Great job!
I will try this on my T4, so compute 75 (it's taking some time to compile as usual). [EDIT - I just did, unfortunately that idiot misaligned address error is still there but since I sorta found what is being misaligned I think it's just a matter of making a couple of 32-bit pointer arrays 64-bit.]
I also noticed you fixed the bug that made clBitCrack skip way too many points than it should - I remember there was someone here complaining that the search finished too quickly.
You should probably change the COMPUTE_CAP variable in the Makefile though - It's still at the default 30 although it will not compile on that compute cap.
I can give you a bash script that autodetects the CUDA version using the deviceQuery example program. I'm using it in my Makefile for another project (custom Kangaroo) that I haven't released yet.
Wait an idea just hit me. All of the 256bit numbers are stored in 32-bit bits so if all of that gets upgraded to 64-bits then we will have just doubled the speed of this program while also destroying the misaligned access error (because I suspect that Volta/Turing/Ampere will no longer align array elements across 32-bits, only 64 or 128).
all fork including orginal ver of bitcrack have bug, result address wrong print follow
./cuBitCrack -b 7 -t 512 -p 1156 11HWBme5fYis2SZ5PXLL5qEj9L3vxUVtZ -o new0321.txt -c -u
[2021-03-21.00:38:24] [Info] Compression: both
[2021-03-21.00:38:24] [Info] Starting at: 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000001
[2021-03-21.00:38:24] [Info] Ending at: FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFEBAAEDCE6AF48A03BBFD25E8CD0364140
[2021-03-21.00:38:24] [Info] Counting by: 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000001
[2021-03-21.00:38:24] [Info] Initializing GeForce GTX 460
[2021-03-21.00:38:24] [Info] Generating 4,143,104 starting points (158.0MB)
[2021-03-21.00:38:25] [Info] 10.0%
[2021-03-21.00:38:25] [Info] 20.0%
[2021-03-21.00:38:25] [Info] 30.0%
[2021-03-21.00:38:25] [Info] 40.0%
[2021-03-21.00:38:26] [Info] 50.0%
[2021-03-21.00:38:26] [Info] 60.0%
[2021-03-21.00:38:26] [Info] 70.0%
[2021-03-21.00:38:26] [Info] 80.0%
[2021-03-21.00:38:26] [Info] 90.0%
[2021-03-21.00:38:26] [Info] 100.0%
[2021-03-21.00:38:26] [Info] Done
[2021-03-21.00:38:26] [Info] Found key for address '1HWBme5fYis2SZ5PXLL5qEj9L3vxUVtZ'. Written to 'new0321.txt'
[2021-03-21.00:38:26] [Info] No targets remaining
original address for search, and reult print next
and reult print next
check these addresses same
original addresses