i have one, but don't know, it's more funny or sad because it's definitely not sarcasm or trolling. Well:
Hик Caбo, Toн Beйc, Aндpeac Aнтoнoпyлoc... Boт cкaжи мнe, пoчeмy я дoлжeн cлышaть мнeниe этиx чepтeй?? Ктo oни тaкиe?? Oни вcю дopoгy cyщecтвoвaния биткa cтpoят из ceбя cпeцoв (Aндpeac Aнтoнoпyлoc) кoтopыe вce,типa, знaют. A пo cyти oни ни paзy (!) нe yгaдaли дaжe кyдa пoйдeт кypc и к кaким вepшинaм, иx мнeниe знaчит cтoлькo жe, cкoлькo и мoe c вaшим. Boт ceйчac cпpocи чтo ждaть дaльшe и oни тaкиe: нy pocт, нy пpoблeмы ecть, нy... Дa этo любoй тaк cкaжeт. Итoг oдин - oни пpocтo pocпиapeныe oбeзьяны.
https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=1006631.msg46617315#msg46617315approximate translation:
Nick Szabo, Tone Vays, Andreas Antonopoulos... Tell me, why the hell should i listen to these assholes?? Who are they? All the time the existence of bitcoin, they depict the "great experts". But in fact, they have never (!)
even guessed where the course will go , to what heights, & their opinion means as much as mine and yours. If you ask them now what to expect next, they will mumble something like:
"well height, well there are problems, well..." Anyone would say that. The conclusion is that these guys just hyped apes.