Ok getting closer to understanding it. But is it really something that does not exist as of today?
Similar technologies exist, but we offer a more convenient options.
It is new. It's not just convenience. It's the aspect of control - think about it: you can control who is looking at the contents of an email even if they have forwarded it on to 1, 2, 3 or more people. You see who is looking at it and if you don't like that, you can vaporize it with the touch of a button. That's of great value for a lot of industries.
I saw this article on the Envilope website and it made me think of how many times in business people send emails to the wrong people...their features could saw a lot of headaches.
Wrong Turn In Brazil -
https://blog.envilope.com/wrong-turn-in-brazil-the-envilope-solution/You can vaporize the original content, but screenshots or any other form of copy could have been made already right?
There’s really no foolproof way to prevent anyone from taking a picture or videotaping confidential information while it is on a computer screen. We tested all the methods we could find – screen shimmers, etc. – to see if anything was foolproof, and we couldn’t find any method of locking down information while it is on the screen that was completely secure.
Envilope stamps every delivery with a code that links the message back to the Blockchain, and that code is on every page of the documents and messages sent through the system.
Here’s an example that might help. Let’s assume that you receive an Envilope and decided to take a video or picture of the information while it is on screen and send it to someone else.
Before opening the Envilope, the receiver must accept the sender’s Terms and Conditions. The sender can set the Terms and Conditions to take swift legal action if the receiver breaks those terms – which may include sharing the information in any format, which you just did by taking a video or picture and sending it to someone else.
But let’s say that you tried to hide your identity online when you shared the information. You used all sorts of tricks to cover up the fact that it was you who sent those confidential screenshots around the world. Each screenshot is stamped with a code that links it back to the Blockchain, which permanently recorded that the receiver accepted the Terms and Conditions and opened that document.
If the sender decides to take you to court for breaking the Terms and Conditions and sharing confidential information, there is a permanent, unalterable chain of evidence on the Blockchain that traces who the information was sent to and the fact that they accepted the Terms and Conditions before opening it.
We are also developing an option where, if you realize you’ve had a security breach and vaporize the contents, we can send an automated Cease and Desist letter within SECONDS of realizing there has been a breach to warn against legal action.
There’s always room in any system for a confidentiality breach. There’s no 100% foolproof method of preventing anyone from snapping a screenshot of confidential information while it is being viewed and trying to share it.
However, with Envilope, the sender has a great deal of control over what happens to the information once it is sent. The sender has confirmation that the receiver accepted the Terms and Conditions before opening the Envilope. There is also an unalterable record of actions taken with the materials that was sent via the Blockchain stamp which can be traced back to the original receiver, even if a picture is taken of a document.