I have used dedicated and
http://h2o.coinsprofit.com/ (coinsprofit)
It was big surprice to me that coinsprofit give better hash rate! (Vertminer (0.5.3) displays same but of course mportant in this meaning is - pool displayed and payed. Of course short time is random but several hours and more... )
All these rigs do 1.46Mhash (Vertminer avg) and typical long term WU:1350
(GPU's in every rig Sapphire Toxic r9 280x with compromize settings between temp, power consumption and hashing rate and stability in long term)
This is very mysterious why pools show so big difference. I have statistical data about both (I do not want public)
and coinsprofit give average over 10% more.
Not only with H2O
Also same or even worse with EXEcoin.
I have 4 exactly(!) same mining rigs. Same time to dedicated and coinsprofit.
I can ask, where is my hashing power going in dedicated pool?
~1.1-1.2Mhash in dedicated (exatly same time) and ~1.35-1.4Mhash in coinsprofit.
Also for avoid mistake I swap these rigs.. same result.
Only difference is ping time. To coinsprofit ping show <0.5ms and dedicated show 10 - 15ms.
And this do not explain this difference! (typically both give same very low rejects etc)
(same hardware, verminer show around same WU and hashing average. Same GPU,s, same memory, same main board, same os (win 7-64 in all rigs) Same AMD drivers and so on and so on.)
I have moved my rigs to coinsprofit (in these timeslots when I mine EXE or H2O) after I find this difference in my case and becouse I can not find any explanation in my end for this.
(in this time I do not care wallet functions. I have public addresses for income and private keys in safe places and no need wallet at all until need use these coins. Block chain explorer can show my coins and this is enough now. )