Hi there folks!
I took the job that no one had done before:
https://github.com/PayPago/ucwgI put the source on GitHub for be forked, I have separate each script in a single js file.
I have removed one that was unnecessary and corrected the concept for me to "Universal Cryptocurrencies Wallets Generator".
The brand is positioned for a future project I have in draft. The rights, licences and credits are in their respective files, the same will be corrected and compiled into one separate file for later minificar these files.
There is a To Do list published, I would like to collaborate with this project.
Best regards from Buenos Aires.
Fell free to donate someones coins for this little job of a couple of hours
BTC 1FFZQY2MCmmRpBuzDsMpxj9iaNnb7X5LU3