adilwali (OP)
Copper Member
Activity: 2
Merit: 12

MERIT - A cryptocurrency focused on growth and ease-of-use.
Merit aims to be the world’s friendliest digital currency, making it effortless to pay friends, buy goods, and manage your wealth. Website | Whitepaper | Bluepaper | GitHub | Market | Discord | Telegram | LinkedIn | Twitter | YouTube
Check out the 45-second Merit explainer video!
Merit is a new cryptocurrency that is purpose-built to be used daily by technical and non-technical users alike. Merit believes that a truly human-centered cryptocurrency must be built on three pillars: safety, simplicity, and community. Each of Merit’s innovative features is driven by one of these core principles.
What makes Merit different? Growth mining (through Proof-Of-Growth), a focus on community stewardship, and a much simpler user experience. Because Merit is invite-only, the blockchain keeps track of how impactful each member has been in growing the community. In addition to rewarding classic security miners, Merit rewards users who increase the network’s reach, use, and diversity. We believe that adoption is key to the longevity, viability, and security of any cryptocurrency, and made growth a core design-principle of Merit. Features Growth Mining: Merit’s innovative approach to Proof-of-Growth makes mining a cryptocurrency drastically more approachable to the broader population. Growth Mining rewards users based on their impact in growing the Merit community. These rewards help democratize the distribution of Merit and reward activities that are just as valuable to the security and longevity of Merit as traditional security mining.
Cuckoo Cycle POW: Merit splits block rewards 50/50 between classic PoW security mining and PoG growth mining. Merit's PoW algorithm is the memory-bound, graph-theoretic, Cuckoo Cycle created by John Tromp. The memory-bound approach has a number of interesting advantages, such as lower power-consumption, heat-dissipation, and deep ASIC-resistance.
Aliases: Merit’s invite-dynamics allow users to create an alias that is stored on the blockchain. Instead of sending to 34-character hexadecimal addresses, you can send Merit to @adil. It’s as easy to send Merit as it is to send a DM.
Escrow: The robust MeritLink protocol allows users to send Merit via SMS or email to users who do not even have a Merit Wallet yet. If the recipient doesn’t have a wallet, the MRT is stored in escrow on the blockchain for them to access once they are a member of the community. Further, MeritMoney transactions can have expiration dates and an optional password to make them even more secure. This gives users the peace-of-mind of knowing that they send their Merit to the right person and that only that person will be able to unlock the money. And it is easily re-claimed when the expiration date is reached.
One-Click Mining: Security mining shouldn’t be restricted to technically advanced users. We built one-click mining directly into our lightwallets so that anyone who joins Merit can help secure the network. The Merit desktop lightwallet even automatically detects the GPUs on your machine and lets you select which ones to mine with.
Invites: Merit is an invite-only network, which drives security and stewardship advantages. This invite-only dynamic enforces referential integrity for Proof-of-Growth, and also helps to make Merit indestructible. Merit does this without promoting spammy behavior because Merit Invite Tokens are scarce, so users are best served by being thoughtful about who they bring into the network. Get An Invite
Cancellable Transactions: The robust MeritMoney protocol also solves one of the most widespread problems in the history of commerce: human error. Accidentally send the wrong amount of Merit to someone? Or accidentally key in the wrong address? These are everyday occurrences for most of us and, and are handled elegantly with Merit. Merit’s escrow links can be cancelled up until the point where the transaction has been accepted by the recipient.
Indestructible: You cannot burn or destroy Merit by sending it to an address that does not belong to another user. Because Proof-of-Growth Aliases, and Invite Tokens, an address must be beaconed to the network and must receive an invite token before becoming fully valid. This empowers peers on the network to refuse any transaction that is sent to an address that does not actually belong to someone.
Vaults: Merit vaults add multiple layers of protection without sacrificing decentralization or forcing a user to understand and use cold storage. Vaults utilize purpose-specific keys, whitelists and rate-limiting to help keep your MRT safe. These features are enforced at the protocol-level, not by a central party. Soon, Vaults will even include decentralized key recovery through Merit’s upcoming Guardian feature.
Further advantages and features can be found on the Why Merit section of the website.
Technical Founders; 20-year Friendship; Successful Track Record! Adil Wali is a successful serial entrepreneur who has started 3 venture-backed companies in eCommerce, including ModCloth, which was a $150M+ fashion retailer.
Maxim Khailo led the machine learning team at HERE that took imagery and footage and turned it into metadata on maps. He is also the creator of the powerfully decentralized FireStar project.
Core Team of 16; Everyone Writes Code

See the team and history here!

Merit has done no significant paid marketing to-date, nor has it done an airdrop. Merit has grown entirely organically through community stewardship.
This is a visualization snapshot of the Merit network today: 
This is a graph of wallet growth on the Merit Network:

More details on the growth rate and PoG iteration can be found in this recent blog post. Merit believes in software over hype. There is a lot of great Merit Software you can check out:
- Merit Web Wallet: An easy-to-use WebWallet that stores all secrets on the client-side!
