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Author Topic: Best cryptocurrency to invest in 2018  (Read 3340 times)
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May 08, 2018, 07:16:09 PM

I think I will earn on: eth, iota, tbar, eos, neo

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May 08, 2018, 07:19:24 PM

i prefer Venchain, cardano and Ripple
Venchain is still undervalued at this time ,ADA is most common altcoin that is use in Japan same to ripple
Ripple break the history this time. It'll move beyond $4. It's the effect of the latest news,
ripple protocols starts using in largest banks globally. And speculated to hit $10 at the end of 2018.

I would love to share your optimism for Ripple, but unfortunately it is a little bit different story. Ripple always sign new contracts with big banks, be no one ever use it. It is just a speculations to push the price up for another Pump and Dump.

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May 09, 2018, 03:45:10 AM

In my opinion, every penny has increased and decreased. but depending on the time. So when you buy them, you should hold in time and often see prices fluctuate. It is important that you do not expect too high, take profit at the price you see fit.

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May 09, 2018, 09:01:50 PM

Now many sites offer information about new ICO projects. Therefore, the competition is large and each platform is trying to get ahead. For me, the indicator of good and quality service is the traffic provided by this platform.
I also take into account the popularity of the platform in different countries.
I watch all the news on such this ICO listing websites:

1. Foundico
2. ICO Rated
3. ICO Marks
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May 09, 2018, 09:32:29 PM

In my opinion, every penny has increased and decreased. but depending on the time. So when you buy them, you should hold in time and often see prices fluctuate. It is important that you do not expect too high, take profit at the price you see fit.
It's true I also agree with you, it all depends on time. we must be smart in making decisions if there is a profit opportunity when the coins we buy increase. the most important thing to be smart in seeing the price movement of coins if you want to get a profit and do not be greedy with the results we want
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May 21, 2018, 07:05:21 AM

I invested into SpeedCash SCS. Huge potential.
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May 25, 2018, 09:27:54 AM

I believe Ethereum will be the best altcoin this year. EThereum has a very large market capitalization, it ranks second place on the coinmarketcap chart, many ICO projects are built on the foundation of Ethereum, many large investors trust and hold Ethereum.

Besides its huge market capitalization, Ethereum has the greatest popularity as the most promising platform. ETH will certainly go up very fast and become the crypto of the year.
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May 28, 2018, 10:33:47 AM

I believe Ethereum will be the best altcoin this year. EThereum has a very large market capitalization, it ranks second place on the coinmarketcap chart, many ICO projects are built on the foundation of Ethereum, many large investors trust and hold Ethereum.

Besides its huge market capitalization, Ethereum has the greatest popularity as the most promising platform. ETH will certainly go up very fast and become the crypto of the year.
They are many. Go for ETH, Bitcoin, NEO and LTC and Ripple. Keep your portfolio diversified and never sell a coin of them all until you are sure you will get enough when it is boom in the market. I hop you understand my point. There have been traders who held onto their coins for long and cashing them in 2017 made them millionaires. Believe in the power of crypto.
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May 28, 2018, 06:32:49 PM

Also here, I'll give you my hidden gem


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Criptoreal: Brazilian Coin with  Masternode. Very active devs. they stick to the roadmap but what's interesting is the announce that they are finalising a deal with about 50'000 independent vendors that will accept CRS this summer as payment methode!!!

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June 06, 2018, 05:47:22 PM

Speedcash is the best cryptocurrency to invest in 2018, with his lower price 0.35$ and small marcketcap 150000$ you can make profit of 100x to 1000x but what is speedcash and why I should invest in it?

What is speedcash coin?

The SpeedCash Coin or simply SCASH or SCS is a peer-to-peer decentralized Proof of Stake Velocity digital currency with an initial Proof of Work mining distribution period lasting up to 476,918 coins mined. After the initial mining distribution period is over, the network will transition into an energy efficient Proof of Stake Velocity algorithm which will reward balance holders on the network with an 8% annual staking interest.

The SCS network is based on combination of PoW and PoS technologies providing the best of both worlds.

Scash is based on the revolutionary Blockchain concept but has added some advance layers of communication, to implemente many use cases and projects, and it is a sophisticated coin mixing system, making it impossible for third parties to trace transactions between Scash wallets.

Why would you invest in scs?

I think all investors want to achieve a rare, unknown, hidden gem, that might explode in the future and raise 10, 100 or 1000 times. Look at Bitcoin or Nano (previously Rai Blocks). They had been sitting on the bottom for months and years before starting to rally. May you want to receive a chance to get pretty early into the cash-train. I agree with myself and with my colleagues from Speedcash community that  at last we have  found such gem. Let’s see what is so special with it.

SpeedCash is not just a simple cryptocurrency, speedcash is a blockchain with many use cases.

