@ThisWeeksCoin (OP)
March 01, 2014, 03:30:59 PM Last edit: April 27, 2014, 09:14:00 PM by @ThisWeeksCoin |
Media: 4/17/2014Scroll down for media articles. I'd like to announce the coin @ThisWeeksCoin has made. www.h2ocoin.net There will be H2O drops in total ( 2 Billion coins ) Scrypt Adaptive with -N factor Dark Gravity WavePre-mine 2.5% for IPO shares and giveaway/bounty purposes ( From 50 millions in total of premine, 1 million was kept for bounties/giveaways) Next month (43k blocks) the reward is 125% to attract miners. (2,000 H2O) 1 minute blocks! The following 11 months (totalling 1 year of existance, or 525960 blocks) the reward will be 1,600 H2OThen it will halve every year until it reaches a constant of 100 H2OEveryone will be able to mine with his PC/Laptop. Even it has bad hardware. New to Scrypt-N mining? Thank https://twitter.com/zisef, ThisWeeksCoin forum moderator for this great piece! http://thisweekscoin.com/forum/index.php/topic,1196.0.html <= HowTo mine H2O + Scrypt-N coins!Official poolhttps://mining.theminingpools.com/ - All fees go towards the chosen charity | Donate with your hash power - http://h2o.dedicatedpool.comhttps://h2o.theminingpools.com www.xhash.net http://h2o.hashkings.com https://h2o.united-miners.com http://www.verters.com/mvpool/h2ocoin http://h2o.coinsprofit.com/ http://h2o.okaypool.com/ http://h2o.cryptoadhd.com http://h2o.coinspool.org
DISCLAIMER: I'm just adding pools. There are no prefered and less prefered pools. I advise everyone to spread across all the pools!
http://www.cryptogiving.com/?project=h2ocoin => https://github.com/paniczklos/p2pool-paniczn/

Source: https://github.com/h2o-coin/H2Ocoin Windows -- http://www.mediafire.com/download/cn56kjc48psxe44/H2Ocoin-Qt-Windows-SSLfix.zip MacOSX -- http://www.mediafire.com/download/bvjwytrcy1ttahr/H2Ocoin-Qt-Mac-SSLfix.zip
( OpenSSL bug fixed )
Our wallets were compiled by a 3rd person. That person is instacash. If you appreciate his effort, please donate to him! ( Also, thanks instaman! )
tips: H2O: HKYUFw8yQR5egMKt77nz7gNrJJUmT4MLkF BTC: 14kRVd1cq8Nf8heMk5TKKxFj9HDNTxFXZM IRC Freenode #H2OCoin
 Website : http://H2Ocoin.net Twitter : http://twitter.com/H2Ocoin Facebook : https://www.facebook.com/H2Ocoin Reddit : http://www.reddit.com/r/H2Ocoin/ BitcoinTalk : https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=494229.0 The Water Project H2OCoin page : https://thewaterproject.org/donate-pfp?fundraiserid=wp_26987&type=Personal+Fundraising+Page&pageName=H2O+Coin%5C%27s+Fundraising+Page 1) Android wallet 2) Games GIVEAWAY: http://thisweekscoin.com/forum/index.php/topic,1179.0.html Each month, some of our pools ( official pool will contribute ) all the fees it collects, it will go towards www.thewaterproject.org We hope other pools will follow our actions and spare at least 50% of their donations/fees for the cause. We're aiming to find non-profit organizations and help them to bring clean water to the people who need it. - Will there be bounties, giveaways? - The answer: If you know @ThisWeeksCoin, then You know the answer. http://www.cryptoarticles.com/crypto-news/2014/3/17/h2ocoin-because-every-drop-countshttp://thebitcoinnews.co.uk/2014/03/18/h2ocoin/Yahoo!: http://finance.yahoo.com/news/h2o-coin-first-crypto-coin-124657597.htmlDigital Journal: http://www.digitaljournal.com/pr/1857220PRWeb: http://www.prweb.com/releases/2014/04/prweb11768208.htmArticleWN: http://article.wn.comVeooz: http://www.veooz.com/news/Gru1Yl.html ( Search for H2O ) Sector Publishing Intelligence: