Summary - eXo_coin
Last Active: February 28, 2014, 04:27:10 PM
thats not a good sign
I am sorry that I have been ~2 days offline.............................
As promised: we deliver V1.1 right now:
Whitepaper V1.1...
eXocoin team
Y'know, the more I read the whitepaper and announcement on your Website, the more I believe in this coin.
I know I'll look like a real dumbass for publicly admitting this, but I lost 10.35 BTC simply because I sent them to the wrong address. Yup, I was a real "Bitcoin Dumbass." Since Multibit's alias fields are modifiable at will, and because I was careless and hasty, I modified the alias in front of me without modifying the corresponding address beforehand. So, in my haste and carelessness, I sent the coins off to the address to which I had sent a much smaller amount (for a different reason) instead of the new address that I was supposed to send the 10.35 BTC to (an exchange.)
Yep, that was a real Bitcoin Dumbass move.
I'm throwing this tale of "whoa"
out here so that you, your entire team and any outside helpers can have a hypothetical "target user" for your mistake-prevention safeguards. If your protocols can prevent a dumbass like me from losing any eXocoins, you're definitely on the right track
SIDEBAR: a "Dumbass Prevention Module" will help immeasurably in marketing the coin to crypto greenhorns who are also hard-working professionals. That's the same demographic the poshy-gadget sellers are fighting over. Take it from me, a lot of absent-minded mistakes are made by upper-middle-class professionals simply because they're too habituated to a workaholic's pace to stop and count to ten. Thus, you see a guy leaving his Frappuccino on his BMW and driving off with the frappy still on the car roof
People like that - with the earning power to make them members of the grand-prize demographic - would very much appreciate mistake-prevention features. Particularly, the kind that trap mistakes which are made with an absent, distracted or on-the-go mind.
So it's not just dumbasses like me you should cater to