SpeedCash have a fast transactions is 80 times faster than Bitcoin. Any transaction in the SCS network will be confirmed within 20-30 seconds, and can be more faster with BURST feature (Blockchain Usage Regulated & Sustainable Tweaking) which can speed up transaction time to 2-3 sec. within specified timeframe for the whole network

Scash has Vault future, the ability to store and validate document authenticity over blockchain, the te developers team made a test of this future a few days ago, its available now in wallet version 1.2.3 and it can check at blockchain messaging live feed :

The SCS network supports public messages through the blockchain, and now the team are working on turning this feature into an excellent base for a new decentralized banner network (ADVERTISMENT NETWORK).

The developers team are going to release the second generation of SCS desktop wallets, which will be primarily be focused on the safe and reliable messaging over the SCS network (PRIVATE MESSENGER).

The developers team are going to make his own payment gateway as an internal component of the SCS services toolkit, which will allow for banking customers to integrate SCS as a payment system in a convenient and simple way (PAYMENT GATEWAY).

Payment gateway with IPC support
Easypay support ✔ done
PayPal support ✔ done
Authorize support ✔ done
Service auto-tests ✔ done
(atomic swap) Ethereum support: in progress

Speedcash already trade in 4 exchanges listing is also in progress!

Info from

I think with all this use cases and futures, SCS coin can be a potential cryptocurrency and be one of most profitable investment in 2018.

For the people who can't beleive Speedcash can made 100x or more

Lets do some Math and calculation

but first lets see some simple coins without any use cases in top 200 cryptocurrency list in CMC

Rank 37 Dogecoin: MarketCap $405 141 376   USD / Total supply 113 725 491 245 DOGE  

Rank 62 MonaCoin: MarketCap $217 114 629 USD / Total supply 58 285 650 MONA

Rank 76 Zcoin: MarketCap $169 319 884 USD / Max Supply 21 400 000 XZC

Rank 102 Vertcoin: MarketCap $106 150 039 USD / Max Supply 43 473 825 VTC

Rank 175 Peercoin: MarketCap $49 965 383 USD / Circulating Supply 24 672 801 PPC  

All this coins are just simple coins without any use cases or futures and not fast as speedcash but have marketcap plus 40M USD


Speedcash Market Cap $157 693 USD / Total Supply 476 918 SCS / PRICE $0,372156

When Speedcash reach 50M USD MarkectCap the Speedcash price will be 104 USD that is more than 100X

Speedcash with all his futures don't need to be in top 100 coins list in CMC to made 100x profit, and when it will be in top 100 coins in CMC  list the profit will be 1000x without need to be in top 30 coins list in CMC.

I am sure $scs will be one of the most profitable coin this years  2018

Some useful link:

Thekey and Gladius will become one of the most popular tokens in 2019. They have a great prospect. Now is definitely the time to buy them.
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June 06, 2018, 06:54:50 PM

I believe Ethereum will be the best altcoin this year. EThereum has a very large market capitalization, it ranks second place on the coinmarketcap chart, many ICO projects are built on the foundation of Ethereum, many large investors trust and hold Ethereum.

Besides its huge market capitalization, Ethereum has the greatest popularity as the most promising platform. ETH will certainly go up very fast and become the crypto of the year.
but nevertheless, the demand in the market does not increase, Because if everything were different, the prices for the etherium would rise. In any case, nobody canceled the rules of trade and the market and in normal conditions, because of the increase in demand, the price may increase, but this does not happen with ETH.
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June 06, 2018, 06:57:42 PM

Spotcoin is a good project to invest into. The Pre-Ico whitelist is on for more information
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June 06, 2018, 07:45:08 PM

Presently is a decent time to purchase altcoins and put resources into altcoins. Since altcoins are currently falling and now is the ideal time to put resources into altcoins. So purchase now while you have more cash and contribute as long as possible.
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June 06, 2018, 08:19:05 PM

the coin is very interesting , I looked at in may, the coin has increased the price . now she has fallen but the growth is sure to be and this can be earned
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June 06, 2018, 08:29:29 PM

everyone have their own predictions with a lot of convidence,,
and why i always think if bitcoin and ethereum is the best cryptocurreny to invest in this year,,
because we can see the price of bitcoin below 10K USD in the next year and ethereum will always above 1000 USD in the next year too  Wink

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Kiki Rusma
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June 06, 2018, 08:29:57 PM

I think the best investment in 2018 are bitcoin and ethereum. These two crypto are really on top chart, they are keep survive eventhough fall down many times, i never have a doubt to invest on them.
Mr. Art
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June 06, 2018, 08:45:58 PM

don't fall in any shitcoins, just invest in solid crypto and you can choose it in the TOP 50 of coinmarketcap list
because when a cryptocurrencies in the TOP 50 the crypto is good and have a lot of potential to grow more in the future

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July 23, 2018, 02:15:20 PM

Out of you list most definitely clearcoin
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July 23, 2018, 02:59:01 PM

 whether the project is for certain people only. and whether during this time the project never appeared for workers who carelessly entered.
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July 28, 2018, 03:21:06 PM

Well to be honest how much risk are you willing to take , bitcoin has a valuation of 150 billion so it is a more stable coin , so it involves a slow and less volatile increase in price however if you see the initial coin offerings , then those are the ones with an exponential increase in prices and are more volatile
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