http://www.sectorpublishingintelligence.co.uk/news/913598/h2o+coin+the+first+cryptocoin+made+for+water+charity+purposesOneNewPage: http://www.onenewspage.com/n/Press+Releases/750ebkxy6/H2O-Coin-the-First-Crypto-Coin-Made-for.htmInstagist: http://inagist.com/all/456785344059281408/PubMemo: http://pubmemo.com/i/other-tidbits/miscellaneous/2014/h2o-coin-the-first-crypto-coin-made-for-water-charity-purposes_1444217.htmlVirtual-Strategy: http://www.virtual-strategy.com/2014/04/17/h2o-coin-first-crypto-coin-made-water-charity-purposes-donated-175-bitcoins-thewaterprojehttp://neverbebored.net/h2o-coin-the-first-crypto-coin-made-for-water-charity-purposes/News Canada Network: http://newscanadanetwork.wordpress.com/2014/04/17/h2o-coin-the-first-crypto-coin-made-for-water-charity-purposes-donated-17-5-bitcoins-to-thewaterproject-org-one-drop-at-a-time-can-save-a-life-4172014-newscanada-plus-news-technology-driven-me/News Canada Plus: http://newscanada-plus.com/h2o-coin-the-first-crypto-coin-made-for-water-charity-purposes-donated-17-5-bitcoins-to-thewaterproject-org-one-drop-at-a-time-can-save-a-life-4172014-4172014/62901EnviroLib: http://envirolib.org/press-releases/h2o-coin-the-first-crypto-coin-made-for-water-charity-purposes/GotNewsWire: http://press.gotnewswire.com/news/h2o-coin-the-first-cryptocoin-made-for-water-charity-purposes-donated-175-bitcoins-to-thewaterprojectorg-one-drop-at-a-time-can-save-a-life-4172014BizWireExpress: http://www.bizwireexpress.com/showstoryPRWeb.php?storyid=195548LondonTheNews: http://www.londonthenews.com/news/Press+Releases/20140417/56152030/H2O-Coin-the-First-Crypto-Coin-Made-for.htmSome words about H2O coin's purpose. We're near 8 billion people in the world. A big percent of (- us-) those people don't have clean water in their houses, in their villages, in their cities. I've found that http://thewaterproject.org/ accepts Bitcoin(s). We'll focus on their organization and help them as much as we can. Cryptos are my hobby, so, I'm enjoying learning and helping. Be a part of the small percent who actually gives a damn about people's lives outside of the box.UPDATES:Launched 29/3/2014 4/8/2014 Donation of BTC17.5 has been sent to www.thewaterproject.org ( 50% of the total IPO, as promised. Proof: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=494229.msg6123471#msg6123471 )
Activity: 17
Merit: 0
March 01, 2014, 03:37:01 PM |
I can spend some LOOT on some H20!
March 01, 2014, 03:44:50 PM |
Is this the same miner in Vertcoin?
Activity: 2100
Merit: 1167
March 01, 2014, 03:49:17 PM |
just use scrypt
scrypt N is actually not that important.
March 01, 2014, 03:59:10 PM |
just use scrypt
scrypt N is actually not that important.
You haven't seen the Scrypt ASICs have you?
@ThisWeeksCoin (OP)
March 01, 2014, 04:01:37 PM |
just use scrypt
scrypt N is actually not that important.
You haven't seen the Scrypt ASICs have you? That's right. That's the reason we're adding the function. In a year, a lot of people will own ASICs. Which means most people wont be able to mine, as they should. With this way, we're giving the opportunity to everyone to mine with his own personal computer, good or bad hardware. Everyone deserves to have clean water, everyone deserves to mine.
March 01, 2014, 04:09:38 PM |
This is how you make a coin! This is what cryptocurrency was made to do. +1
Activity: 1036
Merit: 1000
March 01, 2014, 04:15:51 PM |
Wathing with big interest and it's sound's cool! +1 for great PRE-ANN & the decision to help http://www.wateraid.org/. 

