will be my mining coin for the next days,i want to reach a good amount

Too bad diff will be so high this will not be profitable even if absurdly gets to 1 Rt2= 1
BTCThere are only 288.000RT2 so it could be possible.
.....................................................are you dumb? the ipo was 2.8k coins 0.42% was bought adding 1209 coins into circulation go ahead and buy it for 1btc
(crackhead) this coin is nothing but an ipo scam and pump and dump attempt (bravo) your pulling it off
Then don't mine our coin if you think that about it. It's pretty easy.
Thanks to all the community for your support!
Im simply telling people all you care about is $$ you greedy bastard (insert greedy fuck here) you valued your coin at 50million with nothing but another meme to back it.
Crying like a baby because you didn't get any block?
Honestly I couldn't care less if i found a block i have plenty of btc to buy anycoins i want, now please tell me what this coin offers other then being (RARE) LOL (Our community is strong and we won't let the coin fall, we won't deceive you) you have already been deceived

I knew I saw your nickname before.
Please if now you are angry because you didn't invest thinking that we were going to run away with the IPO, it's fine, but don't come here to disturb the thread
LOL, I sent that message to see who you were using for an escrow! you dogey scammy fuck
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« Sent to: Zackgeno96 on: March 21, 2014, 10:42:14 PM »
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The scrow is @lulutis2000, a trusted member of this community.
If you invest 0.1BTC you will get 2.88RT2.
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Re: (No subject)
« Sent to: Zackgeno96 on: March 21, 2014, 10:48:08 PM »
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He is helping with us, you can trust him.
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getting a reply from the dev saying (He is helping with us) and using an escrow with 0 rep is (dogey as fuck) im glad i didn't invest in this shit you strong along everyone saying just a couple more minutes 1hour 9 mins later.......