- Merit Desktop Lightwallet: An easy-to-use lightwallet that lets you interact fully with the Merit Protocol, and one-click mine with multiple CPUs/GPUs.
- Merit Core Client: Full-node core client that syncs the entire blockchain and allows you to be a peer on the network.
- Merit Android Wallet: A mobile lightwallet that makes it easy to take Merit on the go!
- Merit iOS Wallet: A mobile lightwallet that makes it easy to take Merit on the go!
- Merit Market: A simple decentralized market that allows you to trade MRT and BTC, with two-sided escrow.
- Merit Mining Pool:Merit's first mining pool implementation, zero fees.
- Merit CLI Miner: Merit command-line miner that is stratum-compatible.
- Merit BlockStats: Merit stats summary, including blocktime, mining difficulty, and suplly. (Community-Made)
- Merit Block Explorer: Merit block explorer. (Community-Made)
Blockchain Details: Merit has never done an ICO. There will be a total of 100M Merit distribution; with 4-year having intervals. Merit has a genesis block, and the Merit Foundation currently has no near-term plans of selling MRT.
- Total Supply: 100m MRT
- Target Blocktime: 1 minute
- Total Coinbase Per Block: 20 MRT
- PoG Reward per Block: 10 MRT
- PoW Reward per Block: 10 MRT
- Genesis Block Size: 20m MRT
- Genesis Block Status: Locked
More details can be found at the Merit BlockStats page above. The Community:
You can engage with the Merit Community in our public Discord Server, which is most active. We also have a public Telegram chat if you prefer.
You can apply for an invite to the community directly on the website. (This gets routed into Discord through our Discord Bot)
Activity: 65
Merit: 0
September 04, 2018, 06:29:46 PM Last edit: September 04, 2018, 06:53:49 PM by moofone |
Dedicated Servers with Raid NVMe ❄️ 1GBps with Anti-DDoS ❄️ Friendly and Responsive Support stratum+tcp:// stratum+tcp:// Invite/Growth Rewards re-distribution Policy
Incoming Growth Rewards to @icemining wallet, are evenly distributed to the miners automatically.
Regarding invite distribution, we have decided to keep 10% of them for new miners. Invites can be requested from @icemining account's to help build the icemining network and in turn gain more growth rewards which will then be distributed to the miners. We will also use these invites for random giveaways and/or promotions on the pool once we have resources to do so.
The remaining 90% will be dispersed to miners in the following way: 70% of the remaining invites will be distributed on a weekly basis to miners who have been active throughout that week, and proportional to the amount of shares they have submitted to the pool. 30% of the remaining invites will be equally distributed on a weekly basis across all miners who were active throughout that week respectively.
We have decided that if we were to distribute invites based solely on shares submitted, the largest miners would receive most of the invites, but in order to ensure smaller miners can also receive invites each week - we will distribute these evenly.
Copper Member
Jr. Member
Activity: 127
Merit: 1
September 04, 2018, 06:38:07 PM |
Merit has been listed on Pool ExplorerTrack coin network hashrate, difficulty, active mining pools in real time: Merit (MERIT) [cuckoo]
Activity: 27
Merit: 0
September 04, 2018, 06:38:44 PM Last edit: October 18, 2018, 02:43:14 PM by SolanD |
If you need an invite for activate and create new wallet, use: SolanD or this link: will accept you if you PM me your alias (wallet name). I airdrop MRT and invites to active community members. 50 invites available. (English / Pyccкий) If you need help, PM me in merit Discord ----------------------------- Ecли вaм нyжнo пpиглaшeниe для peгиcтpaции нoвoгo кoшeлькa или aктивaции, иcпoльзyйтe: SolanD или ccылкy:И aктивиpyю вaм кoшeлeк мoмeнтaльнo, ecли вы нaпишитe мнe cвoe имя кoшeлькa в личкy тyт или в диcкopд кaнaлe мoнeты. Aктивным члeнaм кoмaнды я пoмoгaю c пpиглaшeниями и дeлюcь MRT. 50 пpиглaшeний дocтyпнo. (English / Pyccкий) Ecли нyжнa мoя пoмoщь, oбpaщaйтecь кo мнe в Discord кaнaлe Merit
Activity: 2
Merit: 0
September 04, 2018, 06:40:47 PM |
Copper Member
Activity: 38
Merit: 0
September 04, 2018, 06:44:31 PM |
Merit is very nice to be with. The invite system can sound like ponzi, but it has good fundamentals to keep community under control and people helping each other. Their software is awesome and proof of growth is very engaging to get. I'd suggest to try it out before jumping to conclusions as it happened on reddit. If you want you can use my alias, PM me to get any help and invites for your friend to try it too. Have a nice, meritful day BCT!
● ● ● M E R I T [ Mine, Share, Grow ] ● ● ● ████████████████ Join Merit and get free MRT and invites using my link ████████████████ (PM me to unlock or contact me on Discord: Boozee#0607)
Jr. Member
Activity: 70
Merit: 2
September 04, 2018, 06:46:10 PM Last edit: September 04, 2018, 07:26:30 PM by KAMO287 |
So excited for Merit! If you need an invite you can use my link. I'll give you some free merit!
