I have been lately on a spree to distribute all my sMerits today (
check my merits history) to those who deserve them (not necessarily the posts which didn't receive any merits before but those which had some merits already).
I am in a good mood and decided to give away all my merits that I possess now. So, this is a challenge with no rules whatsoever and I have decided that the best people will get my sMerits. This is not a first come first serve challenge so you definitely have a chance to get one from me. However, your posts should be original, of high quality and must have relevant content to the thread you posted in 'doesn't apply to OP posts'.
So no rules, no restrictions, just pure quality is all I am looking for.
Additionally, if I get any merits for this thread 'not expecting much but if I get then' I will be sharing all those sMerits with people who applied
hereI don't want to hoard them any more as sharing is caring and I care for the community. So come and steal them away from me while you can.