June 04.2018 - Ryo Currency start
June 04.2018 - Ryo began trading at TradeOgre
June 05.2018 - GUI Wallet v0.1.1 released (Sumokoin wallet rebrand + few addons)
June 20.2018 - Ryo Lite Wallet released (Sumokoin wallet rebrand)
June 24.2018 - RyoCurrency code will be Source-Available for 6 months upon release (EN release / RU translation)
July 02.2018 - Binaries v0.2.0 released. First full release, including features such as multisig wallets, wallet RPC auth, fluffy blocks, much shorter 'kurz' addresses, short 14-word seed secured by a proper checksum.
July 03.2018 - Cryptopia announcement SUMO/RYO Update
July 11.2018 - Trading on Cryptopia is opened
August 02.2018 - Ryo v0.3.0.0 fork. Introducing dev fund, and various bug fixes.
August 07.2018 - RYO GUI/LITE wallets are available for download
August 19.2018 - Our new paper wallet generator with full support of short seeds and kurz addresses is live
September 09.2018 - Ryo v0.3.1.0 fork
September 09.2018 - Ryo Wallet Atom - released. [Press release] September 21.2018 - Ryo Payments WooCommerce Gateway is released.
https://github.com/ryo-currency/ryo-payments-woocommerce-gateway September 29.2018 - Ryo binaries security update + Atom 1.0.1 update
October 02.2018 - Ryo binaries stabillity update
October 03.2018 - Ryo Wallet Atom 1.0.2 stabillity update
October 03.2018 - Ryo Store - opened! Ryo Store
October 12.2018 - XMR-stak update 2.5.0 with Ryo logo
October 25.2018 - The Ryo Business Room is introduced.
November 7.2018– Binaries update
November 7.2018– Ryo Wallet Atom update
November 13.2018 - Dev fund explorer introduced
December 12.2018 - Ryo has been added to Bisq decentralised exchange
http://bisq.network/ December 31.2018 - Ryo 2018 retrospective
2019January 5.2019– update public beta test phase start
January 23.2019 - Ryo developers fireice_uk and psychocrypt introduce new mining algorithm- Cryptonight-GPU.
February 1.2019 - Our current code usage restrictions expired. All code released up to today fell under the public domain and moved to a separate repository. Read more
February 4.2019 - Ryo Currency 'Lorentz Transform' Update: uniform payment ID-s, CN-GPU POW, bulletproofs, default ringsize 25, new diff. algo. Read more
February 10.2019 - Ryo Wallet Atom 1.2.0 includes Ryo daemon + "hide to tray" function and other improvements and fixes.
February 27.2019 - Ryo Currency 'Lorentz Transform' update
Mar 23.2019 - Released Ryo Wallet Quasar - WEB based wallet.
Mar 27. 2019 - Ryo Wallet Atom with SOLO mining is pre-announced.
Apr. 7.2019 - RYO-BTC, RYO-USD, RYO-EUR, RYO-RUB markets added on Crex24
Apr.19/25.2019 - Community debates about emission curve pt1 / pt2
May 13.2019 - Ryo Wallet Atom 1.3.1 update: unique SOLO mining feature, and many more updates
May 20.2019 - [Community Debate Decision] - We are fixing a broken emission curve
June 1.2019 - Ryo Wallet Atom 1.3.2 update: various improvements and bugfixes.
July 2.2019-
Plateau Emission curve code merged in dev branch and prepared to merge in next fork.
Aug 1.2019 - Ryo Elliptic Curve Code and next beta binaries public betatest phase started.