no regulation on Crypto in China then many ICO in China would be launched on NEO Platform,now a days some ICO are using NEO platform for their promotional activities.If the developer continued stable work then i thin in coming some years it would be compatible with ETH at least.
March 21, 2018, 08:26:48 PM |
NEO is open chain Chinese block chain based on smart contract and highly growing coin.It supports smart economy.Its being traded on more exchanges,easy access to NEO.Its China Ethereum.Today many ICO launched on NEO platform.I have researched a lot on NEO & conclude that investment in NEO is highly profitable especially currently its price is low and in upcoming years if we hold NEO its price would increase tremendously.If the NEO consultant continued research work on NEO i am sure that in coming few years it would be comparable to ETH.What you say.....
Activity: 110
Merit: 10
March 21, 2018, 08:30:19 PM |
NEO is open chain Chinese block chain based on smart contract and highly growing coin.It supports smart economy.Its being traded on more exchanges,easy access to NEO.Its China Ethereum.Today many ICO launched on NEO platform.I have researched a lot on NEO & conclude that investment in NEO is highly profitable especially currently its price is low and in upcoming years if we hold NEO its price would increase tremendously.If the NEO consultant continued research work on NEO i am sure that in coming few years it would be comparable to ETH.What you say.....
NEO is also slow growing promising coin.Its price is increasing gradually.We can say that if there is no regulation on Crypto in China then many ICO in China would be launched on NEO Platform,now a days some ICO are using NEO platform for their promotional activities.If the developer continued stable work then i thin in coming some years it would be compatible with ETH at least. But it's centralized...
Activity: 45
Merit: 0
March 21, 2018, 08:36:07 PM |
cool coin with big potential, I like it much more then ETH. +gas for NEO on your wallet - it`s very smart, and fees is much cheeper
March 21, 2018, 09:08:04 PM |
cool coin with big potential, I like it much more then ETH. +gas for NEO on your wallet - it`s very smart, and fees is much cheeper
DPOS is nothing new, waves does the same thing....ethereum will eventually change to this model...sorry but the only difference i see in NEO vs all preceding smart contract platforms is that apparently smart contracts can be coded in an array of different coding languages...other than that neo was just there at the right place right time with a good rebrand...
March 21, 2018, 09:46:44 PM |
I totally agree with the fact that NEO is a very promising coin and I think that it is necessary to buy it for a long-term perspective on average for a year
Full Member
Activity: 322
Merit: 100
The All-in-One Cryptocurrency Exchange
March 21, 2018, 09:52:17 PM |
NEO is open chain Chinese block chain based on smart contract and highly growing coin.It supports smart economy.Its being traded on more exchanges,easy access to NEO.Its China Ethereum.Today many ICO launched on NEO platform.I have researched a lot on NEO & conclude that investment in NEO is highly profitable especially currently its price is low and in upcoming years if we hold NEO its price would increase tremendously.If the NEO consultant continued research work on NEO i am sure that in coming few years it would be comparable to ETH.What you say.....
I also think that now it's one real competitor of the ethereum, because it really does work, unlike other "competitors" of the ethereum
Activity: 165
Merit: 0
March 21, 2018, 10:01:28 PM |
I think NEO is a great project. I really do hope that it goes as far as it should this year. Although, I do still think Ethereum in general is a better project.
Activity: 74
Merit: 0
March 21, 2018, 10:03:27 PM |
I think NEO is good value right now to be honest
Activity: 123
Merit: 0
March 21, 2018, 10:06:46 PM |
No.. Not right now
Activity: 275
Merit: 0
March 21, 2018, 10:10:04 PM |
No doubt, one of the best project out there to outperform other platforms in future. Seems it will trade around 70$ - 89$ range for some time.
Activity: 132
Merit: 0
March 21, 2018, 10:11:25 PM |
NEO is open chain Chinese block chain based on smart contract and highly growing coin.It supports smart economy.Its being traded on more exchanges,easy access to NEO.Its China Ethereum.Today many ICO launched on NEO platform.I have researched a lot on NEO & conclude that investment in NEO is highly profitable especially currently its price is low and in upcoming years if we hold NEO its price would increase tremendously.If the NEO consultant continued research work on NEO i am sure that in coming few years it would be comparable to ETH.What you say.....
I think this is good time for to the moon
March 21, 2018, 10:12:25 PM |
Everyone knows that NEO is a cool currency,but I think the purchase is worth the wait. Maybe a little longer but it's worth it, because everything is very unstable
March 21, 2018, 10:24:51 PM |
The biggest difference between NEO and Ethereum that is NEO focused on smart economy. A smart economy will include digitized assets. All these assets are confirming ownership in Blockchain. a smart economy will remain under the government and under the control of the government. it's centralized.
Make me great again
Activity: 280
Merit: 10
The Protocol for the Audience Economy
March 21, 2018, 10:30:44 PM |
Yes I totally believe in you. NEO I heard a lot about them, coin has the most potential today and is held by many. They may have attracted many investors to abandon the BTC switch to NEO. But in the future we do not say anything, buy and hold them now to regret it later.