Join Merit + get free MRT and invites with my link: (PM me to unlock or contact me on disc/tell as: KAMO287)
Jr. Member
Activity: 39
Merit: 5
muthafukin gem huntah
September 04, 2018, 06:51:06 PM Last edit: September 04, 2018, 07:09:06 PM by mercoinz |
posting in first page of historically epic thread - reserved Some mining info: official miner bit buggy but they are working on it unoffical miner is the "optimized" miner allows you to leverage your CPU. I strongly recommend you use the readme and familiarize yourself with the various parameters. Pools: http://pool.merit.mehttp://parachute.merit.me (I've been running here for 7+ days stable 0 downtime) A lot of miners are using this loop: ( and only) :loop start merit.exe --url stratum+tcp:// --address xxxxxx --gpu 0 --cores 0 timeout /t 1800 taskkill /f /im merit.exe goto loop Or for Yimp Pools you can't use the "alias" you must use the full length address. Here is an example of a bat with the optimized miner running on Yimp, with the "fastest" parameter. zjazz.exe -a cuckoo -o stratum+tcp:// -u MUkd3GdqNCCsaHmCSAeNRnAaAGi7M4v7Xo -p c=MERIT -g 2
A few notes: No AMD, for now. If your mining rigs have slightly upgraded CPU's such as an i3 or higher, you'll get the best bang for your buck. Big rigs 6+ card systems don't do as well as smaller ones.
September 04, 2018, 06:52:57 PM Last edit: September 05, 2018, 04:23:47 AM by Oakey22 |
Great project guys Need an invite use my invite code, send me a private message on here and I'll accept straight away
September 04, 2018, 06:53:25 PM |
Can't wish to see what this project does, looks to be a fantastic one with the invite system
Activity: 7
Merit: 0
September 04, 2018, 06:56:00 PM Last edit: September 05, 2018, 12:05:48 PM by Newguy201 |
This project truly has one of the best teams in this overcrowded space of projects trying to get rich quick and scam their users by not truly offering anything of value. They are just sounds in an echo chamber. Merit and this team is truly a breath of fresh air. But please, DO NOT take my word for it. Join the community, engage with the members on discord and simply just use Merit and its software (Market, mobile wallets, desktop wallet with one-click mining, etc) and see for yourself. If you have been in this space long enough, you can easily see where this project shines and does things differently. And even if you’re new to this whole crypto thing, even better, it was designed with you in mind!✅✅✅✅✅✅✅✅✅✅✅✅✅✅✅✅✅✅✅✅✅✅✅ If you need an invite, use code: “Tommy” or the link below: I will accept you ONLY if you PM me your alias or wallet address, for verification. I airdrop MRT and invites to active community members. 2️⃣0️⃣ invites available
Activity: 89
Merit: 0
September 04, 2018, 06:57:15 PM |
A really great project here! Check out the discord or telegram and ask questions to learn more. If you are new to Merit consider using my invite. I award Merit and invite to community members who are active. Please PM.
Activity: 1
Merit: 0
September 04, 2018, 06:59:27 PM |
Activity: 1
Merit: 0
September 04, 2018, 07:11:07 PM Last edit: September 05, 2018, 07:33:35 PM by R!der |
Hello everyone! If you need an invite use "mrt" as invite code or click this link: will accept you and you will get 5 invites for free  After the request, write me at PM here or Discord (same nickname).
Copper Member
Activity: 33
Merit: 0
I'm a Free Software Developer.
September 04, 2018, 07:15:24 PM |
One part of Merit that is new is the idea of Proof-of-Growth. It's a new concept and people tend to take new concepts and try to map them to existing ideas. Before you do that, please read about how Proof-of-Growth works. by reading the bluepaper. Key ways to think of it.
- You are not required to invite anyone to earn growth rewards. - Kind of like an Interest bearing account on the blockchain. - Kind of like A digital interest-bearing bond. - Coin age is used in score calculation, coins at 30 days old are fully mature, coins at 7 days old are 50% mature. - Many strategies including staking, growing your network or doing both. - A way to further decentralize the currency. - You do not need to purchase anything to earn growth rewards, staking and growing your network does not burn any coins. - rewards are decentralized and part of the protocol, no central authority giving them out. - Improve coin stability by disincentivizing dumping. - New coins are not created by users, PoG just decides how a portion of the coinbase is distributed. The supply of the currency is fixed to 100 million.
There are many ways to think of Proof-of-Growth, but I think in time people will understand it to be a new thing, not like some other thing.
Activity: 2
Merit: 0
September 04, 2018, 07:15:56 PM |
Dev's worked hard, git repo burning 24/7
Activity: 15
Merit: 0
September 04, 2018, 07:21:59 PM |
This is a really good project. This new invitation system can do something great. If you want to join, here is my invitation link : will send you 1 Merit after accepting invitation so you can mine directly. Send me a PM with your Merit alias on discord so i can accept you. Here is my discord ID : 164371071393464320