Activity: 102
Merit: 10
March 01, 2014, 04:24:16 PM |
When is the release due?
@ThisWeeksCoin (OP)
March 01, 2014, 04:29:25 PM Last edit: March 03, 2014, 01:35:29 PM by @ThisWeeksCoin |
When is the release due?
Release date will be announced in few days  You can follow us on twitter, @H2OCoin and stay updated regarding everything I'll need to get everything working before I "open my mouth" about that matter. Greetings
@ThisWeeksCoin (OP)
March 01, 2014, 04:56:09 PM |
just use scrypt
scrypt N is actually not that important.
Even if you think ASIC-proofing isn't necessary, Adaptive N-factor is great cause multipools won't hit it at launch.  That's correct. If multipools hit the coin, we'll have a bad time. -NOT 
March 01, 2014, 05:08:34 PM |
First twitter, then website, then faucet and now your own coin... Nice.. whats next? btw I still didnt receieved thorcoins xD
Activity: 1274
Merit: 1000
March 01, 2014, 05:09:08 PM |
moar info please
Activity: 1274
Merit: 1000
March 01, 2014, 05:10:25 PM |
does this also mean you will not work with coinwestcoin ? can i have the account then?
@ThisWeeksCoin (OP)
March 01, 2014, 05:11:28 PM |
First twitter, then website, then faucet and now your own coin... Nice.. whats next? btw I still didnt receieved thorcoins xD
Hi there  Please, PM me with your address on our forum and I'll regulate that. - What's next? Together we're going to make a better world! moar info please
Hiya! More information will be posted in the next 24 hours. Please keep an eye on this PRE-ANN topic. does this also mean you will not work with coinwestcoin ? can i have the account then?
About the coinyecoin account, I don't own it anymore. You could PM NeuroMode and ask him that 
Activity: 28
Merit: 0
March 01, 2014, 05:13:42 PM |
Another IPO, it's way better than normal premine cause you as a dev get profit immediately. Great way to scam people.
Activity: 2100
Merit: 1167
March 01, 2014, 05:16:29 PM |
just use scrypt
scrypt N is actually not that important.
You haven't seen the Scrypt ASICs have you? That's right. That's the reason we're adding the function. In a year, a lot of people will own ASICs. Which means most people wont be able to mine, as they should. With this way, we're giving the opportunity to everyone to mine with his own personal computer, good or bad hardware. Everyone deserves to have clean water, everyone deserves to mine. Well i guess it's all a matter of opinion. I welcome asics. Sell up the gpu rigs an replace with asics... that's what i'll do. However let's have a good fair launch then and get it going. Let's have password protected zips/rars before launch ... that seems to be standard now?
@ThisWeeksCoin (OP)
March 01, 2014, 05:17:34 PM |
Another IPO, it's way better than normal premine cause you as a dev get profit immediately. Great way to scam people.
Thanks for your concern. We're not forcing anyone to buy IPO, nor we're scamming people. If You read the topic carefully, without unleashing hate You'll see that we're going to donate to some NON-PROFIT organizations a big percent of the IPO. If you'd like to flame more, hate, troll, feel free. Or just make your own coin and find a purpose for it. Thank You!
March 01, 2014, 05:18:45 PM Last edit: March 31, 2014, 01:47:18 PM by 1211 |
Activity: 28
Merit: 0
March 01, 2014, 05:27:05 PM |
I had to write in an aggressive style to get an honest answer. Let me make this clear: I have seen few coins with IPO and it's easy way to make money for DEVs. Why? Because they might aswell invest their own bitcoins in IPO and who is gonna check them? They're buying their own coins. That's why IPO is bad, no matter if you're going to donate to Red Cross or any other pro bono organization. "Hope for the best, prepare for the worst" and here the worst is the scenario above. Anyhow the name is catchy and I like the main idea so I will give it a try once it hits exchange. Don't blame me that I want to know exactly in what I'm speculating/investing  Waiting for further details about IPO and whole data.